This September I Will (Have No Snowballs)....



  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,156 Member
    Pretrack to not go over maintaince Y

    Track every bit of picking and grazing!!!Y Number 1 goal!!!

    Dedicate 5 min a day to reading posts in mfp Y

    Manage my stress and time and take regular breaks understanding work is not everything! Y

    After 4pm I will not start any new projects to ensure I leave at 4.30pm for my date with bub! Y
    Plan my work outs for variety. Y

    Stay under maintaince on Thur to Sunday night N/A

    Plan an activity to do with bub after work. Y

    Face care routine Y

    Moisturise body Y

    More daily optimisation for our Long term goal of financial independence Y
  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,156 Member

    Hello Habit Builders!

    As we let go of summer and transition to fall, now is a great time to reassess where we are, how our goals are progressing, and what we need to do to wrap up 2023 as we intended back in January.

    Summers have a glorious way of meandering us off track. And in some sense, that's what summers should do! But off track suggests getting back "on track" and sometimes new (bad) habits develop real momentum. They are like snowballs!

    They all start innocently enough.

    You join in your family’s nightly ritual of snacking while watching TV at night, despite a pledge to yourself that you’ll close your food diary and stop eating at 7pm. Or your schedule gets thrown for a loop one day causing you to skip your workout and before you know it, you haven’t exercised in 3 weeks. Or maybe wine just on the weekends has morphed into a nightly event?

    Arghh! You’ve got a bad habit brewing and it needs to stop. This is the month!

    Bad habits, just like good habits, are formed by repetition. We do something once, then a few more times, and before we know it, it’s become part of our daily routine, and often something we do without being consciously aware that we are doing it. As with good habits, bad habits are triggered by a cue, such as nightly TV watching, and cemented by the enjoyment or benefits we get from doing the habit. But unlike good habits, the pleasure we get from bad habits is usually immediate, which makes them especially sticky and easy to pick up. Sure, we know that regular exercise gives us lots of health benefits, but a plate of homemade cookies is delicious NOW.

    So this September, if you’ve started doing something recently that is working against the health and fitness goals that you’ve set for yourself, step in and break the cycle. Let's stop those habit snowballs!

    Looking forward to hearing what you'll be working on this month!

    🌷Denise & 🌸Maddie
    @themedalist & @MadisonMolly2017

    New to Habit Building?

    Please review our Newcomer’s Guide and our Nuts and Bolts of Habit Building as it will help you get started. Set a reminder to check-in periodically with us. Check-in daily, weekly, or as often as works for you, but let us know how you are progressing! We're here to support and encourage you, but if you don't post, we can't cheer you on.

    I just had a chance to read this and love it! U sure have a way with words @themedalist xo
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    edited September 2023
    BHH September I will …..
    🪴🍁🍂 September 2023 🍂🍁🪴

    I am a person who values the health and fitness of body mind and soul

    Habits keep me going when motivation flags.

    September I will …..
    September focus:

    📍Consolidate Solid Habits
    I find it useful to have these habits listed.

    Daily Solid Habits:
    💎Right This Minute: Anti procrastination strategy
    💎Just DO it!!!
    Morning Routines:
    💎Daily Meditation
    💎Walk/Make beds/Shiny Sinks
    💎Post Sole Mates steps
    💎Weigh < 140/log
    💎Monitor %age Fat/Muscle
    💎Log CI<CO/Balance macros
    💎Herbal tea/supplements
    💎Self care
    💎Quality time with DH
    💎Ablutions/dress/Shiny sinks
    In between:
    💎Intentional exercise > 60 minutes
    💎Cardio > 5500 steps
    💎Strength > 15 minutes
    💎Flex > 15 minutes
    💎Active hours > 6
    💎Zone minutes > 25
    💎Declutter > 15 minutes
    💎Daily chores
    💎General chores
    💎jigsaw/puzzles/TV favourites
    💎Meet with friends
    💎Quality family time
    Evening Routines:
    💎Sole Mates evening reminder
    💎Close Fitbit rings/Zone minutes
    💎Building Healthy Habits
    💎Duolingo Latin
    💎Update Women over 50
    💎Switch off screens at 11.15pm
    💎Clutter Sweep

    YOU are worth the effort!


  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    @donna25trinity great job so far this month.
    @MadisonMolly2017 You are so right Sleep is an important factor in our well-being.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    CuckooGMA wrote: »
    New to discussion today.

    In September, I will:
    1. Continue StepBet challenge to increase mobility
    2. Adhere to bedtime/arise times

    Welcome to the group.
  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,156 Member
    7th sep

    Pretrack to not go over maintaince Y

    Track b4 i eat it, Track every bit of picking and grazing!!!Y Number 1 goal!!! Y

    Dedicate 5 min a day to reading posts in mfp Y

    Manage my stress and time and take regular breaks understanding work is not everything! Y

    After 4pm I will not start any new projects to ensure I leave at 4.30pm for my date with bub! Y

    Plan my work outs for variety. Y

    Stay under maintaince on Thur to Sunday night Y

    Plan an activity to do with bub after work. Y

    Face care routine Y

    Moisturise body Y

    More daily optimisation for our Long term goal of financial independence Y

  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,337 Member
    This September (and hopefully into the future) when I get up in the morning, I’ll get dressed right away like I used to do when I was working for a living.

    If I don’t get dressed right away, I tend to spend hours drinking coffee in my pajamas. This means I don’t get to exercise or to housework or anything except being on the computer.

    My goal is to be dressed before I leave my bedroom.
    September 1- Rise and Shine 🌅
    September 2- Rise and shine 🌅
    September 3- Rise and shine 🌅
    September 4- Rise and Shine 🌅
    September 5- Rise and Shine 🌅
    September 6- Rise and Shine 🌅
    September 7- Rise and Shine 🌅
    September 8- Rise and Shine 🌅
    September 9- Rise and Shine 🌅

    It’s been going well with my getting dressed before I leave the bedroom in the morning. I feel like this is a habit to help support all my other habits. I really needed it for a very busy week, and next week is going to be even busier.
  • CuckooGMA
    CuckooGMA Posts: 3 Member
    I haven’t posted for several days but I am keeping up my StepBet challenge. My other goal was consistent bedtime, which I was lax on the first two days but then got in the groove.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    edited September 2023
    BHH September I will …..
    🪴🍁🍂 September 2023 🍂🍁🪴

    I am a person who values the health and fitness of body mind and soul

    Habits keep me going when motivation flags.

    September I will …..
    September focus:
    📍Consolidate Solid Habits
    I find it useful to have these habits listed.

    Daily Solid Habits:
    💎Right This Minute: Anti procrastination strategy
    💎Just DO it!!!
    Morning Routines:
    💎Daily Meditation
    💎Walk/Make beds/Shiny Sinks
    💎Post Sole Mates steps
    💎Weigh < 140/log
    💎Monitor %age Fat/Muscle
    💎Log CI<CO/Balance macros
    💎Herbal tea/supplements
    💎Self care
    💎Quality time with DH
    💎Ablutions/dress/Shiny sinks
    In between:
    💎Intentional exercise > 60 minutes
    💎Cardio > 5500 steps
    💎Strength > 15 minutes
    💎Flex > 15 minutes
    💎Active hours > 6
    💎Zone minutes > 25
    💎Declutter > 15 minutes
    💎Daily chores
    💎General chores
    💎jigsaw/puzzles/TV favourites
    💎Meet with friends
    💎Quality family time
    Evening Routines:
    💎Sole Mates evening reminder
    💎Close Fitbit rings/Zone minutes
    💎Building Healthy Habits
    💎Duolingo Latin
    💎Update Women over 50
    💎Switch off screens at 11.15pm
    💎Clutter Sweep

    YOU are worth the effort!

  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,156 Member
    Thur through to Monday

    Pretrack to not go over maintaince Y

    Track b4 i eat it, Track every bit of picking and grazing!!!Y Number 1 goal!!! Y

    Dedicate 5 min a day to reading posts in mfp Y

    Manage my stress and time and take regular breaks understanding work is not everything! Y

    After 4pm I will not start any new projects to ensure I leave at 4.30pm for my date with bub! Y

    Plan my work outs for variety. Y

    Stay under maintaince on Thur to Sunday night Y

    Plan an activity to do with bub after work. Y

    Face care routine Y

    Moisturise body Y

    More daily optimisation for our Long term goal of financial independence Y
  • LavenderMerle
    LavenderMerle Posts: 31 Member
    Hi. My name is DeAnn. I'm 60 years old with new knees and ready to MOVE again. I have been trying out different groups to find one that fits. This group hit me at just the right time as I was very tempted to (AGAIN) sign up for an expensive program that promised to finally "fix" me permanently. Yup. I've been there before and I'm still fat. Also, I have decided I do not need fixing. I just need to change up my habits. I have read books on habit forming before and I love the concept. I have printed out the Newcomers Guide and Nuts and Bolts information and I will spend time today filling out the form. I believe in "baby steps" and that is where I will start. Thank you for letting me join your group.
  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,156 Member


    Pretrack to not go over maintaince y

    Track b4 i eat it, Track every bit of picking and grazing!!!Y Number 1 goal!!! Y

    Dedicate 5 min a day to reading posts in mfp Y

    Manage my stress and time and take regular breaks understanding work is not everything! Y

    After 4pm I will not start any new projects to ensure I leave at 4.30pm for my date with bub! Y

    Plan my work outs for variety. Y

    Stay under maintaince on Thur to Sunday night Y

    Plan an activity to do with bub after work. Y

    Face care routine no

    Moisturise body no

    More daily optimisation for our Long term goal of financial independence y
  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,156 Member
    14th sep
    Pretrack to not go over maintaince Y

    Track b4 i eat it, Track every bit of picking and grazing!!!Y Number 1 goal!!! Y

    Dedicate 5 min a day to reading posts in mfp Y

    Manage my stress and time and take regular breaks understanding work is not everything! NO LUNCH BREAK TODAY!

    After 4pm I will not start any new projects to ensure I leave at 4.30pm for my date with bub! N

    Plan my work outs for variety. Y

    Stay under maintaince on Thur to Sunday night Y

    Plan an activity to do with bub after work. Y

    Face care routine Y

    Moisturise body Y

    More daily optimisation for our Long term goal of financial independence Y
  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,156 Member
    25th and 26th
    Pretrack to not go over maintaince Y

    Track b4 i eat it, Track every bit of picking and grazing!!!Y Number 1 goal!!! Y

    Dedicate 5 min a day to reading posts in mfp Y

    Manage my stress and time and take regular breaks understanding work is not everything! Y

    After 4pm I will not start any new projects to ensure I leave at 4.30pm for my date with bub! Y

    Plan my work outs for variety. Y

    Stay under maintaince on Thur to Sunday night Y

    Plan an activity to do with bub after work. Y

    Face care routine Y

    Moisturise body Y

    More daily optimisation for our Long term goal of financial independence Y
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,337 Member
    @donna25trinity , you have been so steadfast in your September goals.

    My rise and shine goal has gone very well, and I hope that I’m getting out of that habit of staying in my pjs and wasting the morning hours. This habit is leading into another good habit - riding my spin bike each morning (or most mornings). On to October.

    My September goal of sewing every day, which wasn’t an unqualified success has led me to get some projects accomplished although not the Civil War era skirt. I made some elf ears for my granddaughter and also a pair of lace embellished gloves.

  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,337 Member
    @LavenderMerle , welcome! I hope you have had a good September. Fall is a good time to start moving more thanks to cooler weather.
    Sorry that I haven’t been posting in order to welcome you earlier.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    BHH September I will …..
    🪴🍁🍂 September 2023 🍂🍁🪴

    I am a person who values the health and fitness of body mind and soul

    Habits keep me going when motivation flags.

    September I will …..
    September focus:
    📍Consolidate Solid Habits

    I find it useful to have my solid habits listed.

    Daily Solid Habits:
    💎Right This Minute: Anti procrastination strategy
    💎Just DO it!!!
    Morning Routines:
    💎Daily Meditation
    💎Walk/Make beds/Shiny Sinks
    💎Post Sole Mates steps
    💎Weigh < 140/log
    💎Monitor %age Fat/Muscle
    💎Log CI<CO/Balance macros
    💎Herbal tea/supplements
    💎Self care
    💎Quality time with DH
    💎Ablutions/dress/Shiny sinks
    In between:
    💎Intentional exercise > 60 minutes
    💎Cardio > 5500 steps
    💎Strength > 15 minutes
    💎Flex > 15 minutes
    💎Active hours > 6
    💎Zone minutes > 25
    💎Declutter > 15 minutes
    💎Daily chores
    💎General chores
    💎jigsaw/puzzles/TV favourites
    💎Meet with friends
    💎Quality family time
    Evening Routines:
    💎Sole Mates evening reminder
    💎Close Fitbit rings/Zone minutes
    💎Building Healthy Habits
    💎Duolingo Latin
    💎Update Women over 50
    💎Switch off screens at 11.15pm
    💎Clutter Sweep

    YOU are worth the effort!

    I have had such a busy month. Haven’t had much time to comment here. All my groups have restarted, so time is at a premium, as much admin had to be completed.

    I’m planning to focus on self care in October, as that often suffers when we are busy.

    Terri 🦄

  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,156 Member
    77tes wrote: »
    @donna25trinity , you have been so steadfast in your September goals.

    My rise and shine goal has gone very well, and I hope that I’m getting out of that habit of staying in my pjs and wasting the morning hours. This habit is leading into another good habit - riding my spin bike each morning (or most mornings). On to October.

    My September goal of sewing every day, which wasn’t an unqualified success has led me to get some projects accomplished although not the Civil War era skirt. I made some elf ears for my granddaughter and also a pair of lace embellished gloves.


    Love te earings and gloves @77tes