Roll Call ~ Sunday 2/18/24

manladdvm Posts: 8,662 Member
Mornin' gents.


  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,662 Member
    NSV! Clients dropped off Valentines candy this week and yesterday some delicious looking pastries. I abstained!
    Although not as successful as Dave, my weight is slowly decreasing. I tend to use all my points, and at the same time eat a lot of Zero point foods.
    Sorry about the Urologist snafu, Bill. He could have handled that situation better.
    I think I am going to go for a snow shoe with my pups this am. 12 degrees, but clear here.

    Onward and downward ;-)
  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,106 Member
    Good morning!

    Frankie woke me about 5:15. I am staying up this morning rather than going back to bed. I have a lot that I want to accomplish today.

    The Betrhealth plan is working. I'm at -6.6 now. I am getting more in sync with the plan and not fighting it as much. I'll be headed to the store this morning.

    I pretty much rested yesterday. We went to an organic foods store. Interesting. I am seeing more how eating healthy can be more expensive than eating junk. On the other hand, we have not eaten out and are saving money there.

    We had snow on Friday, and expect 70 by Wednesday. Plants are freaking out. Such is the pendulum swinging of late winter, false spring.

    Have a great day!
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,614 Member
    Good Morning,
    Knee is only going out about four times a day, shoulder worst than before therapy, will see orthopedic Thursday.
    Fence in back is complete except for paint and one latch.
    My weight was down yesterday morning then we went and ate Mexican last night, up 3,5 lbs.
    35 this morning warming into mid 50's today mid 60's tomorrow; no rain forecasted till possibly Friday.
    Glad most seeing some improvement.
    Bill, I no longer care what doctors think especially when I know the amount of kickbacks for drugs prescribed.
  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,438 Member
    Mornin’ gents. Did another decent hike late yesterday in forest preserve. Nobody there, although two sets of footprints in the snow ahead of me.

    Rushing off to DGS's hockey game in Falmouth, 100 miles away. Gotta run...
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,561 Member
    Good Morning

    We fly out this morning to Eugene and the drive over to Florence. We are very excited for the trip and getting some energy back into our move this summer. We meet with the realtor 9am tomorrow to see 3 houses. Yesterday, besides laundry, cleaning and packing, I managed to finish getting our front door ready for painting. I sanded all the paint edges left from the drills steel brush attack on the peeling paint and primed the exposed metal. This pretty much guarantees that when the paint this building this week they will skip the doors. I managed to re-aggravate my shoulder getting into bed last night and ended up getting up to take some meds and try and sleep in the recliner. I hope to eat responsibly while traveling. It won't be perfect but sometimes it is just about the effort.
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,900 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    Hope all the aching shoulders and knees are better today.

    Enjoy the trip, Bill.

    My NSV for the day is blood pressure. This morning it was 106/64. I really can't figure out how my BP dropped so much, so quickly, but I'll take it.

    Showers all day, today. Church this morning and DGD has a concert in Olympia this evening.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,094 Member
    Bill: I don't get some of these urologists indeed. My urologist stated (erroneously) that I had stopped the idea of radiation treatment when I clearly had stated with agreement by the radiation oncologist (nice guy) that I was going to wait until after eye surgery and recovery anyway. I remember him throwing some blood soaked 4x4's on the floor when he did the painful biopsy on me. I sorta got a second opinion and suddenly my urologist was much nicer my last visit. Resisting name calling here but ya get the idea.
    Yes the second opinion doc said that the hormone shots were "standard treatment".

    Snowshoeing sounds great Lee!!
    I am doing better with tracking on the "new" WW plan. Actually tracking. Went a bit deep on points yesterday but ok with that.
    Gosh hang in there Sam with that pesky knee for heavens sake!
    I am somewhat in your camp Sam about docs and drugs. Because of my wife's job I have attended two extravaganzas put on by drug companies. One event they rented the entire top of the Seattle Space Needle and had several premium food stations and free drinks galore for the evening. the other one was in Montreal Canada at a premium location which had its own ice skating rink inside goddesses in white skating outfits to help you around the rink if ya needed help and endless gourmet food. These evernts pale to the paid for trips etc.
    Yes some drugs are standard, but it is also true that with prostate stuff patients do have rights and in fact docs are somewhat directed to follow patient choices in determining treatment. My radiation oncologist is just fine with that.
    Chilly showers today but am pre-sprouting my peas in a jar. (Some have pre-sprouted seeds (after overnight soaking) using damp paper towels wrapped in saran wrap. I just use an old mayo jar with the mouth covered in damp cheese cloth laying on its side with a damp piec of paper towels thrown inside to keep the peas moist. I rinse once or twice and then just leave this set up on its side until the primary roots start to pop out of the peas and then plant them. Feb is a good time to plant peas in Portland (or anytime within 5 weeks of last frost date).
    Hang in there guys!

    Nice hike Mike!!