Roll Call - Leap Day Edition - February 29, 2024

shenry111 Posts: 4,106 Member
Happy Leap Day!


  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,106 Member
    Good morning!

    Congratulations to all the losers! I was really hoping for 10 pounds lost in February. I am at 9.9. I will take that and continue onward and downward.

    I have to admit that I am really noticing positive changes in the way that I feel. This encourages me to keep going.

    We are in the heat of moving at work. Equipment is going out the door. The final piece of it will be the office on 3/11. All of the factory will be over there by next Thursday/Friday. Our computerized equipment and CNC machines will move next Tuesday/Wednesday. We are bringing in a professional to help with that. We have three large computerized wire cutting saws and two large CNC machines.

    Lee, the cheesecake sounds wonderful. It would be off my list as it is currently because I can't have artificial sweets. I can only have raw honey and Stevia.

    Have a great day!
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,614 Member
    Good Morning,
    Steve you beat Mike by two minutes.
    Emmaus breakfast this morning, then a run to Costco for up coming Emmaus walk.
    Pablo has already been out, come in and taken over DW;s chair.
    Much cooler today
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,900 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    DW was baking yesterday. I held myself to one warm chocolate chip cookie and a small bowl of apple crisp. The rest went over to DS and family. They are heading to a mountain cabin for four days to celebrate DDIL's birthday.

    Yesterday I don't think it stopped raining all day. Lots of rain, again, today. Also, cold and windy. Pretty unpleasant. Shop time, today, with choir tonight.
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,561 Member
    Good Morning

    Apple Crisp sounds good. Thankfully my recipe book for that one is packed away in storage. A warm apple crisp with a bit of vanilla ice cream is a joy. Best to keep moving past that one.

    Rain is moving in today for the weekend. Heather is under the weather, so I stayed in most of the day except for a grocery run and kept her company. Plumbing day as sink in our bathroom needs my non-magical touch. I need to get these things done before the surgery. I will sneak out before the rain comes for a walk around the hood.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,094 Member
    that's great Lee that your wife made WW friendly cheesecake!!
    Not so cold here yesterday but in the 50s until late with some rain showers. Temp finally dropped late last night early morning and in upper 30s. Probably some "chunky rain/snow mix" high up in the west hills of PDX but not here or downtown. More likely some mix tomorrow or Saturday.
    Going out tonight but think probably no mix snow in the rain. Certainly nothing sticking in the lowlands.
    Got my elderly brother a new phone and plan in Iowa. He was having problems as his old cell phone company wouldn't except cash payment and he couldn't get 10 numbers in a row on his phone to pay with his debit card etc. He is doing pretty well after a stroke a couple of years ago.
    Stay comfy all and may your pains be lessened!!