Roll Call - Saturday, March 2, 2024

shenry111 Posts: 4,128 Member
Good morning!


  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,128 Member
    Good morning!

    Frankie let me sleep until almost 5:00 this morning.

    I have a bunch planned for today. I hope to get several projects taken care of this weekend. We are supposed to have glorious weather, so I plan to spend part of the weekend outside. I'm thinking maybe a short hike this morning, early.

    I have officially lost more than 10 pounds now. I was at 182.6 this morning which is -10.4 since the 1st of February. This next week I start level II, where I can starting adding in one new food every other day. This week the focus will be adding more fruits and veggies. First up is broccoli. A good part about this whole thing is that Blue Cross Blue Shield is picking up the tab. This coming week is my last week with a coach, but I will have full access to the rest of the program for a year.

    Have a great day!
  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,457 Member
    Sounds like a good solid plan Steve. I hope it continues to help.

    Well, yesterday DS Shawn came down with a stomach bug at work, went home and started vomiting. Since he has a liver transplant and has to be cautious, he called his PCP who sent him to Urgent care. They tested for COVID, Flu and RSV, all negative. My EX drove him. After an hour she asked him to call his transplant doc, who told him he should instead go to the ER at the hospital. He ended up waiting there 12 hours and never got through the waiting room, and exhausted, they finally decided to go home. His symptoms had at least stopped, but I imagine he must be dehydrated and needing electrolytes. He’s probably sleeping but I might go to the transplant clinic when it opens and see if he can go there to get checked. Ridiculous…

    My rant for the day…

  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,645 Member
    Good Morning,
    Congrats Steve.
    Hopefully Shawn is better this morning, and it was just a bug.
    Cloudy this morning but at least rain has stopped, should get to mid 60's.
    Club is going to chili cookoff, knee was out of socket most of night and shoulder is still irritated, do not believe I'll take toad out till knee and shoulder are better,
    Hope other guys are doing good and Lee is out contributing to system, critters need fixing an dI want a raise.
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,935 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    Great progress, Steve.

    Hope Shawn is OK, Mike.

    Really sorry about your knee and shoulder, Sam. Hope they improve, soon.

    Hope everyone else is doing well.

    We got a break in the endless showers, yesterday, so Sassy and I took a 5-mile walk. I had some pain in my left hip, but not bad, and it improved. I hope I can deal with these residual pains when the doctor clears me to exercise more.

    On a positive note, I weighed yesterday at 169 lbs. That's the first time under 170 in years.
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,682 Member
    Afternoon gents

    Down a pound this week. At this rate, it'll take me 101 weeks to match Dave's weight.
    Congrats, you losers!
    Worked this morning . Catching up on records and communications now.
    I do not like the sound of "knee out of socket". That just sounds disturbing. Is it a knee with its original parts or OEM replacement parts?

    Onward and downward ;-)
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,577 Member
    Good Morning

    Steve, congratulations on your progress!

    Mike, there is nothing in emergency medicine that connotes any sense or awareness of emergency. 12 hours is a long time to hang in there for your son without being seen. There prioritization remains a mystery. I assume Emergency Medicine doesn’t generate enough profit so it gets minimum resources.

    Sam, have they not been able to resolve what is wrong with your knee? This has been going on a long time.

    I had a pre-op visit with my surgeon. He went over all my symptoms again, did some strength testing and when I asked a couple questions, explained the whole procedure to me again and discussed my blood results which have some oddities from my radiation stuff. We reviewed meds and he has taken over all pain management meds now sending a letter to my Pain Dr who referred m. I was sent over to the local hospital for an EKG. I left a happy camper. Though they had to shift my surgery to 3pm which means we will drive home in the teeth of Silicone Valley traffic. My son made us Chicken Parm Sandwiches for dinner and old NY favorite of mine. He heard me go one about them after running into this NY delicacy last month. Self Control did not take place.
  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,457 Member
    Visited DS at noon, brought 3 L of Pedialyte, fluids & electrolytes. He had slept about 5 hrs, after just cat naps in a chair in the ER, and he actually looked very good. Good color in his face, spirits seems good, and no jaundice in the eyes like he sometimes has when dehydrated. I guess he survived this one. Will talk w/ transplant docs Monday when the clinic opens...