Roll call ~ Sunday, March 3, 2024

mikehikemike Posts: 3,470 Member
good morning men...


  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,470 Member
    RIse n shine.

    Church this morning, and definitely a walk somewhere, rain has ceased and mostly just cloudy today.

    DS seems to be okay after his all-nighter at the "emergency" room. He never got seen or treated and gave up.

    Stiff and sore this morning. I guess when you get old you can hurt yourself just by sleeping.

    As the weather gets milder and the ice melts in the river coves, time to get the canoe ready for some paddling soon.

    Have a good Sunday everyone.
  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,140 Member
    Good morning!

    Windy and 80 here in Kansas today. Mike, I'm starting to think about the kayak too. I got my e-bike out yesterday for the first spin of the year.

    Lots going on today as I decided to take most of yesterday off. Cleaning chores and groceries. Lots of little projects needing attention.

    Frankie got me up at 4:30 again this morning. Sigh....

    Prayers that Shawn is OK.

    Have a great day!
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,954 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    Miserable weather out here. We were thinking thoughts of spring, with the first daffodils popping up, then we get a week of rain and snow mixed. Just nasty.

    Yesterday, I turned the largest piece I have worked on since my surgery. It's a 9-inch-tall vase from a section of English Laurel that has been sitting on the floor of my shop for two or three years. I had to remove the tail stock of my lathe to mount my hollowing system. The tail stock weighs a lot more than my 10-lb. limit, but I was careful when lifting it. Don't tell Rita.

  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,692 Member
    Mornin' gents

    Glad Shawn seems to be OK. Sometimes my clinic gets a bit overwhelmed like that ER. Sounds like the person in charge of triage had too many cases and missed an important qualifier such as being a transplant recipient.
    Clearing the cobwebs at the moment after eating too much food and too much wine at a game dinner last night. Sat next to a couple of interesting individuals. One my age and one much younger. The younger man was my guest, a veteran of the Iraq War and an entrepreneur. He works a full time job and runs a game bird farm. I was hoping to set up some connections for him and that might have happened. Anyway, he was great company. The other guy was a retired fireman whose wife is the head receptionist at a referral veterinary clinic, and I have had many conversations with his wife. Small world.
    I blew up all my weeklies and actually am in the negative weeklies. I guess I need to do some walking and lifting today to garner some activity points to at least get me out of the negative. My body is telling me to just lay down, LOL.
    I am proud of myself in that I tracked everything, in spite of my inability to moderate my portions (the wild hawg lasagna was my pitfall). I did not eat any bread!
    Sam, hope that knee isn't barking at you too much.
    Rita's headaches and elbow OK?
    Chicken Parm sammiches sound very pointy, but delicious.
    So glad you got the E-bike out, Steve. Sounds fun.

    Onward and downward ;-)
  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,470 Member
    “wild hawg lasagna “?
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,103 Member
    edited March 3
    Mike: so sorry with your ordeal with Shawn. OMG. I have had to develop my own "triage tree" of when and where to go for treatment.
    I made the mistake of going to urgent care with an obviously dislocated baby finger once. I sat there forever and the ER woman doc sent me to the ER anyway to have a stronger doc pop it back in place. It was dislocated the full width of the joint sideways and obvious. Cynically I view urgent care as mostly ordinary colds and some minor stitch ups etc. My wife however did OK with broken rib and diagnosis there. Treatment is not much anyway, just be careful and wait to heal.
    My weight was up at WW meeting . It was still barely below my WW goal which is at the upper limit of where my weight should be the day after eating curry out. I knew it would be but was ok with going anyway.

    Mostly just icy cold rain right now with few if any snowflakes.

    10 lb is a small sack of flour. Not much. I fudge on that myself like all guys!!
    Yeah nice that ya got in a bike ride on your E-bike Steve! fun. 80 degrees is just a distant memory here.
    My first peas stuck up their heads in the wintry mix (I had pre-sprouted them to about 1/2" of root before planting about 12 days before that).
    Hang in there with all your surgeries and other treatment..

  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,586 Member
    Good Morning

    Glad to hear DS is recovering now Mike.

    Yesterday was cold and wet so we stayed in and ended up doing nothing. So I told Heather we needed to get up and out of the house today and not just lay around all day. So today we are off to a nearby Museum and then for a walk, indoors if necessary. Then home for laundry and other chores.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,103 Member
    edited March 3
    I just looked at a WW friend's situation who lives now in Lebanon. When I feel sorry for myself I think about the situation for her and her husband. She took over a WW bulletin board thread for another WW leader who got me to use bike journal and an activity thread. Below is her account of today.

    "We have no landline for the phone and when reported (again) the recording says it will be at least five working days to be fixed. There is no government, banking is a joke as they make rules and change monetary values as they wish, there hasn't been a president for - in october 2023 it had been a year without a president and there is an acting parliament that can't really DO anything. Most government officials are "under investigation". Garbage is not being collected, water and electricity are iffy along with the internet, the motor vehicle department are unable to issue licenses and the people that test cars were taking bribes to say cars were okay and get people in line faster so that has been closed down. Passports could not be printed for awhile as paper and the necessary items were not available. Banks are charging to make photocopies. Stamps to validate paperwork for the government are disappearing and cannot be found...and the list goes on. My husband went to the water authority this week to find out why we hadn't had water for a week and they wanted prepayment for the coming year and said they would charge extra if we use more than the amount we are metered to receive. If it isn't one thing it is another. is what it is and we have a LOT more than many. Having the currency devalue from 1,500 lira per dollar to 100,000 lira per dollar also hit people hard - if they were earning in lira then their income disappeared and if they had savings in lira that was gone. If you want to get money from the bank from a dollar account that existed before the crash you can only withdraw about 100 to 150 dollars a month and not at the black market higher rate but a fixed government rate...I could go on..."

  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,692 Member
    That is a horrible situation in Lebanon. Prayers for that woman and her family, AND the people of Lebanon.
    Wild Boar italian seasoned sausage was used to make the Lasagna, Mike. It was SO good.
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,658 Member
    Good Afternoon,
    Been churched, another meeting this afternoon,
    Glad Shawn is OK.
    Need to take Pablo out for another walk before we leave again.