Roll call ~ Mon. Mar 11, '24

mikehikemike Posts: 3,470 Member
Rise and shine gentlemen..


  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,140 Member
    Good morning!

    Facing a new commute this morning. In my favor is that a lot of schools have spring break this week, so maybe the traffic will be less? I don't have a computer and my desk is not set up. The IT people are supposed to be at the office at 8:00 this morning. I'm not sure what the day will bring. I'm still not all right from Friday. If it is too bad, I'll just take the rest of the day off once I get the banking done.

    Spring is starting to show here in Kansas. I need to start thinking about getting the garden ready and my oil changed on my lawn mower.

    Bill, I'm glad that you are starting to find some relief. Prayers continue for you.

    Have a great day!
  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,470 Member
    edited March 11
    Gusty winds roaring outside this morning... and 22º! What happened to our early spring?

    Got out for a short walk yesterday; mostly practiced on the piano. Will dive into the tax situation today. I hate doing taxes.

    Hope to get to DDIL's piano in Melrose this week, and maybe catch one of DGS's youth basketball games. Might get in another canoe trip; supposed to get into the 60's one day.

    Did a 1/2 hour walk around the grounds yesterday. My Fitbit watch which seemed to be resurrected died again yesterday. Only hold a charge for a few hours. Probably battery is shot. Looks nigh impossible to replace myself and expensive to have it done.
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,954 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    It's a 41-degree rain, with wind, this morning. Not very spring-like here, either. Yet by the end of the week, it is supposed to be near 70 and sunny.

    Our lawn needs to be mowed, but I can't do so without violating doctor's orders. It seems ludicrous to have the same limitations now, two months after my surgery as I did 8 weeks ago, but until I talk to the doc in a couple weeks that is my life.

    Hope all the rest of you undergoing treatment and recovering do well today.
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,658 Member
    Good Morning,
    ROMEO's this morning, then bank now home with knee out again.
    Hope to get knee back in place since Pablo is having a fit for his long walk; try to do between 3 and 4 miles.
    Started out cool this morning, should rise into mid 60's later in week getting up to upper 70's; need to prep garden and start looking for seed and plants.
    Hope to get sod in next week for backyard.
    We still believe AB is GREAT
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,586 Member
    Good Morning

    I haven’t had a good nights sleep in a while and I am feeling it. Another exciting day of not doing too much again today. Mostly I am trying to remember to get up and walk around. Sam, is there a plan for your knee yet?