Roll Call - Saturday, March 16, 2024

shenry111 Posts: 4,140 Member
Good morning!


  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,140 Member
    Good morning!

    I'm taking Frankie to the vet for routine shots at 8:00 this morning. She got me up at 4:00 as she is that excited - not. We also have a contractor that is coming at 10:00 to give us an estimate on replacing the tub/shower in the main bathroom. That has been on the plan for a while. This afternoon we will likely be out in the yard picking up and raking up all of the little sticks from the storm.

    If I could figure out a cheaper way to fund my health insurance until I qualify for medicare, I'd retire before I turn 65 in 14 months.

    I'm at 178.9 this morning. That's a loss of 14.1 pounds since the 1st of Feb. I walked/jogged 1.5 miles on the treadmill last night. I ended the day with over 12,000 steps. I'm getting in a lot more steps in our new factory.

    Prayers continue for each of you.

    Have a great day!
  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,470 Member
    Mornin' . Thick-as-pea-soup fog here this morning. Printed up a draft of my taxes last night; was on the verge of giving up and hiring an accountant and it all started to fall together. Haven't checked in here a few days--Thursday was the long drive to DS's, tuning his piano and visiting with GKs after they got home, grilled steak and chicken dinner, and the long drive back home. PIano sounded pretty good afterwards. And yesterday EX corralled me into last minute repairs because DS is moving back in; worked in an N95 mask in her dusty basement because she's hacking and coughing from COVID, which she says is past the contagious stage. I'm an idiot...

    Will catch up on the postings here.
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,658 Member
    I know you get upset at work, but have you figured out what you are going to do once you retire? And thought about being at home with Connie and Collin all day. DW tells everyone I retired and took 5 parttime jobs
    Started day with beautiful sunrise, mid 50's now mid 70's this afternoon.
    Of course, if you are going to retire you can rehab bath yourself because you will have time.
    Mike, you are too good at taking care of things; naturally everyone in family wants you to take care of their needs.
    Lee, how did chat with supervisor go?
    Prayers continue for Kuhns, know urn will be beautiful, please post picture when complete.
    Need to go sounds as Pablo is getting in trouble with DW.
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,954 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    I second Sam's advise to have an idea how you will fill your time after you retire, Steve. I could retire from civil service at 60 because I had health care covered at an Army retirement. I have filled my time with hiking, and my shop - and my duties as Rita's chauffer, too. I know a lot of guys who have left high stress careers but kept working, for a lot less, but in easier jobs with health coverage. Wear an orange vest at Home Depot? Work as a barista? Run the merry-go-round at an amusement park? Just hanging around the house is a sure trip to an early grave, in my view.

    Great job on the weight loss, too, Steve.

    There was an easy hike/walk planned by our church, today, but I have decided to stay home and work on mom's urn. My plan is for it to be made of bigleaf maple, with a walnut lid and a maple finial. I have a rough-turned maple vase that will provide the body and I'll go to a local store to get some walnut. A lot of work to make something that will be buried and out of sight, but it seems important to do a good job.

  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,103 Member
    Nice losses Steve and steps too!. I broke my back (crushed to vertebrae forcing me to retire early. Fortunately I had a lot of sick leave to carry me on and as part of my work I could take an early retirement. Health Insurance thru the public employees plan. I think I did go back for one or two small projects but not capable of a regular full time job etc. I earned very little doing medical research but didn't cash in on my retirement plans when I moved to different jobs. I was biking before my accident and I bike/hike now. I also enjoy birds although I am not a decent "birdwatchers". I did a stint as a "Master Gardener" for awhile with the time to do it. (Worked for Oregon State Extension service as a Master Gardener after training)
    Dave: I love your idea of using bigleaf maple for the urn with a walnut lid.

    so sorry about all your damages Steve. Terrible storms thru Kansas and nearby.

    Stay as pain free as you can gents!!
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,586 Member
    Good Morning

    I am sure the urn will be a beautiful expression of love for your Mom, Dave. It isn’t about being practical. This is your first big wood working project since surgery which somehow seems right that it is for your Mom.

    My 1 week post surgery appointment with the surgeon went well. The problem with these back surgeries is there is no guaranteed result only possibilities. He doesn’t understand the now increased nerve pain in my calf. But everything else looks good so far and time will tell. He now agrees with me that the piriformis pain was both nerve and muscular and will improve which it has begun to. I start regular walking today and can start driving. He modified my plan to get off the Oxy to ease the path. Going forward I will reduce in half doses. I am free to drive and to do common sense exercise that doesn’t stress the back but I will have the 10lb lifting limit for 3 months since I had both procedures. I am sleeping, moving better and overall pleased. Trying to get back on plan, but it we are having ice cream today per Heather. I will go small and manage everything else. Now that is my best plan forward to improve. I never expected to be completely pain free but I am hopefull.