Roll Call - Tuesday, March 19, 2024

shenry111 Posts: 4,144 Member
Good morning!


  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,144 Member
    Good morning!

    The roofing guys came by last night. We won the prize of the worst roof that they have seen so far from the hail storm. We will meet with the insurance adjuster on Sunday. We will get a new roof and new gutters, and new roof vents. We have a $1500 deductible, plus the $1000 deductible on Collin's car. This roofing company we have used for the 28 years we've lived in this house. We trust them.

    In my mind, I have settled on October 31 as the date that I retire. I hope that I can make it until then. That date is 64 and 1/2 years old. I know that there is a good 6 month insurance policy that I can afford to last me until I qualify for Medicare. This will also give some planning time and time to get on social security, etc.

    Bill, it is encouraging to hear that you are feeling better with the back.

    Dave, I pray that your oral surgery went well.

    Have a great day!

  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,699 Member
    Mornin' gents.

    Steve, Oct 31, 2024? You can DO it.
    How are the choppers today, Dave? Thanks for the BB soup recipe.
    Hope Pablo hasn't messed up Sam's knee worse that it already is.
    I think we will know when Bill has made a good recovery is when he starts baking and playing his dulcimer. I remember my DW hid all the knives while I was still on dilaudid post knee replacement. I am famous for nicking myself after one glass of wine, imagine the carnage while on a narcotic?
    Bob, did you read about the gal who got attacked by a cougar while bicycle riding a trail with 5 other women? Tough chicks.
    I was feeling pretty beat up yesterday, wasn't feeling the love for going to work, but I made it with lots of coffee and extra celebrex. Turns out I had something viral. Feeling way better today.
    Below freezing here.

    Onward and downward ;-)

  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,961 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    The oral surgery went far better that the surgeon ked me to believe. Some bleeding for an hour but very little pain. He said I'd have a very sore jaw for a week or two - nothing. They gave me a script for tramadol, but some Motrin was all I needed. I have some solution to wash my mouth with for a week and have to accept four stitches between my front teeth until they dissolve, but that's it.

    Today will be the last day of our gorgeous, warm spring weather. Just as our white flowering cherry tree comes into bloom, we'll be back to temperatures in the 50s and rain. So it goes.
  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,470 Member

    I'm going to try that Black Bean Soup recipe. It sounds very tempting.

    Steve, good luck with your retirement plans. You remind me of me when I had had enough of work and felt like I couldn't go on anymore. Different situations, but I realized it was time to cash in the chips... enough was enough.

    Slept almost 10 hours last night. Did a more challenging hike yesterday, 4 mi. and 500' total climbing. Have been doing less since doc lowered A-Fib med dose, to avoid problems, but this hike went just fine. Saw the first skunk cabbage of the season. ... Don't have a skunk cabbage soup recipe, sorry.

    DD flies to Hawaii to her new home today.

  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,588 Member
    Good Morning

    Steve, congratulations on setting the retirement date. When it is time, it is time, if you can make the $$ work. Just think of all the projects Connie can come up with for you to do!

    I might have picked up a bug somewhere. I began to feel pretty run down yesterday afternoon especially when I went for my walk. Hopefully it will pass quickly, but I will give a day before ramping things back upward. I might just sit outside and relax. It is warm and sunny this days.
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,661 Member
    Good Afternoon,
    Pablo and me have gone 3.56 miles this morning. Pain from knee is migrating down and up to hip; shoulder continues to wake me during night; orthopedic appointment tomorrow morning.
    Pablo will began training class tomorrow every Monday and Wednesday for 6 weeks, took him to be groomed yesterday he would not let them touch his face I may try to trim later because he allows me to comb and brush face.
    Glad you are feeling better Lee and Bill.
    Everyone must choose their own path in life and what works for them.
    Safe travels for Mike's DD.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,104 Member
    Dave: First time I had oral surgery I had 4 wisdom teeth cut out under general anesthesia. All four at once. Next day I got up at 0500 to hit the tide pools as I was attending a Marine Biology Station summer station at Dillon Beach (north of San Francisco and North of Pt Reyes) . I really wouldn't come out of the anesthesia and kept folks in the office late. Later the next day we had a picnic on tip of Pt Reyes and played a "friendly" game of touch football faculty against the students. One of the faculty threw an elbow in my mouth and I spit blood on his shirt. He said he was sorry and had forgotten about my surgery. I thought jeeeeez don't throw elbows in folks faces anyway!!!
    Yup today is last day of our "late spring" weather and back to colder and showery.

    Hang in there Steve until ya can retire!!

    Nice walk w Pablo Sam!!