Roll Call - Thursday, March 21, 2024

shenry111 Posts: 4,144 Member
Good morning!


  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,144 Member
    Good morning!

    Somehow I missed recording here yesterday.

    I am so sleepy and tired these days. I have been doing more around the house in the evening, and just the stress at work is too much. I have been so busy with the move and with tax issues that I still have not worked on Closing February. My commute is longer now too, and although it is just a few minutes, I can feel it. My daily round trip commute now is over an hour. I live in Kansas, west of Kansas City. I now work on the far east side of KC, rather than downtown where I had been working.

    Sam, that is a lot going on! I hope that you can get on a road to healing quickly.

    Bill, your improvements sound encouraging.

    Dave, are you feeling better with your back now? Is hiking in your future?

    Have a great day!

  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,470 Member
    Morning gents…

    Glad you got a diagnosis, Sam. Quite a list though.

    Had snow flurries on and off yesterday, just very windy today, and cold.

    Crew planned on breaking up EX’s cast iron clawfoot tub and carrying pieces downstairs, but tub appears to be steel, not brittle cast iron, extending work schedule. Meanwhile had nice visit with DS here, although he demolished me in chess again. Managed to really clean up my place before he came, one of my goals for Lent this year.

    I need to weigh myself, haven’t in a while.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,961 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    Sam, I'd feel the urge to just give up, if faced with that laundry list of issues. But I guess all you can do is start ticking them off.

    October is just around the corner, Steve.

    My follow-up appointment with my neurosurgeon is tomorrow. I am hoping he will ease up on my restrictions. It makes no sense to me that I must limit myself to 10-pound lifts one day but can start hoisting pianos the next. There has to be some middle ground. If I can just use common sense on what I do, then I can get back out carrying a pack on a trail.

    My weight has plateaued again. But being stuck at 169-170 is a lot better than the 192 where I was in December. I think I need to drink a lot more water. That always helped in my previous WW experience.
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,660 Member
    Good Morning,
    Beautiful day here about 75 this afternoon, rain tomorrow highs dropping to 60's for next week.
    Still on restricted activity today but can go back to taking Pablo on long walks starting tomorrow in rain and cooler temps.
    In comparison to previous strokes which I recovered from this is not quite as bad, just trust in God's healing in God's time not mine. I'm not a patient person though.
    Fingers crossed restrictions will be lifted for you Dave.
    Original crawfoot tubs bring a premium down here even needing to be resurfaced; I still never want to have to use one again.
    Steve I would get there a little before others, lock my door with sign on door saying month end close in process. Let other managers step up to plate, they are getting paid for something.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,104 Member
    Gosh Bill what an ordeal and Sam has a long list of issues to deal with!!
    I agree with ya Dave. They give the same set of instructions to everyone. Sometimes they will privately tell you how to ease into it. Good Luck

    I am getting set-up to do a hopefully shortest course of radiation for my prostate. Off to see the radiation oncologist today.
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,588 Member
    Good Morning

    Well it turns out my lethargy and growly stomach is a good old case of flu rather that side effects of medications and conditions. I slept on and off a good chunk of yesterday. More rest and some OTC flu meds at half dose due to the pain med I am easing off. But an exciting day of trying to rest and be comfortable and not fighting the urge to sleep.

    It is hard to believe my surgery was 2 weeks ago as of tomorrow. Coming off the Percocet is easy but I will take the advice of the surgeon and reduce half a pill at a time. I have been on round the clock pain meds for a while. It will be nice to be off them and manage residual pain with Tylenol and gabapentin if necessary. I am trying to get the sitting hamstring stretch going a couple times a day. He thinks that will also help resolve the nerve pain I occasionally get in my hip piriformis area. Feeling optimistic.
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,699 Member
    Afternoon gents.

    Steve, sorry that work and your commute are beating you up. Have you discussed maybe working from home 1-2 days a week with your bosses?
    That is a lot of issues to tick off, Sam. Yet, you just keep on keeping on.
    I will wager your neurosurgeon will be pleased with your recovery, Dave. Hoping he gives you the thumbs up to work harder?
    Yikes, Bob. I thought you had opted not to do the radiation. Good luck!
    Ugh,the dreaded piriformis. Sure hope that resolves for you soon, Bill.
    Woke up to a covering of sleet/snow pellets. No rain or snow today, but the driving wind was a wee bit uncomfortable whilst dog training. Dogs dinna care.
    S'posed to rain, a lot, this weekend.

    Onward and downward ;-)