Roll call ~ Sunday March 24,2024

mikehikemike Posts: 3,553 Member
Morning gents


  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,272 Member
    Good morning!

    My weight this morning was 176.2 pounds. That is down 16.8 pounds since the first of February.

    I was hoping that yesterday could be more of a rest day. Perhaps today. We are expecting rain all day today, but the roofing contractor and the insurance adjuster are supposed to be here at 1:00.

    We don't do much for Palm Sunday, but we will listen to online church.

    Dave, that's awesome about your back. I hope to hear tales from the trail soon.

    Bill, I'm glad that you are feeling better.

    Have a great day!
  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,553 Member
    edited March 24
    We had a big ice storm here – quarter of an inch of ice on everything. Lights flickered yesterday, but still have power. My brother in New Hampshire got 16 1/2 inches of snow. I went out to see how bad it really looked, and came back in. 17° this morning.

    Will get to Palm Sunday services later after roads are treated. We usually start outside with a procession together with the church nextdoor. People will need microspikes.

    Have a good day
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,896 Member
    Mornin' gents.

    Lots of water and wind arrived yesterday. Glad we dinna lose power. Evidently the entire coast of Maine did lose power per my friends that live up there.
    Below freezing this am. Please, Spring '24, make up yer mind! We had peepers going off last week, for chrissake.
    I have to call a guy for the gutters, total failure on one end of the house. I am not going up a ladder, but someone has got to do it.
    I have got to rent one of those mini back hoes to re-dig some french drains too. I guess I could hire a guy for that too.
    Hang in there, Steve. Make time for you, buddy.
    Good news, Dave. Whatcha gonna do with all that rice? Jambalaya or Paella came to mind.
    I need to go to meetings. All I think about is food, or the procurement of food (hunting and fishing), and the making of decadent dishes with butter.
    "Hi, my name is Lee, and I'm addicted to food".
    I made a low point dish last night with 2 lbs of Chukar partridge and Quail breasts and legs. Shallots, thyme, and grain mustard with 2 cans of healthy request mushroom soup and a tbsp of butter (see?, I do have a problem...should've used olive oil) in the crockpot, then 16 ounces of fresh mushrooms and a 1/3 cup of dry sherry at the end. Served it over spaghetti squash. Good eats. I will say that spaghetti squash has gotten pricey. $2 per lb and the squash M brought home was a 2 pounder and I ate half last night.
    I did take the girls for a hike in the pouring rain, yesterday.
    Today is dump day. We go twice a week. More than half our refuse is recyclable. We use to have garbage pick up, but the transfer station is less than 5 min from our house and it is a great place for local gossip.
    Sorry so chatty. Haven't posted in a couple of days.

    Onwards and downwards ;-)

  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 7,167 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    All this talk about frigid, winter weather. While it has been damp, here, all the cherry and plum trees are in full bloom and the green buds are breaking open on the maples and alders. Spring has sprung, out here. The forecast is for a dry afternoon, so I will attempt to start the mower and get the grass done. We are expected to have rain for the next week.

    Singing in the choir for Palm Sunday - of course - this morning.

    Great losing, Steve. Great sounding dinner, Lee.

    We live in a house that is half Asian. The rice cooker is permanently on the counter, and we have always bought rice in 20- to 50-pound bags. One big change in my efforts to follow WW is that I have had very little rice. That is a big change, after having rice at almost every meal.
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,826 Member
    Back sliding today, knee and shoulder both acting up.
    I'm up two pounds today, ate Mexican last night.
    I am a rice eater, DW hates rice and loves potatoes, Army burned me out on potatoes in early 70's.
    DW likes fried foods, I prefer flavor other than oil or grease.
    Cost of food keeps going up, good reason to get garden started this year. DW prefers dried beans and starches, I have always had fresh vegetables and fruits so prefer fresh.
    Continue prayers for Bob and Bill.
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,674 Member
    Good Morning

    Congratulations Dave on your restored freedom. I hope you can start building up some hikes soon.

    Steve, well done on healthy eating. I hope the roofing and insurance all go smoothly today and work can commence.

    Heather and I got out for our coffee date in the afternoon after playing peek-a-boo with the light rain. It was nice just to sit and talk and enjoy our drinks. After 40+ years I think these little outings are the most enjoyable and relaxing. We ran an errand to Target afterward but my stiffness and pain levels were climbing quickly. I then realized I was 3 hours past taking my midday pills and we headed home since walking was off the table. Half a Percocet and a Tylenol tab and 30 minutes and I was good as new though a bit humbled. I guess I am not as ready to get off the pain killers as I thought after 2 weeks. But I am down from 4 pills a day to 3 half pills a day and will transition to some Tylenol which is how I did it following knee replacement. I will try to entice the red head out for a stroll today to get moving and then I will need to have a chat with the family about my getting back on plan. I don’t do all or much of the cooking these days due to the lifting restrictions and Heather’s eagle eye on me. We tend to have point rich meals now. We are talking menu and shopping list today anyway after I commented on the lack of food in the house. Back on the Weight Loss wagon will only enhance my recovery and surgical benefit which so far seem quite good. Somewhat optimistic about it all.

  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,146 Member
    Good to know your Doc was sensible Dave and just cautions you to be careful. Same for my son who had arthroscopic hip surgery for FAI (femoracetabular impingement). he is off crutches using care as his guide right now.
    Yup Filipinos use rice for many meals in many ways as I am sure Dave can tell ya. I use to use banana ketchup a lot and luv it on rice but it is a bit too sugary for my diet these days.

    Dear wife did handbells for church today with a processional piece without doing the procession per se except maybe some kids coming in for their music to follow.
    Glad to hear you are improving bit by bit Bill.
    Ice storm sounds terrible Mike!!!

    I luv it Lee!! Food overeaters anonymous. My name is Robert and I ate a pizza last week! Nah!!

    I did exceptionally well in getting a precise MRI image yesterday to aid in my upcoming treatment. No gas bubbles or other interference in my system.
    Hope all continue to do better with health and pain!