Roll Call - Monday, March 25, 2024

shenry111 Posts: 4,144 Member
Good morning!


  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,144 Member
    Good morning!

    Yesterday, the insurance adjuster and roofer were here looking, cussin' and discussin' from a little after 1:00 until about 4:00. No naps here. It will be a total roof replacement, some guttering, and a new roof for my tuff shed, and maybe a greenhouse replacement.

    I spent the afternoon working on finance projections. Now to talk SWMBO into it. I can retire on June 30. I see us spending as we are now, and still having a good $500 per month for extras and not touching savings and investments. On top of that, we are covering more than $600 per month of Collin's expenses. If we can get him on his own, we could be very comfortable. We will need to buy a car for Collin. He has no credit. I won't co-sign a loan with him. Connie and I will buy the car, and he will have to make payments to us. For whatever time delay he has in finding work, then those payments will move out later in time. We bought him a car for high school graduation, we are not keeping him in cars for life. Although I am getting more and more concerned that he may be living with us for life. I hope not, but I don't see ANY effort to change that. He is not actively dating either. Sigh....

    On the retirement thing, each month that I delay is an extra $16.50 per month in increased income. When you factor in the amount that we received from Social Security that we otherwise would not have, the net on that is very low. I might be missing something, but I'm not seeing what it is. I have lost my joy for working, and I don't know how to get it back this time.

    Have a great day!
  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,470 Member
    edited March 25
    Mornin' Steve. You beat me by a microsecond this morning.

    No serious damage from the ice around here, but the trees are still laced with it and the white pines around the codos lost a few branches each. The birch tree is bending over to touch its toes.

    I think I lost another pound or two. Had chinese food yesterday with DS, who moved back in with my EX finally. He's studying nursing, late change of career from teaching. Hopefully he will stick with it through graduation.

    Have gotten away from tracking last few days... and not gotten out for walks. Back in the saddle.

    Rice is a weight gainer, or at least white rice, and brown rice I find less appetizing. I do like spanish rice, paella, haven't tried jambalaya.

    Have a good day.
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,961 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    Beautiful afternoon, yesterday. I mowed the lawn! That would not be worthy of much note, but after two months of having to refrain from most work, it felt great to get out and accomplish something.

    I grew up with bread at every meal and potatoes with supper most nights. We also always had dessert, every time. Now that's all to be avoided. DW says it isn't a meal without rice, just a snack. I never saw an overweight Filipino, until they started eating American fast food. Rita weighs 98 pounds, soaking wet.

    I grabbed a piece of very dry, hard apple wood out of the woodshed and turned a natural-edge bowl, yesterday. It felt good to turn something start-to-finish, in one push.

    Good luck with the decisions, Steve. I have never had a moment of regret about retiring.
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,660 Member
    I am reading a book "In the Blink of an Eye" Forgiveness in Black and White by JT and Terri Lee Clark;
    somehow I find non-fiction books like these helps my mental attitude and seeing troubles of others makes me thankful for all God has provided me and my family.
    We all need to be connected into something larger than us.
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,588 Member
    Good Morning

    I never regretted retiring except it was 2 years earlier than planned due to health. I never enjoyed my career and didn’t miss it one minute. I never understood questions about adjusting to retirement. Only problem I had was learning to slow down my pace of life.

    Still figuring out this don’t do anything restriction. I went grocery shopping yesterday only to get home to realize I couldn’t unload the car. Thankfully my son stopped by for a visit at the same time and brought the 3 bags in.

    Just some light house work on the agenda today and a walk etc. Shopping surprisingly tired me yesterday. Only solution I know is to keep active each day and build endurance.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,104 Member
    Yup good luck Steve with your decision. DW had her MRI today a 2 yr follow up on some extra findings. they warn you ahead of time that they often see a couple of odd things. Not too worried at this point.
    My MRI was good and showed things as expected in clear manner.

    Glad to see Dave out and about. Some of that extended no more than 10LB weight is to protect their fannies from possible litigation. We do need to be reasonable and sensible.

    Hang in there with all your health and pain stuff.