Roll call ~ Tuesday, March 26, 2024

mikehikemike Posts: 3,470 Member
Good morning, gentlemen.


  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,144 Member
    Good morning!

    A light freezing mix for the commute. Back to the 70s by Thursday. Spring has sprung.

    I had three days off this weekend, but I do not feel rested or refreshed. There is simply too much going on. This weekend, we met with insurance people, and have been trying to figure out a vehicle for Collin. Collin is showing absolutely ZERO gumption in getting a car, job, or anything. I'm looking at how much we are paying for him and thinking what a difference that would make when I retire in three months. He is making comments like "that car does not have a good exhaust note." He is not feeling an urgency here.

    I'm sure it is going to be very busy at work. If I am retiring soon, I need to get better focus and get some things caught up after the move.

    Have a great day!
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,699 Member
    Mornin' gents.

    You have a lot of irons in the fire, Steve. Collin is certainly an enigma.
    Down 2+ pounds this week. M is being uber supportive with my WW process in spite of her not understanding the points formula.
    There is trouble in paradise. DS#1 and DDIL are having some marital discord. He is feeling irrationally micromanaged, under appreciated, and a bit trapped. Strongly encouraging them to access counseling available on base. DS#1 said he wasn't "happy" and mentioned the "D" word last night. Sigh.
    Is it weird that I felt something was off in the universe the last couple of weeks? Maybe DDIL was subtly communicating her stress in the photos and videos of DGS?
    Good to hear about the MRIs of your and your DW found nothing unexpected, Bob.
    Is Pablo getting his walk?
    Mowing the lawn had to be very satisfying, Dave.
    Nice day today, Mike. Going on a hike?
    Fighting fatigue is exhausting, but you have a great attitude, Bill.

    Onward and downward ;-)

  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,961 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    Sorry to hear about work and family stresses. Wish we could sit with a cup of coffee and sympathize.

    I am at another milestone, today. I am taking a hike! I plan to drive to a relatively easy loop trail in the Olympic Mountains. It's 7 or 8 miles with about 1,000 feet of climbing. No spectacular views, but it's a hike. First time on trail since last April.
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,588 Member
    Good Morning

    Dave, it is great to hear you being able to get out for a hike today. I hope you find a log somewhere in the middle and have a seat to drink it in anew.

    Pushed myself out the door for my walk yesterday afternoon despite feeling so stiff. Didn’t quite make a mile but the goal is just to keep getting out there. The more I get out and add in the exercises the less stiff and more energy I will get. Just 2 1/2 months of taking slow and careful so I am adjusting and milk my 2 in 1 surgery for the future me. Being back on WW is going well, just noticing all the little “cheats” that pop up. After a crappy 18 months it does feel good to be back facing forward. I even reached out to my Primary Care Doc for a referral to a new Urologist as I promised my Radiation Oncologist. After 7 weeks off it is time to re-engage with the cancer situation and come up with a new plan.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,104 Member
    Good grief buying a car for exhaust note. I like the sound of some of the Porsche cars but not buying one.
    Oh gosh Lee so sorry to hear about marital friction with your son. Gosh many of us feel too micromanaged at times by SWMBO's. Always needs to be give and take. A hard lesson to learn and takes BOTH sides.

    Nice hike Dave!!! We need to do hiking in the Olympics. God's Country indeed!!

    Bill: I am glad to hear you are working on getting a new Urologist. Hope it's a good one. Your 2in1 surgery recovery sounds like it is getting better. One step at a time it sounds like.

    I am hopeful my short term radiation will "do the trick". My well delineated MRI confirms as best as it can the areas of concern in the prostate with only a couple of slight "extensions" less than 3 mm. Zero seen in any lymph nodes at this point either.

    I am dragging myself out daily to get in some bike riding and short walks with DW as well as easy yoga.

    Hang in there all!
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,961 Member
    Good afternoon.

    A second check in. I just got home from my hike. I did 7.8 miles with 1,700 feet of climbing. My left hip/leg hurt, off and on, but the right side was fine. It was chilly - in the mid 30s - but I found a log in the sun to sit on and enjoy a ham sandwich that had been squashed in my pack. Really great to be on an actual trail. Can't wait to get out again.
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,660 Member
    edited March 27
    Good Evening,
    Day started of at 2:30 this morning as I heard large truck and spider, delivering sod, glad I got up they had delivered my sod up the street and leaving me two pallets of Bermuda sod which requires full sun and is half price of what I had ordered. Saved installer several hours of hard labor of manhandling sod.
    Backyard is sodded except for my garden area and hired a guy to breakup garden and get ready to plant; something I have never done before. Leg, shoulder and arm just will not allow me to do.
    Glad hike worked out for you Dave, if there were not some pain would wonder if you were still living.
    Steve, could a lot of stress be due to Collin; and until that is reconciled you may be better working. Hardest thing I ever done was putting DS out and cutting him off forcing him to be accountable for self, DW was so upset with me but was not first time, first time was when I fired him from construction company. He woke up about eleven years ago, purchased home and tries to take care of family. Last week put his foot down to DGD that she could not have a horse. They do not have enough land for a horse and to board a horse starts at $1,300 monthly.
    "Zero seen in any lymph nodes" that's good news.
    Bill, its good to keep in touch with good medical teams the older we get even if we did not have any issues which you do.
    Lee, recommend you and Mary do not take sides but encourage counseling; I've never known a couple without some issues; and many are willing to give up to easily. A small one puts extra stress on every couple, could Mary visit them to care for DGS and allow them a vacation just for themselves. The Bible sets up a guide for living and family order, start with 1Corinthians.
    Prayer really helps!
    With rain and leg Pablo is not getting exercise he needs, neighbors have said they will walk him but their walk is very short. At least yard sodded and fenced now.
    We have Pablo scheduled to be neutered Thursday, is there a reason I shouldn't?