Tuesday Cuppa Joe: 4.30.24

DocSkippy Posts: 6,978 Member
Good morning BBB! Sip your favorite morning brew and settle in…its time for morning roll-call!

"....keep looking up! That's the secret of life." ~Snoopy 🐾🐾🐾


  • DocSkippy
    DocSkippy Posts: 6,978 Member
    • 197 emails to sort through to include overdue BIAS training.
    • HOA Budget Meeting tonight in preparation for full HOA work session tomorrow.
    • HOT HOT HOT yesterday.
    • How are the newlyweds faring?

  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,665 Member
    Mornin' BBB

    Off to werk.
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,903 Member
    Good morfning BBB friends.

    Finished a large maple bowl, yesterday. Today I clean up the mountain of shavings I made in the process. Only two more big chunks of wood in the shop to deal with. Then I can clean up all the sawdust in that end and see the floor for the first time in a year.

    Great game last night, Dennis. Would love that to be a preview of October. That would mean the Mariners' first World Series, and that the Braves were there and not the hated Dodgers.
  • mcee1
    mcee1 Posts: 3,573 Member
    Good morning

    Well over here, we were awaken at 10pm by a phone call from my dh's sister, that her husband passed away, at home. He was ill for a couple months. We drove 30min. over there and stayed for a couple hours to be with her, to await the formalities, etc. I barely spoke to him or knew him. And what I did know of him was not favorable. I kept my distance. But I will try to be there for her as needed. She has a very very small circle.

    On a lighter note, still searching for that perfect used rv. Not sure it exists and will just not settle. I'll wait it out.

    The Yankees spanked the Brewers hard, Lee!!! Thought of your dw being overjoyed with their wins.

    My dhs birthday is coming and I need a gift for him!

    Hope you all have a good day!

  • louisstone
    louisstone Posts: 2,536 Member
    Good morning.

    Prayers for DH's sister, Mary.

    We got back yesterday afternoon, unloaded the car and napped. Having the bourbon bottles I acquired on multiple trips to Louisville all together with no place to fit them in the condo is going to be an interesting problem to solve.

    Heading off to the synagogue in a bit for last day of Passover and the memorial prayers, then off to work for seemingly all the meetings I've missed the past two weeks.
  • lowbar31
    lowbar31 Posts: 6,533 Member
    Good morning BBB Friends.
    • Started the day with my Emmaus Reunion group. Did I tell you we are starting a half hour earlier and moved to a location 8 miles further away? Ugh.
    • Sorry for your DSILs loss Mary. Hopefully you and Tom can be of comfort to her.
    • I can only imagine a federal govt. bias training class in 2024. Are they trying to keep you from being biased or trying to... no, never mind.
    • The game was on too late for me Dave, but it sounds like it was a good one.
    • I have homework to do for a class I am taking.
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,615 Member
    Good Morning,
    Cloudy and very lite rain.
    Eye doctor not nice yesterday, hoping laser next week helps left eye then right eye the following week.
    Tomorrow will be orthopedic.
    Beans and cucumbers planted need to erect a trellis.
    A bourbon wall and bar in living room sounds nice.
    Sorry for DSIL's loss Mary, just remember we are all God's children.
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,665 Member
    So sorry for her loss, Mary.
    I didn't want to say anything about the Yankees vs Brewers. Firstly, not good form to crow about such lopsided scores, and secondly, I don't want to jinx M's team by being a jerk.