Week 50: Steps - Bonus weeks for us all!
Posts: 636 Member
4,378,828 + 26,919 = 4,405,747
4,378,828 + 26,919 = 4,405,747
12/17 Monday 4,011,829 + 12,601 = 4,024,4302
12/16: 6,169,919 + 18,512 = 6,188,4311
4,405,747 + 24,866 = 4,430 613
We are gaining a couple of members for the new year!1 -
12/17 Tuesday 4,024,430 - 13,332 = 4,037,7620
@renae149 , we should start an introductions thread in the new group. Since you are at the helm this year I shall leave that to you!
I checked LordWulfram's profile and he hasn't logged in to MFP since June so I doubt he will be returning.
12/17: 6,188,431 + 21,279 = 6,209,710
0 -
I'm not sure what the announcement and discussion difference is. So I started a discussion. Kind of a recap of last year and goals for this year to start...
Wednesday: 4,430,613 + 26,393 = 4,457,0061 -
12/18: 6,209,710 + 25,447 = 6,235,1570
12/18 4,037,762 + 14,098 = 4,051,8601
I noticed yesterday that my steps haven't been completely updated when logging. Not that much of a difference, but I did go back that last couple of days and put the correct numbers in. Just in case either of you notice the difference in numbers
Thursday: 4,457,292 + 22,226 = 4,479,5181 -
12/19 Thursday 4,051,860 + 14,330 = 4,066,1900
12/19: 6,235,157 + 21,392 = 6,256,549
If I can average 20,286 steps a day for the next 12 days I will hit 6,500,000. I would love to have made it to 7 mill, but that ain't gonna happen. Maybe next year.1 -
12/20 Friday 4,066,190 + 11,943 = 4,078,1332
Work finally slowed down and I took a much needed nap yesterday!
Saturday: 4,501,270 + 13,923 = 4,515,1931 -
12/21 Saturday 4,078,133 + 11,999 = 4,090,1321
12/20: 6,256,549 + 26,987 = 6,283,536
12/21: 6,283,536 + 21,112 = 6,304,6480 -
4,515,193 + 19,945 = 4,535,1380 -
12/22 Sunday 4,090,132 + 7,079 = 4,097,2110
12/22: 6,304,648 + 32,395 = 6,337,0430
Happy X-Mas Eve!!
12/23 4,097,211 + 11,193 = 4,108,4041 -
12/23: 6,337,043 + 22,277 = 6,359,320
0 -
Merry Christmas Matt and Holly!
Monday: 4,535,138 + 19,896 = 4,555,034
Tuesday: 4,555,034 + 15,214 = 4,570,2481 -
Merry Christmas!
12/24 Tuesday 4,108,404 + 7,606 = 4,116,0101 -
12/24: 6,359,320 + 28,915 = 6,388,2350
4,570,248 + 7,933 = 4,578,181
0 -
12/25: 6,388,235 + 20,742 = 6,408,9770
4,578,181 + 14,687 = 4,592,8680 -
12/25/24 4,116,010 + 7,151 = 4,123,161
12/26/24 4,123,161 + 6,389 = 4,129,5501 -
12/26: 6,408,977 + 21,886 = 6,430,8630
4,592,868 + 10,463 = 4,603,331
Today will be low for me as we have 2 Christmas' and will be in the car for about 3 hours total... Guess I'll have to make it up tomorrow!1