What are you Food/Meal Prepping today?

deskjockey925 Posts: 6,342 Member
Hey everyone — please respond to share your food prepping tips & ideas. What’s on the menu this week? Don't hesitate to ask for recipes or advice for prepping, too!

...and here's a link to a free printable meal planner template ...

enlightenme3 shares ... "I've been using an app/website called CopyMeThat (https://copymethat.com/) that will do meal planning, shopping list creation, recipe curation/scaling, etc. It's free, but since I use it everyday, I went ahead and bought the lifetime premium version and gifted to my children as well.

Besides curating all the recipes I find on the internet (as well as some self-created ones), I often use it to type in an ingredient I need to use, plan a dinner menu (it also links to my calendar so I can see what I have planned for each day without going to the app), and create shopping lists based on the menu.

There is a community component, but just recipes - not discussions - of what others have saved to their recipe boxes.


  • nansbones7708
    nansbones7708 Posts: 786 Member
    Today’s menu
    Cereal for breakfast
    Baked potato and baked beans for lunch
    Gammon steak, pineapple, peas and fries
  • nansbones7708
    nansbones7708 Posts: 786 Member
    Today’s menu
    Bacon roll
    Spaghetti bolognese for main and ambrosia creamed rice for dessert
    Ryvita with breaded ham
  • nansbones7708
    nansbones7708 Posts: 786 Member
    Tuesday’s menu
    Bread roll with tinned salmon
    Mince and tatties and a half the box recommended portion of lemon cheesecake
    Got my treat with a treat size portion, stayed in calories and felt satisfied
  • nansbones7708
    nansbones7708 Posts: 786 Member
    Fridays menu
    Lentil soup
    Scrambled eggs with toast and a trifle
  • DarkNightBrightDays
    DarkNightBrightDays Posts: 47 Member

    Trifle sounds amazing l'm a tiny but jealous, enjoy it!
  • ngarrett479
    ngarrett479 Posts: 4 Member
    I meal prepped food for Thursday to Sunday. All of the food can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, dinner or snacks.

    bowl with 1c honey dew melon and black grapes
    3 hard boiled eggs and sweet peppers
    Owyn protein shakes (ordered)
    Catfish, 1/2c rice, asparagus
    Turkey burgers and sautéed green beans
  • nansbones7708
    nansbones7708 Posts: 786 Member
    @DarkNightBrightDays i bought us supermarket single pot trifle each so we don’t have to eat it over and over to use it up.
  • takinitalloff
    takinitalloff Posts: 3,076 Member
    @ngarrett479 That is a tasty menu you put together! Enjoy your prepped meals. Meal prepping makes busy days go SO MUCH more smoothly. I also learned that I can eat any food for any meal, I no longer have specific "breakfast" foods vs. "dinner" foods etc. Much easier :)
  • nansbones7708
    nansbones7708 Posts: 786 Member
    B. Fried egg roll
    L ryvita and cheese
    D steak with potatoes and veg