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Team Daily Bible Reading and Commentary Thoughts for January 2025

316Judith Posts: 10,199 Member
January 1

Bible Reading

Luke 1:52

Commentary Thoughts

God Sees More

Many of us might assume that if Jesus came to earth today, He’d choose a clean-cut, educated, well-off family to grow up with—and announce the glorious news of His birth to a select group of prominent pastors.

Yet the reality of the Christmas story shows the difference between God’s vision and our worldly standards.

Today, Jesus might have been born to a hardworking mechanic in a low-income neighborhood and his waitress fiancée.

And perhaps the angels would have appeared to a group of ex-convicts in a labor pool, working late to finish a job digging ditches.

We often forget how far Mary and Joseph were from any kind of social prominence and how the shepherds were viewed as unclean and untrustworthy by Jewish standards.

Each person who crowded around Jesus’ manger that incomparable night had experienced rejection and isolation.

Yet these were the special people God chose to experience one of the holiest events of all time.

He saw their hearts and their true worth—even when no one else did.

Activity: Gather some friends and serve a
meal at a local homeless shelter.


  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,199 Member
    January 2

    Bible Reading
    Hebrews 11:1

    Commentary Thoughts

    Walk by Faith

    Scripture reminds us that many righteous men and women didn’t see the fruition of their hope until their faith had been severely tested.

    In some cases, they never saw concrete answers to some of their prayers within their lifetimes.

    Yet this didn’t stop them from believing God day after day.

    There was no writing prophet in Israel for four centuries, yet men and women like Simeon and Anna—godly people waiting expectantly for the true Messiah—still held to their belief that the Lord would do exactly what He said He’d do.

    They hadn’t given up hope, even in their old age.

    No wonder they recognized the long-awaited one immediately when they saw Him in His mother’s arms—even though no one else did.

    It didn’t matter that this young family was clearly poor, bringing to the temple the least-expensive sacrifice.

    Simeon and Anna recognized royalty right away because they were in constant communion with God, walking by faith rather than sight.

    Activity: Donate a new toy to a trusted charity that distributes Christmas gifts to children in need.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,199 Member
    January 4, 2025

    Bible Reading

    Hebrews 11:1

    Commentary Thoughts

    Walk by Faith

    Scripture reminds us that many righteous men and women didn’t see the fruition of their hope until their faith had been severely tested. In some cases, they never saw concrete answers to some of their prayers within their lifetimes. Yet this didn’t stop them from believing God day after day.

    There was no writing prophet in Israel for four centuries, yet men and women like Simeon and Anna—godly people waiting expectantly for the true Messiah—still held to their belief that the Lord would do exactly what He said He’d do.

    They hadn’t given up hope, even in their old age.

    No wonder they recognized the long-awaited one immediately when they saw Him in His mother’s arms—even though no one else did.

    It didn’t matter that this young family was clearly poor, bringing to the temple the least-expensive sacrifice.

    Simeon and Anna recognized royalty right away because they were in constant communion with God, walking by faith rather than sight.

    Activity: Donate a new toy to a trusted charity that distributes Christmas gifts to children in need.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,199 Member
    January 5, 2025

    Todays Bible Reading and Commentary came from Guideposts.

    Bible Reading

    Luke 12:7

    Commentary Thoughts

    "You are a creation of God unequaled anywhere in the universe... Thank Him for yourself and then for all the rest of His glorious handiwork." Quote: Unknown Source

    Approach today with a grateful heart.

    A Time to Pray: Prayer Start:

    Lord, keep me true to the beauty with which You created me.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,199 Member
    January 6, 2025

    Bible Reading

    1 John 4:19

    Commentary Thoughts

    God’s Heart Revealed

    Lay aside for a moment all the theological reasons that explain why Christ came to earth, and think only about God’s great love for you. He loved you so much that He lay aside His glory and honor to become Emmanuel, the One who walks with you. Consider that everything from the beginning—from the Garden of Eden to His work in your own life—was motivated and designed by love.

    Love motivated Him to appear to a lowly temple widow who’d prayed decade after decade for His coming. Out of love, God rearranged His schedule so He could meet with the many individuals He ministered to and healed. And it was out of love that He dined with desperate sinners and estranged tax collectors. Those whom society cast aside, He gathered in His arms. His life was love in action.

    Jesus showed us the true heart of God, living among us and inviting us to true, deep friendship with Him. He came not to rule and destroy but to save and offer new life to all who would come to Him.

    Activity: Call a friend you haven’t spoken with in a while and spend some time reconnecting.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,199 Member
    edited January 8
    January 7

    Bible Reading

    Ephesians 2:4-5

    Commentary Thoughts

    Love Unlimited

    God’s love is not limited to the salvation experience; it extends to every area of life.

    In the Garden of Eden—even after Adam and Eve sinned—God never abandoned His love for humankind.

    He could have given up on them, but He didn’t.

    He loved them and was determined to bring them back into a love relationship with Himself.

    Throughout the Old Testament, we see God constantly reaching out in love, all the while preparing the stage for the coming of His salvation.

    Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of that ancient promise of perfect saving grace for humanity.

    His birth is the Creator’s handwritten note to us, proclaiming His eternal love that pursues and rescues throughout time.

    He could have stayed in heaven, far from the stress and torments of this broken world, but He knew we needed the love only He can offer.

    So as you celebrate the birth of our Savior, consider what it says about His deep love for you.

    Activity: Reach out to a relative or friend with whom you need to reconcile. Forgive because God first forgave you.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,199 Member
    January 8

    Bible Reading

    2 Corinthians 4:7

    Commentary Thoughts

    Live Fully for Him

    Jesus’ birth was the promise of hope and redemption for a people desperate for a new King.

    His life served as an example of how we should follow God in every circumstance.

    His death paid the price for our sins, allowing us to be restored in our relationship with God.

    His resurrection fulfilled the prophecies of old and defeated the power of sin and death.

    But Jesus’ ministry forever transcends generations and is still changing the world every day.

    God sent His Son into the world the first time as a humble child, setting off His mighty plan of redemption.

    Jesus will return again as the triumphant King, whom everyone will proclaim as Lord.

    As we await His triumphant return, we can live for Him as new creations, fully alive.

    And as we join Him in His restorative kingdom work that continues to this day, we honor His name as our King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

    Activity: Perform a small act of restoration. Pick up trash that isn’t yours or donate your discarded belongings to a thrift store.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,199 Member
    January 9, 2025

    Bible Reading

    Luke 14:18

    Commentary Thoughts by Tozer

    "I Will Arise And Go"

    When Jesus told the story of the Prodigal Son, He was giving our lost society a graphic picture of more than a willful son or a backslidden man.

    Years ago I spent time alone with God in prayer and supplication, asking the Spirit of God to aid me in the comprehension of the parable of the Prodigal Son. I have relied upon the understanding which I believe God gave me.

    I believe the Prodigal Son is God’s clear-cut picture to us of the entire human race that went out to the pigsty in Adam— and came back to the Father in Christ!

    The most telling part of the parable is the fact that the errant son “came to himself ”—and that speaks to us of the reality and necessity of repentance.

    He could repent and turn and seek forgiveness because he knew that his Father had not changed. He knew the character of his Father.

    Except for that knowledge, he could never have said: “I will arise and go to my Father!”

    Brethren, all of us who have come back to God by faith in our Lord Jesus Christ have found, as did the prodigal, that the Father in heaven has not changed at all!

    Prayer - "I praise You, Lord, that nothing about You has changed. And nothing that has happened in this world has caught You by surprise. You are our faithful, loving and just Father".
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,199 Member
    January 10, 2025

    Bible Reading

    Colossians 1:9-10

    Commentary Thoughts

    A deeper knowledge of God should produce fruitfulness in the life of the believer.

    In the Bible, “fruit” is a term often used to represent the product of one’s life, its impact on others, and its usefulness within the plan of God—also what the apostle Paul labeled as the fruitfulness of every good work in Colossians 1:10:

    "For this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding."

    Paul connected this fruitfulness of the Colossian believers with being filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding (Colossians 1:9).

    You should always be challenging yourself to grow deeper in your knowledge and experience of God, realizing that the production of fruit is a natural result of putting in place these deeper roots of intimacy with God. Fruit is the visible outcome of this internal process of growth in the knowledge of God.

    In what area of life would you like to see more fruitfulness? Pray for intimacy with God, and it will come naturally.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,199 Member
    January 11, 2025

    Bible Reading

    James 1:17

    Commentary Thoughts

    A Healthy Dose of Gratitude

    Are you needing a boost of joy and strength for your day? Try adding a healthy dose of gratitude to your routine. Include a time of praise and worship as you exercise; post five things you’re thankful for on social media, your bathroom mirror, or your household white board; or share what you most appreciate from your day over dinner with someone you love. The method doesn’t matter as much as establishing the habit—a habit of praise.

    God’s gifts don’t need fancy packaging to qualify for gratitude. Most of life happens in the small surprises and simple pleasures. That means anything counts! From an extra-long hug from your child, to another driver letting you in front of them during a rough commute, to trying on a beautiful new shade of lipstick or enjoying a taste of chocolate after a good meal, God’s goodness is all around. We just need to be watching for it.

    A thankful heart can’t help but mine deeper and deeper for the gems that are within each new day. Likewise, a grateful mind keeps looking higher and higher, above life’s difficulties or frustrations, to the One who is above it all.

    Even on our worst days, we can thank God because we trust that He sees the bigger picture, and He has good plans for us. There’s really nothing like a healthy dose of gratitude. Don’t go a day without it!

    Lord, I choose to be mindful of the blessings You’ve built into my day. From the greatest miracle to what seems ordinary, I know these blessings come from You.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,199 Member
    January 12

    Bible Reading

    Galatians 2:20

    Commentary Thoughts

    Letting Go

    The world will tell you that the ultimate success is a big bank account, or being famous, or having a husband and kids. If we’re honest, though, many of us define success by our ability to either juggle all the demands of life or control what happens in our worlds. But the real test of success is our friendship with God and the depths to which we trust Him.

    I learned this firsthand. I’m a very motivated person and a really hard worker who gives 100 percent in whatever I do, so I’m used to ambitiously hunting down success.

    But there came a time in my life when I had to let go of trying to make success happen and start being available to what God had for me.

    That meant setting aside my desires to keep acting in order stay at home and be the primary caretaker of our kids.

    The cry of the surrendered heart is “Here I am, God. Use me however You choose.” For people like me who prefer to be in control, reaching this place of surrender is as challenging as it sounds.

    But there is a big upside: Once you’re there, it takes the pressure off of success. You no longer have to be responsible for it. You can focus on being faithful, letting God handle the success of your efforts.

    He will, you know. And you’ll be able to be fully present to everything He is doing in you and through you.

    You are the One who can be trusted with the
    depths of my dreams and desires. As I surrender control, increase my trust that You’ll work all things for what You know is best.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,199 Member
    January 13

    Bible Reading

    Philippians 4:8

    Commentary Thoughts

    Think On These Things

    If forming good habits were easy, we’d all be happy, healthy, and fit comfortably in that cute party dress. But it’s the good habits that give us a run for our money, right? Which means we need to bring our best to the effort.

    If you’re struggling to develop a new habit, it might help to ask yourself: “What’s holding me back?

    Is it fear, a lack of motivation, or a lack of information about how to reach my goal?”

    A little research or a life coach can go a long way in providing the how-tos.

    And in Scripture after Scripture, God encourages us to “be strong and courageous,” because the battles we face are actually His to win, if only we seek His help.

    Bringing Him into the fight with us makes fear start to fall away.

    As for motivation, why not try putting mindfulness to work for you?

    The Bible advises us: “Whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things” (Philippians 4:8).

    After you’ve done something consistently, you know how good it feels and how beneficial it is for you.

    So the next time you’re tempted to stay in bed instead of getting up to exercise, don’t give power to your tiredness.

    Think instead on how much happier you’ll be once you’ve finished your workout. Think on the good results you’re achieving—better health, more confidence, a stronger body, a longer life with the people you love.

    And think on the fact that you’re worth it. God says so. And if He says so, you can believe it!

    Then put your feet on the floor and keep pushing to be your best. The future you will thank you.

    I stand in awe that You are more than willing and able to fight the hard battles with me.

    As I invite You into the process, dread and fear will diminish, and healing and renewal can begin
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,199 Member
    January 14

    Bible Reading.

    Colossians 3:22-24

    Commentary Thoughts

    Right Where You Belong

    Would you classify yourself as a participant or a spectator? Maybe because I’ve been working since I was in kindergarten, I’m inclined to get in there and get involved, regardless of what’s going on.

    Some people naturally seem to gravitate toward the action. If it’s game on, they’re a go. But others are actually completely the opposite—introverted, these friends tend to be slower to join in. But once they do enter the game, they make an incredible contribution.

    The type of hesitancy to avoid is that which originates in something other than temperament. Our friends who are retired or ailing probably know it best, though stay-at-home moms can easily struggle with it: the hesitancy brought about by buying into our circumstances. Do you know what I mean? It’s when you feel discarded, useless, relegated to the sidelines, and you suspect that’s right where you belong.

    It doesn’t take much to think our best days are behind us. Well, think again, sisters. God has powerful work for you to do. You may no longer be part of the economic workforce, but you remain in the Kingdom’s workforce.

    Your back may be bad, but if your mouth still works, you can tell your neighbor and your grandkids and your favorite waitress at the local restaurant about what a faithful friend Jesus is. You may be confined to a bed, but as long as you have breath and a heartbeat, you can be praying for everyone you know.

    Life may have you on the sidelines, but you’re still on the team. If you’re on the team, you’re still part of the game. If you’re part of the game, you have a role to play. Get in there and give it your all. I’ll be cheering you on.

    Lord, whether it’s a day where I’m leading the charge or a day where I’m in the background, may I make every moment count. Thank You for picking me for Your team in the biggest game of all!
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,199 Member
    January 15, 2025

    Bible Reading

    Psalm 17:6

    Commentary Thoughts


    I suppose that anyone who prays has done this, but I’ve sometimes caught myself thanking God for “answered prayer,” when what I really meant was, “Thank You, God, for answering the way I wanted!" What I see in Scripture, though, is that whenever His sons or daughters pray, God answers; it’s just that sometimes it’s “no” or “not now” or “this instead” rather than “sure, here you go, child.”

    This has pushed me to examine myself and my reasons for praying in the first place. And it’s been pretty convicting for me, to say the least. Is God solely my divine 911—my emergency standby—or my Friend whom I take everything to? Am I coming to Him only for His gifts, or to know Him better? Do I pray as a spiritual-sounding means of getting what I want, or to truly seek what God wants? And when He does answer, do I trust that He has me covered, no matter the answer?

    The difference in my attitude matters more than I want to admit sometimes. And the litmus test is this: I’m deeply, actually relating to Him when I not only desire His will above my own, but when I can respond, “I trust You, Lord,” to any answer of His.

    I repent of being shortsighted in my relationship with You. Draw me deeper and deeper into our friendship, teaching me to seek You and Your will above all.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,199 Member
    January 16, 2025

    Bible Reading

    Psalm 130:3-4

    Commentary Thoughts

    Clean Slate

    I don’t know how figure skaters and gymnasts do it. Having points deducted every time you fall has to be intimidating. Viewing their world from the outside makes me so thankful that God skips the points system with us.

    Instead of treating us as competitors before a judge or convicts in front of a jury, our heavenly Father treats us as a dad should. That changes our entire picture.

    As a parent, have you ever kept track of how many times your kids have fallen down? Or if you don’t have children, did your own parents log how many times you fell? Is the tally in your baby book? No, a loving parent doesn’t dwell on the stumbles. A loving parent cares that his or her child gets up again and keeps going.

    God doesn’t keep an inventory of our sins. That means we don’t have to either. Once we repent, that sin is over and done with in His eyes. There’s no need for us to look back, because God sure doesn’t. Our slates are cleared. Wiped clean. His mercies are new. Every single morning.

    It can be hard for us to believe that if we’re strapped with shame or a guilty conscience. But those lingering whispers are not from the Lord. Jesus has already paid the debt for those sins, and thus He has successfully fought our case as our divine Advocate. We’ve been cleared. Case closed.

    The reason it doesn’t always feel closed is because our accuser, Satan, loves to kick us while we’re down and keep us there. His favorite mirror is the rear-view, where what’s behind is constantly in our sights. Jesus, however, sets us back on our feet, points us forward, and clears us to run.

    Every one of us has things in our past that we’d like to erase. I could reel off several right now. What matters is: Have you sincerely repented of that sin or failure to God? If yes, then do you know what the current headlines in heaven say about your case?

    ALL CHARGES DROPPED. [You can Add your Name here] (Judith) SET FREE. Yes, Amen, I am SET FREE in Jesus Name!

    Believe it! As John 8:36 says: when Christ sets you free, you are free indeed!

    Jesus, it’s because of You that I’m free of my past

    Now help me accept and believe it. Moving forward, may I boldly walk in the truth of forgiveness just as boldly as You work on my behalf.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,199 Member
    January 17, 2024

    Bible Reading

    2 Timothy 2:23-24

    Commentary Thoughts

    Sitting It Out

    We’re living in a culture where almost no one hesitates to say what’s on their mind. In the court of public opinion, every topic is fair game; every comment carries weight. So Paul’s sound advice to a young pastor is a good word for us today.

    Social media, office politics, bickering among friends or family members or within a church—petty arguments are popping up around us almost constantly, like a never-ending game of whack-a-mole. Anytime they do, God invites us to pause, take a breath, and consciously decide: Am I going to join in or sit this one out?

    We do have that choice. And according to Paul, it’s a choice worth taking seriously.

    Conflict is essentially a bicycle built for two. When one person steps off and quits their quarrel ride, you can guarantee that, unless another rider comes along, the bike won’t be going much farther.

    There are undoubtedly situations and topics that deserve our full (and patient) engagement. Paul’s own life bore this out. But for those little opinions that only stir up trouble, or the nitpicking over inconsequential things? We can leave those fight-starters alone, lest they become fire-starters.

    Though sometimes I’m tempted to spout my opinion, give me the grace to hold my tongue and walk away from the pettiness before it starts.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,199 Member
    January 18, 2025

    Bible Reading

    Romans 8:34

    Commentary Thoughts

    Praying for Me?

    Jesus prays for us. How incredible is that? The One who never sleeps is at the right hand of God in heaven, constantly praying with us and for us.

    We were also in His thoughts and prayers in the hours preceding His crucifixion. Among His requests on our behalf were that…

    We would know and accept the words we’ve heard from Him.

    Our heavenly Father would protect us from the evil one by the power of Christ’s name while we are in this world.

    We could experience utmost joy.

    We as Christians would be unified in our faith and exhibit God’s love to the world until we one day reunite with Jesus in heaven.

    Jesus is still praying today. He’s praying for you and your church family to be protected, preserved in the truth, and filled with joy.

    He is also praying for the people you know and love who don’t yet know Him.

    Whatever you’re up against right now, He’s praying you through it. At this very moment, Jesus has you on His mind.

    Today I am reminded of how intimately close You are. I know I’m not alone; I’m in the presence of my King.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,199 Member
    January 19, 2025

    Bible Reading

    Galatians 1:12
    Psalm 119:98-99
    Psalm 119:130

    Commentary Thoughts

    The Light

    No spiritual transformation in history compares to the apostle Paul’s. Within only three years of his conversion, he went from persecuting Christians to their death, to debating religious teachers and astonishing listeners with his fearless preaching of Jesus as the Son of God.

    He could do these things because he immersed himself in the teaching of Christ as a new believer. “I received my message from no human source,” he explained later. “I received it by direct revelation from Jesus Christ” (Galatians 1:12 NLT)

    Like us, Paul didn’t have the advantage of knowing Jesus while he walked the earth; he had what we have: the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit, and a relationship with Christ. That was his seminary, so to speak. Through that training, God equipped Paul to instruct pastors, plant churches, and evangelize the unsaved all over the ancient world, and the ripple effect of his ministry reaches to us today.

    His experience excites me so much! What might God do through us as we invest time in Bible reading and prayer?

    Clearly, God doesn’t care how long we’ve been a Christian. He doesn’t disqualify us because we’re in the early days of our faith. He can teach us, purpose us, use us from the start of our salvation or at any point thereafter.

    His Word makes the difference, illuminating who Jesus is and God’s incredible plans for us. Nothing else turns up the light so quickly.

    What a gift Your Word is! Knowing that the Holy Spirit will take Your teachings and enlighten my soul every time I open up my Bible is a game changer.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,199 Member
    edited January 21
    January 20, 2025

    Bible Reading

    Psalm 130:5
    Micah 7:7-8
    2 Corinthians 4:8-9
    Psalm 27:13-14

    Commentary Thoughts

    Take Heart

    Recent studies have declared millennials, especially women, the most anxious generation of all. But it’s not just millennials. Surveys by the American Psychiatric Association reveal that our national anxiety is increasing, from baby boomers to the teenagers of Generation Z. Today’s sixteen-year-olds now have the anxiety levels of fifty-year-olds in the past. Which means we are no longer a people who anticipate but a people riddled with worry.

    I’m not an anxious person by nature, but my heart goes out to the many friends I know and meet who do consistently struggle with it. When I am feeling anxious, nothing soothes me as much as the balm of God’s own words. So instead of trying to comfort you with my own reassurances, do you mind if I share a few of God’s promises that calm my heart and mind?

    I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits, and in His words I put my hope. (Psalm 130:5 ESV )

    We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed. (II CORINTHIANS 4:8-9 NLT)

    As for me, I watch in hope for the LORD, I wait for God my Savior;
    my God will hear me. Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the LORD will be my light. (MICAH 7:7-8 ESV)

    You are very, very loved. I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD. (Psalm 27:13-14 CSB)

    Whatever you’re going through today, my sisters, I’d like to pray for you as we close out our time together: In the name of Jesus, may you find deep blessing and assurance in the knowledge that He conquered the powers of darkness and dread so you wouldn’t have to. I pray for His strength, and joy, and abiding peace over you as you live for Him.

    And may He, the God of hope, “fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” Romans 15:13
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,199 Member
    January 21, 2025

    Bible Reading

    Romans 6:13

    Commentary Thoughts: from A W Tozer

    Unwilling To Yield

    I know there are people who hear me preach regularly who will never consider changing their way of living. They will go “underground” before they will do that!

    Our situation is not an isolated case. There are millions of men and women with an understanding of the revelation of God in Jesus Christ, who are still not willing to receive and commit themselves to Him whom the very angels and stars and rivers receive.

    They hesitate and they delay because they know God is asking the abdication of their own selfish little kingdom and interests.

    This is the tragedy of mankind, my brethren! We have rejected Him from our lives because we must have our own way.

    But until Jesus Christ is sincerely received, there can be no knowledge of salvation, nor any understanding of the things of God.

    The little, selfish, sinful man rejects the Son of God. While he is still enumerating the things he deserves, the Son of God stands outside.

    My brethren, I repeat: This is the great tragedy of mankind!

    Prayer - "Dear Lord, we all know of some people in our lives who are aware of the truth of the gospel but who choose to live apart from God. I pray that Your Spirit will cause each of these people to feel an overwhelming sense of dread concerning their future destiny".
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,199 Member
    January 22, 2023

    Bible Reading

    Hebrews 13:1

    Commentary Thoughts

    A Christian Virtue

    I am being very frank about this and I hope I am being helpful: Do not ever say you are not right with God because you like some people better than others!

    I believe you can be right with God and still not like the way some people behave. It is easy to love those who are friendly; others rub us the wrong way or perhaps they cut us down.

    The writer to the Hebrews has appealed to us as Christian believers to “let brotherly love continue”—in other words, “never stop loving one another in the Lord.”

    Here is what I have found: It is possible to love people in the Lord even though you may not like their boorish or distasteful human traits. We still love them for Jesus’ sake!

    Yes, I believe you can be right with God and still not like the way some people behave.

    Our admonition is to love them in a larger and more comprehensive way because we are all one in Christ Jesus.

    This kind of love is indeed a Christian virtue!

    Prayer - "Father, help me to love people for Jesus’ sake even when they do or say things that annoy or hurt me".
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,199 Member
    January 24

    Bible Reading

    Philippians 1:11

    Commentary Thoughts

    The Winsome Saints

    Much of Christianity overlooks the fact that if we are led by the Spirit of God and if we show forth the love of God this world needs, we become the “winsome saints.”

    The strange and wonderful thing about it is that truly win- some and loving saints do not even know about their attractiveness.

    The great saints of the past did not know they were great saints.

    If someone had told them, they would not have believed it, but those around them knew that Jesus was living His life in them.

    I think we join the winsome saints when God’s purposes in Christ become clear to us. We join them when we begin to worship God because He is who He is! Brethren, God is not a charity case—He is not some frustrated foreman who cannot find enough help.

    Let us remember that God has never actually needed any of us—not one! But we pretend that He does, and we make a big thing of it when someone agrees “to work for the Lord.”

    God is trying to call us back to that for which He created us—to worship and to enjoy Him forever!

    Prayer - "Thank You, Lord, for the faithful men and women who have gone before us. Thank You for the example of their lives that delighted in having close fellowship with You".
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,199 Member
    January 25

    Bible Reading

    2 Timothy 3:5

    Commentary Thoughts

    Failure Of Religion

    Millions of men and women refuse to face up to the fact that religion, in and of itself, is not enough for the sinner’s need.

    It is amazing how many things religious people want to do to you. They can start with infant baptism and end up with the last rites when you are 108 years old—and all of that time they will manipulate you, maul you and sweet massage your soul.

    When it is all done, you are just what you were.

    You are just a decorated and massaged sinner—a sinner who did not eat meat, or on the other hand, a sinner who did eat fish!

    When religion has done all it can, you are still a sinner who either went to church or did not go to church.

    Religion can put us on the roll and educate us and train us and instruct us.

    But after all that, there is still something within our beings that cries, “Eternity is in my heart and I have not found anything to satisfy it!”

    Only our Lord Jesus Christ is enough to satisfy the eternal longing in our souls.

    Prayer - "Lord, deepening my relationship with You is more important than my involvement in “religious traditions” that have nothing to do with my eternal destiny. I love You, Lord Jesus".
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,199 Member
    January 26

    Bible Reading

    Philippians 4:8

    Commentary Thoughts

    Striving For Numbers

    In Christian circles today, the church that can show an impressive quantitative growth is frankly envied and imitated by other ambitious churches.

    Numbers, size and amounts seem to be very nearly all that matters—with a corresponding lack of emphasis on quality!

    This is the age of the Laodiceans. The great goddess, Numbers, is worshiped with fervent devotion, and all things religious are brought before her for examination.

    Her Old Testament is the financial report, and her New Testament is the membership roll.

    To these she appeals as the test of spiritual growth and the proof of success or failure in most Christian endeavors.

    A little acquaintance with the Bible should show this up for the heresy it is.

    To judge anything spiritual by statistics is to judge by something other than scriptural judgment.

    Yet this is being done every day by ministers, church boards and denominational leaders. And hardly anyone seems to notice the deep and dangerous errors.

    Prayer - “Lord, I pray this morning for the pastor and elders of my church, that their chief desire will be to invite the Holy Spirit of God into our church to do His refining work in the lives of our people.”
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,199 Member
    January 27

    Bible Reading

    Philippians 1:11

    Commentary Thoughts

    The Winsome Saints

    Much of Christianity overlooks the fact that if we are led by the Spirit of God and if we show forth the love of God this world needs, we become the “winsome saints.”

    The strange and wonderful thing about it is that truly win- some and loving saints do not even know about their attractiveness.

    The great saints of the past did not know they were great saints. If someone had told them, they would not have believed it, but those around them knew that Jesus was living His life in them.

    I think we join the winsome saints when God’s purposes in Christ become clear to us. We join them when we begin to worship God because He is who He is! Brethren, God is not a charity case—He is not some frustrated foreman who cannot find enough help.

    Let us remember that God has never actually needed any of us—not one! But we pretend that He does, and we make a big thing of it when someone agrees “to work for the Lord.”

    God is trying to call us back to that for which He created us—to worship and to enjoy Him forever!

    Prayer - "Thank You, Lord, for the faithful men and women who have gone before us. Thank You for the example of their lives that delighted in having close fellowship with You".
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,199 Member
    January 28

    Bible Reading

    Ephesians 3:13-15

    Commentary Thoughts:

    Spiritual Power by Tony Evans

    Spiritual power comes as we recognize our identity as God’s children.

    Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3 is offered on behalf of a group of Christians who are facing discouragement. In offering this prayer, after having addressed the Father, Paul then reminds these discouraged Christians that this Father is the one that every family in heaven and on earth derives its name from.

    "Therefore I ask you not to lose heart at my tribulations on your behalf, for they are your glory" (Ephesians 3:13).

    In other words, Paul is telling these struggling believers in the midst of their despair, that they are still family—the sons and daughters of the Heavenly Father. The good news for us as believers is that, regardless of the nature of our struggles, we have access to a powerful Father who listens to and cares for the needs of His children. As it says in Hebrews,

    “Let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16).

    Are there any circumstances or trials in your life that are causing you to “lose heart?” Take a moment, like Paul, to “bow the knee” before the Father and lift up your needs to Him.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,199 Member
    edited January 30
    January 29, 2025

    Bible Reading

    Ephesians 3:17-19

    Commentary Thoughts

    Spiritual power comes as the believer increasingly allows Christ to dwell within.

    Paul states that the specific purpose of his prayer for spiritual power is so that Christ would dwell in their hearts through faith (Ephesians 3:17). When we invite guests to stay with us, we often encourage them to “make themselves at home,” but we don’t allow them to go into our bedroom or look through our closets. What we really mean is they should make themselves “at room.”

    The same is often true of our invitation to allow Christ to have lordship over our lives. There are certain areas in which we are willing for Him to rule and direct, but there are other rooms that we will not allow Christ to enter into and make Himself “at home.” When we give Christ the access and freedom to run the property, we gain an increased understanding of the vastness of His love for us—even in the midst of the messy homes of our lives.

    Paul prays that as these Christians allow Christ to dwell within their hearts so they would come to know the breadth and length and height and depth of the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge (3:18-19).

    This increased knowledge of the love of God for us in Christ gives us an increased capacity to experience the benefit of spiritual power that comes from God as our lives become filled up with all the fullness of God (3:19).

    Are you allowing Christ to “dwell” in all the rooms of your life? Have you given Him complete ownership of the property?
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,199 Member
    January 31, 2025

    Bible Reading

    Ephesians 3:20-21
    Psalm 77
    Psalm 145

    Commentary Thoughts

    As we experience spiritual power, we’ll find that it is more than enough to supply all of our needs.

    Paul describes the working of spiritual power as

    “Able to do abundantly beyond all that we ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20).

    For the believer, whatever the circumstances or trials we encounter, God is able to meet our needs because His superlative, His “beyond” power works within us.

    We must remember that God gives the believer this experience of His “beyond” power because it ultimately leads to His glory (3:21).

    We can identify a person who knows God by the demonstration of God’s power in the midst of a situation that would render the normal Christian powerless.

    When this person is tempted to lose heart, his or her knowledge of God imparts a spiritual power that transcends, or goes beyond, the trials being experienced.

    As we arrive at an understanding of our identity as God’s children and allow Christ to dwell in our lives as Lord, we, too, will experience this benefit of spiritual power that will supply every need.

    The people of Israel often sustained themselves during times of trial by remembering the “mighty acts” of God as He demonstrated His power to them throughout their history. Can you recall demonstrations of God’s superlative or “beyond” power in your life?