Good Workouts While Pregnant

SheaHF Posts: 27 Member
Hi! While I'm not prego yet, I am nervous about my next pregnancy. I have worked really hard to get back into good shape since my last pregnancy and am worried about losing a lot of progress due to pregnancy. Anyway, to prepare, I am really curious as to what workouts are good ones to do during pregnancy. Any recommendations for good pregnancy workouts?


  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    The best part is that you can keep up any workouts you did before being pregnant, as long as you feel okay. I've (tried!) to keep up running and such, but I also power walk a lot more. That way I don't feel my tummy bounce and have ligament pain. Stationary bikes are good and swimming, I've heard, is the BEST workout when pregnant. It's low impact and has a high calorie burn!
  • faithhergy
    Swimming is GREAT while you are preggo! I swim 2-3 times/wk. Even if you aren't a swimmer, getting in the water is great...your body is so lightweight in the water...very bouyant! It feels great to get the stress off of your legs. If you aren't preggo, yet, you may want to start adding swimming into your routine now, so that you are a little bit conditioned when you do get pregnant. You can swim all the way up to your due date!