CoD vs Battlefield

kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
edited October 2024 in Social Groups
CoD = Paintball
Battlefield = communication tactical squad combat

What do you think?


  • maiituu
    maiituu Posts: 81 Member
    >.>; you want people to fight don't you? jk, the gameplay for both games is really different that you are comparing rugby to Football. COD is fast gameplay games and kills usually last 2-10 min, and BF is strategic, slow paced and it seems that game sessions are long too. Either way it all depends on the type of player.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    LOL! Maybe >___>. No, not really. Just want to know why people think CoD is better than Battlefield and vice verse.
  • lexagon
    lexagon Posts: 495 Member
    I like them both equally for different reasons.

    COD for me is a sit down and shoot people type of game when I don't feel like thinking a whole lot.
    Battlefield does require some strategy and with a good group it's a great game! For when I have more time to play.

    But either way I will play whichever one people want to play. My skill level in both is about the same so I'm just an extra! :)
  • Genem30
    Genem30 Posts: 431 Member
    I've never been able to really enjoy any Call of Duty game beyond Call of Duty 3 in multiplayer, but I always enjoy the SP campaign a lot. Battlefield tho, I love hopping online for 2-3 hours at a clip and running around mostly getting killed and doing some killing. The best part of that game is the insanity that vehicles bring to the table, seeing a jet do a nosedive into the road right in front of you as you're tooling along in a jeep trying to reach the next checkpoint, the constant battle as an engineer to repair your tank and get off shots as another tank keeps firing at you.

    I been playing Battlefield since 1942, and I didn't play Bad Company 2 at all, but 10 minutes into a BF3 match I was like "Holy crap, this is AWESOME!" It's exactly what I remember being so good about 1942 and BF2. I'm not good at it, I'm probably never going to put enough time into it to be really good at it, but it's one of those games that me sucking at doesn't detract from just how cool being in the mix with 32-64 players and watching how crazy things get just trying to hold onto a capture point.

    So Battlefield 3 for me, there's no doubt.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Personally, I love Battlefield. I could play that game for hours. I think it requires a lot more strategy and skill compared to CoD.
  • Loko_Ino
    Loko_Ino Posts: 544 Member
    They are two different games. COD you dont even have to communicate. I find it annoying that most of the folks playing BF3 dont even have mics setup..why play a squad based game if you are not going to watch my back..and they fly a chopper in with 4 other guys and just crash land it near the target and take coulda told me you were gonna use it as a bus dillhole.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    They are two different games. COD you dont even have to communicate. I find it annoying that most of the folks playing BF3 dont even have mics setup..why play a squad based game if you are not going to watch my back..and they fly a chopper in with 4 other guys and just crash land it near the target and take coulda told me you were gonna use it as a bus dillhole.
    I don't play alone. I play with 4 other people so for the most part we are always on vent or mumble. Therefore our game style is a little more structured/strategy instead of having a bunch of people just running around like headless chickens. But with CoD for example, like team deathmatch all that is, is a basic kill/points structure. Do you guys actually play in a team/watch each others back? For the most part no, everyone just starts running towards the opposite team and shoots.
  • mamijujuphat
    mamijujuphat Posts: 407 Member
    Different strokes for different can't compare them...& I agree it's like trying to compare apples to oranges
  • nekoemi
    nekoemi Posts: 121 Member
    I never could really get into CoD games, but Battlefield games have been among my favorite going back to BF1942 (and especially Desert Combat).

    CoD is obviously more of a fast paced game and geared more toward going it solo, while BF has more tactical elements. The Rush and DM modes in BF3 are a bit more fast paced and can be fun, but I'm a fan of the old school conquest mode.
  • Kotasmommy
    Kotasmommy Posts: 124 Member
    I never really played CoD until Black Ops came out. I love killing zombies :happy: . I'll be honest I am terrible when it comes to trying to kill people on like team death match. But then again if I played it more i'm sure I would get better. I like the concept of the game though. I have never tried any of the BF games. From the sounds of it I'd like CoD more anyways. Just my opinion though. Everyone has their prefrence of games they like.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    I like both games pretty equally even if one of my friends demands I choose a side now that Ive "finally" gotten a BF game.

    I like CoD's campaign better than BF tho.

    Im partial to BF controls.
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