Hey everybody!! Welcome!

ansleya Posts: 192 Member
Welcome to our new group! WOOT! :bigsmile:

It's kind of nice to have our own little spot to post in! Our other post was getting kind of large. Now I guess we can post for each week! \o/

I will repost the instructions that I wrote up.

I'm excited about this!!

Happy Dancing!



  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    Hello there, I dont have just dance 3 but i do have 1 and 2. I wll be getting 3 soon! I HOPE LOLOL
  • JJ_Mamma
    JJ_Mamma Posts: 42 Member
    Great idea with the new group.

    Ans, I'm from Australia (Sydney) and although it is still Spring we have been having some crazy weather, we are expecting over 95ºF today and then storms by this evening, it has been this way for the last 3 days.

    Will look into moving wii sensor as our TV is on the wall and although the sensor in under it, I am only 5'3 (and the shorter side) and the sensor is sort of at my shoulders, so maybe to high.

    Chat later!
  • keekee1804
    keekee1804 Posts: 102 Member
    Thanks alot for the invite! JD 2&3 are my daily Fun workouts! So awesome! I'm so glad my friend intro'd me to these (And let me borrow her game)!!!!!
  • ingot81
    ingot81 Posts: 618 Member
    How exciting? A special group. (I think I need to get out more - lol).
  • CandiceLeeAnn
    CandiceLeeAnn Posts: 80 Member
    A group of our own, that's great! I really love all of the Just Dance games, well any dancing game it seems :D My husband does a mean Thriller playing Michael Jackson: The Experience!

    I wanted to say that my sensor used to be on top of our TV at one point in time, but I found that it wasn't logging my movements correctly. We moved it below the bottom of the TV on our entertainment stand and it works so much better for me, I'm 5'3 1/2" and my 5 year old daughter who is much shorter...lol.
  • tracy337
    tracy337 Posts: 199 Member
    I hope its ok that I joined. I do not have this game yet lol but planning on either getting it for christmas or right at the begining of the year and didn't know if I would be able to find the group again. If its not ok, please just let me know and I will remove myself until I am able to purchase my XBOX and this game :)
  • carolinagirl919
    carolinagirl919 Posts: 54 Member
    Yay, I'm in a group! I'm still finishing up 30 Day Shred, but looking forward to this.
  • ansleya
    ansleya Posts: 192 Member
    I hope its ok that I joined. I do not have this game yet lol but planning on either getting it for christmas or right at the begining of the year and didn't know if I would be able to find the group again. If its not ok, please just let me know and I will remove myself until I am able to purchase my XBOX and this game :)

    Honey you can stay!! Glad to have you!

    I just added everyone who was in our original post! Welcome Welcome all!!

  • ansleya
    ansleya Posts: 192 Member
    Great idea with the new group.

    Ans, I'm from Australia (Sydney) and although it is still Spring we have been having some crazy weather, we are expecting over 95ºF today and then storms by this evening, it has been this way for the last 3 days.

    Will look into moving wii sensor as our TV is on the wall and although the sensor in under it, I am only 5'3 (and the shorter side) and the sensor is sort of at my shoulders, so maybe to high.

    Chat later!

    Eek! Our 95 weather is over Thank goodness!! But we are moving quickly into Winter...But I :heart: winter!! I know, I'm crazy. But I am from the South and we had no winter there, just rain :frown:

    I gotta work out the sensor thing...so I can get my scores up like you two!! LOL
  • ansleya
    ansleya Posts: 192 Member
    YAY for new people!!! Glad to have you all here!! Welcome :flowerforyou:

    The new week starts tomorrow, so you are just in time!

    Happy Dancing!

  • JJ_Mamma
    JJ_Mamma Posts: 42 Member
    I moved my wii sensor a little and adjusted the settings too but it seems I'm just really unco-ordinated!

    Wed results:
    Jump: 6278
    Take me on: 9430
    Dynamite: 5504

    Oh my I think I'm getting worse, I'm blaming the heat!
  • lmc8009
    lmc8009 Posts: 9,190 Member
    I am quite possibly the least coordinated and worst dancer ever, but I'm excited to try this challenge starting with the new songs tomorrow! :smile: I fully expect to get some of the worst scores ever, but I am looking forward to having some fun burning calories.
  • DDaun
    DDaun Posts: 15
    I am quite possibly the least coordinated and worst dancer ever, but I'm excited to try this challenge starting with the new songs tomorrow! :smile: I fully expect to get some of the worst scores ever, but I am looking forward to having some fun burning calories.

    Hopefully "dancing well" is NOT a requirement!! :wink:

    My partner and I absolutely love 'Just Dance'...will be getting 3 this weekend so we can join you!!

    Lets do this together!!!
  • keekee1804
    keekee1804 Posts: 102 Member
    I played JD3 with a friend yesterday! Got 8,097 Sweat Points lol! It's SO fun!!!!!!
  • ansleya
    ansleya Posts: 192 Member
    Welcome girls!! Always love to have new people! The challenge starts over at 6pm central time. I will see who has the highest scores and that person will be our new leader and choose this weeks songs! I'm glad to start over...I was bombing it BIG TIME lol
  • keekee1804
    keekee1804 Posts: 102 Member
    Welcome girls!! Always love to have new people! The challenge starts over at 6pm central time. I will see who has the highest scores and that person will be our new leader and choose this weeks songs! I'm glad to start over...I was bombing it BIG TIME lol

    I'm starting my JD3 dancing now so I may have to start tomorrow not sure if I'll be able to play after 6p tonite! :(
  • kbonamour
    kbonamour Posts: 49 Member
    Just got this game today, and already have over 3100 sweat points! I am very excited about this weekly challenge!!!
  • ansleya
    ansleya Posts: 192 Member
    Just got this game today, and already have over 3100 sweat points! I am very excited about this weekly challenge!!!

    Wow that was quite a workout!! WTG!
  • Malissas
    Malissas Posts: 64 Member

    I started both MFP and just dance 3 on the wii last week.
    I'm so uncoordinated but im really enjoying it :)
    I play for a little over an hour every day! haha
    Thanks for creating the group!!
  • ansleya
    ansleya Posts: 192 Member
    New songs are up!!! (In Thursday-New songs post)

    Happy Dancing!!
