It's Monday!

What are your goals for this week?


  • hlynn1986
    hlynn1986 Posts: 8 Member
    Get back in the gym every day this week, no excuses!
  • lloydda
    lloydda Posts: 4 Member
    Finally avoid pizza for an entire week! I swear its everywhere on college campuses.
  • Emily219
    I hear you about the pizza! But at my college it was never very good...I was more tempted by this giant display of desserts that were always there as soon as I entered the dining hall. My goal this week is to ratchet up the exercise a few notches..maybe throw in some strength training or something.
  • Harpua2
    Increase my intake of water & Decrease my intake of Diet Pepsi
  • Valkyriemand
    My goal this week is to work of that take away i had at the weekend lol
  • jeserek
    My goal is to introduce jump rope to my routine on my off days :-) Today was the first off day (tuesday here), and it was quite frustrating from a coordination point-of-view haha. Awesome nonetheless!
  • jendublin
    Finally avoid pizza for an entire week! I swear its everywhere on college campuses.

    my gym even has pizza night... why?!?!
  • hannahbelle123
    Increase my intake of water & Decrease my intake of Diet Pepsi

    This is my downfall. But I have only had 660ml in the last 3 days! Woo progress!
  • Hakugei
    My goal is to get my comfy *kitten* out of bed and just go to the goddamn gym, even though it's freezing outside! :tongue:
    Gosh it's getting so cold!