The Cult

carolinarollergirl Posts: 63
edited October 2024 in Social Groups
I've gotten a rash of "Crossfit = Cult" comments from friends on facebook lately. What gives??? I would never knock your yoga or pole dancing pursuits and I don't slam you for waking up at 5 am to run 10 miles, 5 days a week.

Why is crossfit such a target???


  • jamesdelong
    jamesdelong Posts: 177 Member
    Because there isn't a Yoga Games on ESPN. :)
    Just kidding, but yeah I've been hearing that too. I actually don't mind people saying that. Unless they try it themselves and understand the whole work out environment and training then they will never get it.
    I hope it isn't mainstreamed and that way I can continue to enjoy working out and getting healthy with friends who enjoy cross fitting with me.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I laugh and say yeah... we're a cult of elite athletes high on endorphins. Things could be worse.

    Those that are hating are those who are too scared to try it.
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    I think it has to do with the fact that when it comes down to it CrossFit isn't just a workout, but a community. Plus when you add on that we have a bit of our only language...sometimes people misunderstand us, but hey we're a healthy cult!
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    It is kind of cultish. We talk about it all the time. But I don't care. I like it!
  • I think you're right about the language. And the fear. I think I ruffled some feathers this morning when someone (very devout Christian) asked if I'd shaved my head and been given an orange robe and I responded: You chose to put your faith in God, I chose to put my faith in myself. If that means I'm in a cult, then I wouldn't have it any other way.

    Not that they're mutually exclusive but... take the plank out of your eye yadda yadda yadda...
  • Iluvchopsticks
    Iluvchopsticks Posts: 130 Member
    Unfortunately there has been a lot of outspoken Crossfitters who have the mentality that if you aren't Crossfitting, you aren't really working out. There is a big "drink the kool-aid" attitude within the Crossfit community. It does not apply to the majority of Crossfitters who enjoy the workouts and community but it has tainted the Crossfit image for many people who haven't experienced it for themselves.
  • MaggieMay131
    MaggieMay131 Posts: 211 Member
    I agree, I think there are some people out there that just bash everyone else's workouts, and act all high and mighty because we lift heavy things. But I'm sure most of you would agree that it's hard not to talk about something that gives such great results, and has such an amazing community! I think some people just take it to the extreme.

    I have to admit though, I get kind of upset when people tell me they do "crossfit"... and then I realize they're doing some random bootcamp class at their globo-gym that they call crossfit. No, that's not crossfit. Haha. I try to keep my mouth shut.
  • Those who can't do, hate. =)

    I agree with the "chain gyms" bringing CrossFit style workouts in, labeling it CrossFit and trying to market it to people. The front desk guy was making small talk one morning about why I was there so early, and I mentioned I had CrossFit later. He was like we're trying to get that in here at 'SCHMOLDS' ... I sort of laughed and said ok. It'll just be a bootcamp style class.
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    Oh man...I thought this would of been about the band. Oh well...

    I've actually hadn't encountered this yet. But I live in a very outdoorsy & athletic town full of liberals.

    But I don't see how CF can be called a cult. In the big picture, it's not much different than say Weight Watchers. We all meet up, are instructed how to lose weight (either by diet/exercise or both) and we repeat.
  • Sbiscotti
    Sbiscotti Posts: 153 Member
    I drank the Koolaid. I pass out the Koolaid. I love the Koolaid. Bring it on!
  • natalie2355
    natalie2355 Posts: 93 Member
    I moved to a small crappy town about 2 years ago... and i couldn't meet ANYONE for over a year. Joined crossfit a month ago and I've FINALLY met some "normal" people. I agree with sbiscottie... bring on the koolaid. i finally fit in here.
  • Its the same with bodybuilding .... I think its because you need to be disciplined, focus, mentally strong, have willpower and courage ... stuff like that ... to do CrossFit .... stuff they clearly don't have ... Because of you it underline the fact that they are .... couch potato ...
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 642 Member
    I fell into an argumesnt yesterday on here with ACG87 0r 67....he jumped on some for the paleo diet in that thread, wasnt satisfied with that so he started a thread about crossfit to make fun of kipping. I just get so sick of *kitten* like that.
    I belieive if you havent done crossfit, then dont comment on it
    You either like it or you dont, no ones forcing you to do it
    If you tried it and couldnt do it simply say, **** I couldnt do it!
    But the people like him yesterday, listing references to support a point about something he has never tried, smug in his standings at the ripe age of 29 obviously knowing it all by now, just an arrogant *kitten* hiding behind someone elses opinions....
    Sorry, just had to get on my soap box....and yes its set at 36"
  • ^^^^ well put my friend
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    I moved to a small crappy town about 2 years ago... and i couldn't meet ANYONE for over a year. Joined crossfit a month ago and I've FINALLY met some "normal" people. I agree with sbiscottie... bring on the koolaid. i finally fit in here.

    Same here, moved 1500 miles from home, work in a company that's 90% male and the only other female engineer is my skinny fat roommate who sits in her room all day long and can't wait to be a housewife. So not the usual driven females I try to surround myself with. I lived here 6 months, realized having a couple drinks at the bar wasn't working for meeting people and was looking for a new fitness routine anyway so I decided to "drink the koolaid". I love it. I work out with some bad *kitten* chicks and all of them are not only driven in their training but also with their careers. Exactly the type of people I want/need to be around.

    I don't attack P90X, spinning classes, bodybuilding, Zumba, distance running or anything else. We all have something that works for us. It may not work for someone else, but I don't work out for other people, I work out for myself. I work out so I can be healthy, be well trained across the board, tackle everything on my "bucket list". I have yet to see any Crossfitter claim any sort of superiority over anyone on the messageboards.
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