Let's write a story...
Posts: 347 Member
Ok, so...I'm bored. Let's write a group story. You can only use 7 words each time. I will go first...
One upon a time there was a......
One upon a time there was a......
Boy who knew he was different but....0
he didn't care because he hated most0
normal, dry people with no sense of...0
smell, or humor but mostly smell so0
he decided he was going start killing0
those little stink bugs that like to0
bite you all over, so he began0
to look for the tools he needed0
He found a hamme, rock, and nails.0
He first started using the hammer on0
a rock just to see what would0
happen, but the rock didn't break, so0
he threw it against the wall and0
the earth started to shake, he0
then decided that it was time to0
gather up many rocks so he could0
follow the dark sparklies into the night! :laugh:0
He started his journey with a0
knife, and bag of magic stones so0
small they could blow away with a0
light puff of air. He kept a0
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