Thursday-New songs!



  • JJ_Mamma
    JJ_Mamma Posts: 42 Member
    Yeah got my first 5 stars today! Also bought a new bright pink wiimote. Not sure if they improved my results but I'm happy:

    Boom: 8983
    da Funk: 9588
    I'm so excited: 10305

    sweat 1051

    Also received an award "perfectionist" 90% or more perfects - yeah!
  • AlwaysAnn
    AlwaysAnn Posts: 116 Member
    I did better on Boom today & it's now my high score :)

    Boom - 10,669
    Da Funk - 11,044
    I'm so excited - 10,414
  • keekee1804
    keekee1804 Posts: 102 Member
    I can't even believe I broke my hi-scores again:

    Boom! 11740
    Da Funk 11251
    I'm So Excited 10995
  • Malissas
    Malissas Posts: 64 Member
    Woohoo, I did a little better today too!

    Boom 10089
    Da funk 10125
    I'm so Excited 10896

    My teenage girls are now home during the day as school is finishing. Its so hard to do this with an audience! haha.
    Also today I was so exhausted and forced myself to get over 4000 sweat points as I missed yesterdays and am trying for the 21000 sweat points in a week.
  • Boomqueesha21
    Each time gets a little better! ( I feel like some the moves I hit were perfect but I didn't get credit, especially some of the gold moves.) However I still love this game! So here are my scores for this week.
    Boom 9507
    Excited 9488
    Da Funk 9364

    Hope everyone had fun! Can't wait to see the new songs for next week :) Have a good evening ya'll.
  • keekee1804
    keekee1804 Posts: 102 Member
    Final scores for the week:

    Boom! 11433
    Da Funk 11355
    I'm So Excited 10754
  • AlwaysAnn
    AlwaysAnn Posts: 116 Member
    Finally getting around to posting, I've had a busy day.

    Boom - 11,000 on the dot!
    Da Funk - 10,827
    I'm so excited 10,754
  • keekee1804
    keekee1804 Posts: 102 Member
    Thats kind of AWESOME we got the same EXACT score for I'm So Excited!!!!!
    Finally getting around to posting, I've had a busy day.

    Boom - 11,000 on the dot!
    Da Funk - 10,827
    I'm so excited 10,754
  • AlwaysAnn
    AlwaysAnn Posts: 116 Member
    Thats kind of AWESOME we got the same EXACT score for I'm So Excited!!!!!
    Finally getting around to posting, I've had a busy day.

    Boom - 11,000 on the dot!
    Da Funk - 10,827
    I'm so excited 10,754

    lol!! I didn't even realize that.