i cant stop making fried foods

weatherby3 Posts: 1
edited October 5 in Social Groups
So I am having this issue i always fry my meals and make lots of bacon in my house hold. I know its not healthy but it is the only way i know how to cook. And on top of that my hubby wont eat healthy food everyday he comes home from work he asks for fried chicken or somethin with chili on it. Does anybody have an good tastin recipes that are healthy or a healthier way to fry food?


  • wjcyz
    wjcyz Posts: 3 Member
    Well lets face it ... there is no such thing as a "healthier" way to fry food!! Lets remember it's a lifestyle change ... do you want to be around for the beautiful child of yours in the picture?? It's no different then smoking ... you have to quite not just take a break from it... Having said that ... if you love bacon try something better for you and try the turkey bacon (get the one with less sodium) and then buy a non-stick fry pan and just put the strips of turkey bacon right in the pan and let them get crispy ... You're (and your hubby and kids) are at greater risk for high blood cholesterol and heart disease if you eat a diet that often includes fried or breaded foods which are all high in fat. Diets high in saturated fat and cholesterol tend to raise your total cholesterol ... think of clogged sink pipes and the draino we use to clear them ... that's what fried foods do is clog your arteries. Fried and deep fried foods, such as French fries, chicken nuggets, and fried potatoes, are not healthy for you at all. Take a look at the left-over grease you pour away into a glass jar and store, until you’ve filled it to the brim and can throw it away (or recycle). Some of that grease was still on the food you ate, and that’s what that grease now looks like, in your arteries. Your body does its best to flush the impurities away, but why put that extra strain on your heart and arteries? You have to be the one to make the change for your family as it sounds like your hubby won't. There are creative ways to cook where your hubby might think he's eating the way he always has but you are not preparing it in a healthier way - less oils, using ground turkey and spicing it up with spices - it tastes the same as ground beef but better for you and your family.

    Try making faux-fried foods - instead of fries - make sweet potato fries but bake them in the oven with olive oil and salt, pepper and chili pepper ... yummy

    Or oven fried-chicken, you can sautee anything in smaller amounts of oil using broth to make up the difference and you can always find healthly versions of anything fried on the internet ... I"m a google queen.

    After a few weeks of eating healthier i guarentee you will feel much better and you won't crave the disgusting greasyness of your former meals .... i grave McDonald's fries and when i get that graving i go and get some - and about an hour later i have the worst tummy ache from the grease ... and then i'm good for months after without having to have them.

    All i can suggest with this lifestyle change is:

    *Make a plan that will stick - be specific in your plan ie: no more fried foods, and daily 30 min walks ... whatever the plan write down and post it where you can see it or know that you will look at it.

    *Start small - don't knock yourself out right at the beginning cause your settin yourself up to fail then - start small - cutting out fried foods 1 day a week .. at the end of the week you'll feel successful knowing you met that goal

    *Involve a buddy - whether it's your hubby or someone else they will help you keep motivated and accountable. Having someone to share your struggles and successes with makes the work easier and the mission less intimidating

    *Ask for support - either from family or friends or your hubby or even on this site - we are all on her for the same common ground to lose weight, get fit ... be lean, healthy and strong.

    Making the changes that you want takes time and commitment, but you can do it. Just remember that no one is perfect. You will have occasional lapses. Be kind to yourself. When you eat a brownie or skip the gym, don’t give up. Minor missteps on the road to your goals are normal and okay. Resolve to recover and get back on track and do it for you and your family cause they want you around for a long time! :happy:
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