Day One

kristennwinter Posts: 100 Member
edited October 5 in Social Groups
How's everybody feeling? I just did mine as soon as I got up this morning, and it seriously kicked my butt. I'm so glad we have this group for motivation, because otherwise I would probably quit right now!! I had heard people say that it kicks your *kitten*, but I really didn't think it was going to be THIS HARD. How did everyone else feel?


  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    I won't get to it until tonight (when the baby goes to sleep).

    However, I have done the workout before, and it certainly works up a sweat!

    For me, the toughest parts of level 1 are the jumping jacks and lunges (these two moves hurt my left knee - so if I feel pain, I just modify to one of the other moves). I also find the bicycle crunches hard - not because of the abs, but because of the legs!!!

    I am really excited about this group - I need you guys to kick my butt into gear and not allow me to use "fatigue" as an excuse anymore!!!!
  • timjai
    timjai Posts: 113
    I'm going to try and do this in the mornings although realistically knowing me it'll wait until the evening so so soon as I get in I'll crack on! I'll have some dinner straight after and then maybe go to the gym later if I'm still breathing! Need to lose more weight before christmas!! :)
  • meckiemelt
    meckiemelt Posts: 27 Member
    I went to the gym this morning so I will do it this afternoon. I have started this before and it did suck. We can do it though, kicks our but now but in 30 days we will think level one is a cake walk! Motivated!!!
  • Tiana405
    Tiana405 Posts: 270 Member
    Gonna start when I get home around 1pm (Oklahoma time). : ) AFTER I measure my arms, b/c I forgot to do that this a.m. So very excited about this group!
  • Steph4454
    Steph4454 Posts: 164 Member
    Just Joined! Thanks so much for creating the group. I'm doing this challenge and a biking challenge of my own for the next 30 days? I'd love to lose 15 pounds by christmas! I love the spread sheet idea too! Thanks again!
  • So glad I found a Christmas group that started today.

    Just did L1 D1.

    This is my 3rd attempt . I'm looking forward to finishing the whole 30 days with all of you!
  • Going to start tonight...

    will I be able to walk tomorrow :(
  • Orvett
    Orvett Posts: 83
    holy cow!!! I just finished and wow that was a lot harder than i expected! I'm still recovering from some shin splints so I stopped every so often on the jumping, but I was sweating and panting so I know I didn't take it too easy. I LOVED IT. the best motivation, looking at the before pics on my phone.
  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    If Jillian didn't keep saying to keep moving...don't quit... if you need a break take 5 sec... I totally would have quit! The strength training is fine, but cardio... whew!
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    Did my workout this morning and felt fab roll on tomorrow. I've not done my measurements yet but i need hubbies help so i'll be doing it tomorrow. :blushing:
  • I'm going to start the day after thanksgiving. :) I'll just be a few days behind! I have attempted to day 7 and quit! I'm looking forward to having some motivation and accountability partners!
  • scratch that. I'm starting today. (I lost my zumba punchcard that I was going to do today. :( )

    Is anyone else going to take tomorrow off though?

    I'm not going to have time as we're going to be with family all day.
  • meckiemelt
    meckiemelt Posts: 27 Member
    I did made it through day 1 level one. I am tired! It feels good to complete it! 29 days to go so happy to take this journey with you guys:wink:
  • meckiemelt
    meckiemelt Posts: 27 Member
    I know that is hard. You can do it. 25 minutes and you will be done!
  • This is wonderful timing! I just started this morning so I may be a day behind some of you :happy: also I'm going to be measuring in cm and kg (i noticed most of you are using inches and pounds) I can change it if you'd like?

    I did Level 1 day one this morning. OMG. that's all I can say! I was so gross and sweaty lol Like someone else said if I didn't have Jillian telling me that I could do it and keep going I would've stopped ... I did have a couple of 5 sec drink breaks but then straight back into it! I love how it changes up each circuit :bigsmile: kept me guessing ... Its going to be awesome when we can all say "pfft level 1 is easy!":bigsmile:
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    It is a little after 10 pm.

    Baby is in bed (for now...)

    Jambalaya is cooking away in the slow cooker.

    Kitchen is cleaned, dishwasher loaded, baby toys put away.

    And after all that, I finally did 30DS Day 1, Level 1...Thanks to this group. Last week, I would have just told myself that I was "too tired" and gone to bed...

    Good night :)
  • bayertablets
    bayertablets Posts: 213 Member
    Added myself to the spreadsheet... looks like I'm probably the largest lady here. Just did L1D1 with mostly modified movements (my sports bra was not prepared to handle those jumping jacks!) and I'm drenched in sweat, but feel excellent! I can't wait until I can say Level 1 was easy!!!

    We can do this, ladies!
  • meeko_meerkat
    meeko_meerkat Posts: 90 Member
    Just joined the group and added myself to the spreadsheet. Started yesterday so I'm glad I have people to do this with who started the same day! Lvl 1 Day 2 done - omg my calves hurt. And I second that if she didn't keep saying to keep going it would be very tempting to quit. I took my before photos yesterday so hopefully I can see changes soon.

    Keep up the good work everyone, I know its tough but we can do this :)
  • I did day one and then couldn't move for 2 days will be doing it again tomorrow morning. I expected some muscle soreness but wow. Did I try too hard on day one? Never felt like this after Zumba :)
  • bexxgirl
    bexxgirl Posts: 260 Member
    Hi all

    I've been waiting all this week for my DVD to arrive and I got home from work to find it. I've just done Level 1, Day 1. I'm in!!

    Didn't quite make it through all the reps of each exercise, though - it's a killer!

    Starting stats:

    98.5 kgs

    Neck 35 cms
    Waist 91 cms
    Hips 121 cms
    Right Thigh 78 cms
    Right Calf 44 cms
    Left Upper Arm 40 cms
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