Deer season

Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
I see there are only the two of us. My season opens December 1st and runs until the 14th. Have youy already hunted? Success?


  • CalorieSlaying
    just got back from georgia yesterday, not much luck saw alot but nothing worth shooting and nothing got close enough, i bow hunt btw, with a diamond razor edge. some buddies got some good 8pointers, and some doe
  • holzjw1482
    holzjw1482 Posts: 120 Member
    Ours (Michigan) started on November 15 and goes to the 29th. No luck yet but hoping to get out on Friday.
  • TerraGirl17
    TerraGirl17 Posts: 275 Member
    I just had to join!! My hubby hunts everything!! LOL he got a small doe this year and saw a 9 point buck the whole week but didn't get a shot at him, then 5 mins before closing as he was getting out of his stand the big bugger came out and he got him!! Yay!! We breed and raise hunting labs too, so he is always hunting something
  • cdnarcher
    Our deer season here in Alberta ran from August 25. The latest I can hunt here is Dec 20. In October I shot a Bull Moose with my Bow, and am currently hunting the Whitetail and Mule Deer Rut hard. Details to follow. LOL
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    We are in Colorado and hubby has arrowed one cow moose and shot another. The tags are extremely limited. I am still waiting! The bull tags are once in a lifetime. Congratulations on your moose! Love the meat.
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    I just had to join!! My hubby hunts everything!! LOL he got a small doe this year and saw a 9 point buck the whole week but didn't get a shot at him, then 5 mins before closing as he was getting out of his stand the big bugger came out and he got him!! Yay!! We breed and raise hunting labs too, so he is always hunting something

    I had a deer season like that! Last 5 minutes on the last day of the last season. We bred Golden Retrievers for a couple of years.
  • whitleykay
    whitleykay Posts: 5 Member
    i love hunting!!!!!! even though i am a girl, my dad takes me everytime. i have my own hunters license and everything. i even got a gun for my birthday a couple of years ago. its so much fun! i havent gotten a buck but i have hunted fowl and almost got a turkey once. im not the best at aiming but i still have a lot of fun and that is what counts!!!!:drinker:
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    Good for you whitleykay! I wished more women would hunt! We eat almost totally wild meat. Plus I just love doing it!
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Yeah! My hubby hunts, and he has got the kids into it as well. Youth season was Sep 24th weekend and both my twin girls (Courtney and Sarah, age 13) got deer. Not to mention the 24th was our 10th wedding anniversary. Awesome gift. Then when shotgun season opened, Courtney got a small buck. 6 pointer. She was in a stand by her self and Sarah and my husband was in the other stand. She ended up getting a scope eye. They are shooting a 44 mag with a pistol shell. Now Courtney is a bit scared to shoot. She had blood everywhere! They left the deer, came home for me to clean her face. All I did was clean it and add a band-aid and she went back out with her sister and dad and got the deer. Now she is interested in shooting our 410. It has no scope. lol All 3 of my girld shoot bows. The twins have been in shooting sports with 4-H for 3 years. They are good at shooting. Sarah shot her Doe in the neck. face on. It was looking right at her head on and she shot it. So, we now have 5 deer in the freezer. It is a fun competition between the 3 of them. The score is Courtney 3, Sarah and my hubby 1 each. lol AND I nailed a deer with my van.
  • amcanzo
    amcanzo Posts: 418 Member
    We just got back from hunting "up north" here in 1 doe. Saw about 3 deer one evening but it was too dark to take the shot.... :sad: Hoping to get one more before gun season is done...
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Well, last night my daughter saw nothing till they were in the truck and pulling out, and then she saw a nice buck. She asked my hubby to pull over so she could shoot it! Kids! We had to explain that we can't do that. lol
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    Congratulations to your daughter Jenn! I am so excited for next week. This year I have shot an doe antelope and a cow elk. I do not put in for bulls or bucks because it pretty well guarantees us meat.
  • hunter1025
    hunter1025 Posts: 281 Member
    Our gun season starts on Monday. I am more for my kids getting something than me for gun season. I do most of my hunting during archery seson.
  • hatescows
    hatescows Posts: 69 Member
    KS deer season opens tomorrow. My son, 12, is going out for the first time. Mr. Wonderful will take me out on Saturday.

    Last year, my goal was to shoot my first buck (got a small 6x6). This year, my goal is to shoot something quickly and be done with hunting for the year lol. I love spending time with Mr. Wonderful, but it is supposed to be cold and drizzly Saturday.

    We also eat a lot of game. We >should< have 3 or 4 deer, plus pheasant (not many this year due to drought) and the Mr. tries to draw an antelope permit every year.

    We have our own meat saw and grinder so we process ourselves and have lean burger to eat for most of the year.
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    Oh my! What a wonderful year for meat! We do our own meat processing also. I love hunting with my Mr Wonderful also.
  • hatescows
    hatescows Posts: 69 Member
    Well between us we have 4 deer tags to fill. But at the moment, we have none actually filled... :smile:
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member

    Lets see if this works!]
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    Okay, today is day 2 of eastern plains season here in Colorado. I am now finished for the year!

  • hatescows
    hatescows Posts: 69 Member
    Yay Nana. She looks delicious!

    2 of our 4 tags have been filled. The Mr. got a 5 x 5 Thursday, and my son got his first this afternoon (He's 12).

    I'm going out in the morning, and can hopefully get mine too. It is supposed to be cold with drizzle and snow, so I want it to be a short trip.
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    Good luck to you! You are going to have a wonderfully filled freezer. It is snowing here this morning. Our son and good friend just left to hunt. Hubby is playing guide:bigsmile: