Belly Flub

vass78 Posts: 29 Member
Hi Ladies!
It's been almost 15 months since baby #2 and although I am down to my pre-pregnancy weight (give or take a pound) I literally can't fit into a single pair of pants nor can I button up my shirts without the buttons hanging on for deal life. I have this extra 'giggle' of fat and skin around my waist and I am really confused. How does that go away? Do I need to go crazy working out? I get up at 5:30 for work and I get home around 6:00, make dinner, get the kids fed, bathed and ready for bed. By the time the house is all cleaned up it's about 9:00. I have nothing left in me to work out. I also get hungry all the time. I am depressed with the way my body looks, but I can't managed to get up at 4:30 for a decent work-out (it's just too early, I need sleep). I am 5'3.5" tall and weight about 133 pounds. I would like to get down to 115-120 pounds. Will the extra weight loss help my pants fit better? It seems the only thing that shrinks when I lose weight are my boobs. Anyone else in the same boat? Any suggestions?



  • Argh! That's where I am now. Most of the weight is gone but the shape is, well, different. When it comes to the belly I've found that managing the flub is a combination of cardio and good old muscle work. It looks like it's all fat hanging out there, but it turns out that it's been only a bit of fat on top of some lax muscles. Luckily ab exercises are easier to fit into the schedule than cardio which I am trying to figure out how I am going to fit in once I go back to work, so i'm no help there.

    One thing I found about my post baby body the first time around, was that even though my weight was the same I went up a shirt size in anything that is fitted or tailored. I think it was because my first babe was breech and had her head solidly lodged in my rib cage for the whole trimester and spread it out. While the boob size went wwwwaaaaaayyyyy down, my bra size went from 34 to 36. That's just the way it is for me now.
  • stritte14
    stritte14 Posts: 52 Member
    I am no expert by any means, but I think the ab work does make a difference. I lost a lot of weight a few years ago, but really noticed a difference when I started working pilates into my daily routine, building up my core muscles. My weight on the scale has returned to a pretty decent range & I am very toned as I do a lot of cardio, but my tummy is hanging on stubbornly after this second babe. I started doing the Windsor pilates dvds again about two weeks ago & I can really see a difference in definition already. The set has a 20 minute dvd & a 52 minute dvd. It suggests alternating each one, each day, & taking on day of rest for maximum results. That being said, you can still do the 20 minute one daily to get some great results. I like having the shorter option for busy days or nights when it justs seems like I have no steam left. I haven't seen the scale go down, but I am looking better.

    It's also super relaxing, helps with the back pain & reframing your mindset if you are stressed. It has helped me.
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    During pregnancy, a hormone called relaxin helps to loosen ligaments and allow your hips and rib cage to expand and accommodate the growing baby...Unfortunately, it can affect other areas too (some people find their shoe size goes up!) and it doesn't always go back to the way it was.

    The reality is (as many of us are learning!) that our post-pregnancy body is not the same as the pre...I am back to pre-preg weight (TODAY!!) but my rib cage is definitely wider...

    I think the other ladies have given some good advice here. I have seen many women asking for help with the preggo pouch, and the only answer I've seen is to be keep at it...and it doesn't always go away...

    BUT IT DOESN'T STOP US FROM TRYING!!! (Realized that my message sounded like a downer...needed to add this bit, because I know I am not giving up on getting rid of it!!!!)
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    First of all, WTG CAROLINA on reaching ppw! I'm still 5-odd lbs away...

    I too have the jelly belly, and all my flub migrated south. And because I have "twin skin" I have a nice little apron of flub over my c-section scar. Lovely.

    One thing I've been finding that helps is actually swimming. Like actually doing lanes freestyle and breaststroke. I've also noticed a difference since I've been working on improving my Turkish getup (with or without a kettlebell). It's a weird move, but if you do it right it really works your core.

    I may never lose the flub, which drives me crazy because nothing fits right. Above my belly button is fine, even see ribs here and there if it's a good day. But below my navel looks like Patrick from Spongebob. :(
  • fitmommy2012
    fitmommy2012 Posts: 451 Member
    Yes first of all, way to go Carolina for reaching your pre-pregnancy weight! That is awesome! I am still about 15 pounds away from mine. :smile:

    As for the whole baby belly thing....I have heard different things from different people about it, I have seen women who were quite large, lose it all, and have really tight and toned tummies, it just took them a lot of work. Then I have seen slim women who have pooches....I know that everyone is different, but I think it may also be how determined you are to actually lose the baby belly. I still have some of my baby belly, but that is because I haven't done the best job at trying to get rid of it either....:ohwell:

    Now as for stretch marks, they just won't go away (unless you can afford plastic surgery) those are something that you will be stuck with for the rest of your life most likely. (I am trying to explain that to my sister in law) Also, I agree with Carolina, my body isn't the same as it was before I had my son. My ribs are also larger, as well as my hips. Those are something that probably will never go back to the way that they were before

    As these other women have said, just keep working at it. Remember also that you cannot spot reduce, and that you have to combine cardio with toning and strength training to achieve the body that you most want! :wink:
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    Great advice fitmommy!!!!!!!
  • mrs_mcconkie
    mrs_mcconkie Posts: 13 Member
    I hear you all. I hit my ppw too, but I feel like a boa constrictor is sitting on my hips when I put on some of my old jeans. There's just more skin and fat there than before--not to mention my sexy stretch marks. :P

    I am trying to lose additional weight now in hopes of reducing my tummy, but my guess is that the rest of me will get smaller too and that my tummy will always stick out. Maybe this is cheating, but I wear Spanx with a few old outfits and my problem is temporarily solved.

    Anyway... don't be depressed! Beautiful bodies don't have to look like magazine-cover bodies (which are baloney anyway). Think of how great it is that your body could create, carry, and deliver your baby, Maybe that sounds hokey, but when I focus on that, I'm less upset by said boa constrictor belly.

    Good luck!!!
  • fitmommy2012
    fitmommy2012 Posts: 451 Member
    Great advice fitmommy!!!!!!!

    Thank you Carolina! I am glad to help out! :bigsmile:

    Yup....I know what you mean Mrs_Mcconkie.....about those sexy stretch marks! LOL :laugh:

    You are right! We need to learn to love our bodies the way they are before we will learn to be satisfied with out bodies the way that they will become! :heart:
  • livehappe
    livehappe Posts: 57 Member
    I am down 40 pounds, and weigh 7 pounds less than my pre-preg weight. I've had 3 pregnancies over a 6 year period; the last was twins.

    In my first two pregnancies, I escaped stretch marks, flub, etc. Not sure how because I was fat and not taking care of myself- but I did.

    This third pregnancy with twins has given me the twin flub that Feydruss speaks of for sure! I also had a c-section for #3, so I have a wild scar under the flub too. It's hardly pretty :)

    My twins are 13 months now. Over the last year, I've worked out pretty hard and pretty consistently, and my waist measurement has dropped 10 inches, but I'm still in the danger zone for waist circumference. I have been much less consistent with eating.... I binge about every 3 weeks, but overall I have improved the eating a lot, and have more good days than bad.

    So, from my experiences, I guess I want to say that I really agree with Carolina's advice in the last thread- Cardio, eating healthy, and working the area.

    I read that the magic number for cardio is 17 minutes a day, so I try to do that. The best exercise for me was adding reverse crunches. I do 200 a week.

    I'm not sure if the belly will go away entirely. But, it has went from a saggy, stretched, dimply muffin top to (as my outspoken 6 year old says) a cupcake top.

    I've also noticed that my weight fell off in a really annoying way. It came off my face first, then my arms and boobs. I had a small bust to begin with, so that was unpleasant. Then, it came off my legs, butt and hips. My hips are as small as they were in high school now. And, as I get to the last 20 pounds--- I am seeing about an inch every 2 weeks off the waist when I'm dedicated and being good. My arms got so thin in this process that I can easily fit my arm into my kid's coat. It feels like a mean trick.

    Anyways, I just wanted to add my two cents because I am learning there is light at the end of the belly flub tunnel.
  • gretch1118
    gretch1118 Posts: 2 Member
    I have a similar problem. Although I am not back at my ideal weight, I have been this weight before an have clothes that SHOULD fit- yet don't. I have found that thought my pregnancies my body widened ALOT. My hips got a lot wider and I have a diastasis recti so my torso is wider. This might contribute to your problem. I don't know about you but I got a lot of excess skin after my pregnancies and as a result have had to say goodbye to any low waisted jeans.

    Good luck.
  • I'm only 2 months PP, but I'm back at PPW from my 2nd baby. I still have about 20 to go to hit #1's PPW. I've noticed that even though I lost all my PPW with this one, I still look about 5 months pregnant. I'm just waiting for the day someone comes up to me and rubs my belly, asking how far along I am. Though I think the expression after I tell them I'm not pregnant will make it all worth it :tongue: I feel so gross with all the extra skin and the fact that I can't find a single pair of non maternity pants that DON'T give me muffin top :frown: :sad: