Day Four

Complete! Yay. Hurt lots (especially my calves) but now I've finished I don't much care lol. Got regular weigh in day tomorrow morning, cross fingers all this hard effort for the last few days shows up on the scales! (although its only been half a week so I'll try not to be too disappointed if the results don't show yet).

How did everyone else go? I have to stop for 5 seconds twice over the whole workout but otherwise coping with the rest okay now.


  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    I haven't done it yet...need to wait for baby to take a nap - but I WILL!!! I actually already logged it - I've been finding this gives me the extra push to do it. How could I lie to my MFP friends??

    I find that little bits of rest work their way in subconsciously - i.e. when transitioning from the floor to standing, it always takes me longer, so I am often a few moves behind :)
  • bayertablets
    bayertablets Posts: 213 Member
    I pre-log as well so that I don't let myself down if I don't feel like doing it at the end of the day.

    For the transitions from standing to floor and vice versa, I stay on the ground and do a minute of chest fly, then stand up and do a minute of the lunge/anterior arm raise. It's not alternating every 30 seconds like they do on the video, but it helps me since my knees aren't that great.
  • Orvett
    Orvett Posts: 83
    day four complete!! I'm in another challenge were we try to get points for doing things you can get a max per day and max per week. well yesterday was weigh in day and I was down 1.6 i think...I weighed myself, I lost another pound over night. I wonder if that's cause TOM just ended. I don't care how but after two weeks it seems like my body is finally adjusting.
  • meckiemelt
    meckiemelt Posts: 27 Member
    Day four done. It is getting better but I still feel it. We are doing great guys!
  • kristennwinter
    kristennwinter Posts: 100 Member
    Day 4 was good! Calves are killinggggg!
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    Day 4 done!
  • bayertablets
    bayertablets Posts: 213 Member
    L1D4 complete! I swear it's getting easier... someone please tell my body that. :P
  • I think its getting easier too =D and I'm burning less cal =( lol but thats ok i'll just add more cardio during the day =D
  • januarygal
    januarygal Posts: 336 Member
    just finished day 4, level one. I might double up on Friday and Saturday so I can catch up. I ride my bike home from work tues-thurs (25 km) so I can only handle one go through, the 25 minutes of one shred is more than enough for the tired me.
  • lmmiller1
    Just finished my D4L1. My calves are killing me as well, and I guess my back muscles werent that strong because my lower back is so sore. But it will all be worth it in the end....RIGHT???