Welcome! Feel free to introduce yourself!

RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member

My name is Ronney and I live in Phoenix Az with my husband of 18 years. I am just about 42 years old. I have 3 kids ages 25, 24 and 15.

Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia about 14 years ago or so, I have a few other issues too but this is the main one. I have really changed up my diet in hopes that will help. So far, so better;) We will see.

Hiking season just started for me! I'm excited and going tomorrow! woohoo:)

So what about you?


  • RedHatPatti
    RedHatPatti Posts: 78 Member
    Hi .. Thanks for starting this group!! I was wondering about how to exercise with my arthritis knee.. Maybe I will learn a thing or two here also. I am 63 y.o. female.. Live in Georgia . Married to my wonderful retired Navy hubby of 31 yrs. We are just returning to Georgia after being back and forth Full Time camping for 2 yrs. Will return to our 'stick" house Jan. 1st to settle down for a bit and get my knee fixed and lose weight and get fit. It's my turn to take care of me instead of me taking care of everyone else.. :) Sounds selfish.. but I need to do this for me!!
    We have 2 grown boy who have families.. One is in Georgia ( who will be moving from our house )... and the older one lives in Fla. We have 5 grand kids.. 1 grandson in Fla and the rest in Ga.. All are 10 yrs and up..
    Looking forward to getting to know ya'll.. I am also a Red Hat lady and have a lot of fun with our Sassy Lady group here.
  • txred9876
    Hello, my name is Tina and I suffer from severe neurapathy from Chemotherapy for Inflammatory Breast Cancer. I am just 42 years old. I have already lost 50-55lbs and kept it off for about 2 years now. Now it is time to try to slim down more and get this weight off once and for all. My husband and I just recently moved to Oregon (where I am from) from TX.

    More to Follow....nice to meet all of you.


    PS I overdid it walking with my sister, brother-in-law and their dog tonight. I did burn over 400 calories though!! That's the hardest part...not overdoing it and being out of commission for to many days.
  • jojoof4
    jojoof4 Posts: 120
    I'm Heidie. I have 4 beautiful children and work full-time as a Registered nurse at a long-term care facility. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and Fibromyalgia just 2 years ago. I also have a diagnosis of plantar fasciitis. After getting sick, I gained quite a bit of weight but am now ready to get serious about losing it. Been on the site for awhile, but only seriously committed since the beginning of this month. Since Nov 5th, I've only missed two days of working out. Absolutely love this MFP community!
  • emmiexjay
    emmiexjay Posts: 146 Member
    hi im emmie im 22, i have fibromylegia and i also have a rare unstale asthma condition - which they still don't know how to treat. i'm loosing weight steadly by decreasing my calories and counting every last bit of exercise i do - even walking and it's working for me (:
  • clf626
    My name is Clarissa. I started MFP about a month and a half ago. I have only lost 3 lbs. And I'm wondering if it could be because of not being able to excercise like I need to because of having back/neck surgery.
    I realize I just started MFP, but after sticking to the diet strictly, I thought I would have lost more weight than 3 lbs. Could it the meds? Or does exercise play that big of role?
  • txred9876
    Welcome everyone....I am excited about this group.


    Your lack of weight loss could be many things. Sometimes not eating enough will cause you to not lose much weight either. Good luck!
  • kimberly0416
    kimberly0416 Posts: 123 Member
    Hi, I am 41 and have arthiritis in both knees and will need replacements in less then 10 years. So painful painful painful. But I am still working out and modify things when I am doing exercise classes. It's working, I've also been able to tell from changing my diet and being active it has helped with the swelling.
  • SeaSiren1
    SeaSiren1 Posts: 242 Member
    I'm so glad you started this group! I have Fibromyalgia and Arthritis as well as being hypo-thyroid. The biggest factor is on extreme pain days would be forcing exercise. So having a support network and seeing what helps others (that does not include prescription drugs) would be fabulous!
  • thefishers4
    thefishers4 Posts: 165 Member
    My name is Cindy and I am 27 years old. I have been married to the love of my life for 6 years now and we have two handsome boys 4 and 3. I was diagnosised with Fibromyalgia last year and just have had a hard time dealing with it but have found that exercising and eating better has helped alot. Have noticed not so many flare ups and that the only time I am in alot of pain is Summer and Winter.
  • txred9876
    It is good to see all of you in this group. I would like to propose a weigh-in once per week where we list a few stats such as exercise for the week and amount gained/lost.

    We could put in something like this

    Starting Date:11/12/2011
    Current week:11/14 to 11/21
    SW: 283 - (this is the starting weight)
    LW: 225 - (this is the last weeks starting weight )
    CW: 222 (this is your current weight )
    Total Loss this Week: 3lbs
    total calories burned this week:(you can get this every Monday)
    Total Minutes of exercise:(you can get this every Monday)

    What is everyone's feeling on this?

  • thefishers4
    thefishers4 Posts: 165 Member
    I think that this would be a great idea. Great motivational tool.
  • push
    push Posts: 9
    Thank you so much for setting up this group!

    Also living with chronic pain making weight loss a little more challenging. I have lupus, fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, arthritis, and lets not forget lumbar back pain.

    Had lost it back in 2008, quit logging, ate like my husband and teenage daughter and my weight is back up. **sigh** but working on taking control one again! :-D
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Roni and I have psoriatic arthritis (with spondylitis) and need to shed some weight and get healthy. I am fairly new to MFP but am loving it so far.

    I'm 39 years old, happily married for 19 years to my high school sweetheart. We have two girls ages 18 & 21 (both are in university now). I had to stop working a traditional job due to a nasty flare a few years ago. I now work from home doing the bookkeeping for my husbands company.

    It's so nice to have found you guys!!
  • rigdonia
    rigdonia Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all. I am new to MFP. I have had Lupus (mild - mostly fatigue) for 14 years. During a remission, I hired a personal trainer (about four years ago) and lost over 60 pounds and then was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. SCREECH to a halt. Six months later I could hardly walk, let alone excercise. Now almost four years later I have gained all the weight back, struggling with daily pain and fatigue, but I have to get on it, one step at a time. I don't know why, but this time of year always seems to get me in the mood to lose weight lol. Started the week before Christmas the last time, too. Hehe.

    I am a mom to three, a homeschooler (one's in college now) and also a graphic designer and sell Mary Kay. I am a stacker/piler creative type person but lately I am struggling to hold on to my joy. I hope getting this part of my life in order, with God's grace, will help bring it all into focus.
  • gethealthywithme
    Hi. I'm Teresa. I'm 46 and I live in Ohio. I have fibromyalgia/CFS , RA and back issues.
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • txbutterfly69
    txbutterfly69 Posts: 115 Member

    New to this site as well. Living with so much pain is a challenge for me. Trying a healthier menu and exercise as much as I can. Right now swimming or water aerobics is the easiest on my joints. Terrible back pain is keeping me from walking or riding my bike, which Iove. Just joined a few hours ago, will start tracking later today.

    Tried many meds, but they just make me so sick to my stomach. Just take Aleve as needed for now. Here is hoping for the best!
  • Bill4444
    Hi my name is Bill, I live near Sacramento,CA I have arthritis in both knees and ankles, I am in pain most of the time. I find it hard to excerise like I should because of pain. I do walk. Hoping to find support :smile:
  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    I am so glad you all are here:)

    The weigh in once a week is a good idea, but not mandatory, feel free to start the thread each week. I know for me, my scale isn't the best and I can gain or lose 10 lbs in a day depending on its mood, and that sucks:( so my weigh in will probably be once a month when I go to the doc.

    Thanks all for the support. I know alot of us have issues others just don't understand, so its nice to be here with people who do.

  • RedHatPatti
    RedHatPatti Posts: 78 Member
    Good Morning.. I've decided I want to get to know everyone better so beginning now.. I will try to post something EVERYday... and share a bit.. How about it .. Do we want to be great friends??

    I am a grandmother to 5 lovely grandchildren, living either in Georgia (4) or Florida (1). They range in age from 15 down to 8.
    I went to see a knee doctor last Wed. and he thinks the initial Dx of OA (osteoarthritis) might not be totally right. There is some arthritis but there might also be a meniscus tear...so I'll be getting scheduled for an MRI to see..

    Hope you are all doing great and not in too much pain today.. So far ...so good on my Tylenon XS!! :) Happy Saturday..Patti
  • mgnola
    Hi everyone. My name is Amy and I live outside New Orleans, LA. I am 35 years old and two years ago, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. I joined MFP a few days ago and am finding it helpful, but know that if I found others with fibro, it would be much more helpful for me because unless you deal with chronic pain, it is hard to 'get' it. I look forward to meeting y'all.