Introduce Yourself!



  • iShannon2
    Hey everyone I'm Shannon. I'm 20 years old with RA...This really messed things up because I was working in a salon. Now I'm back in college and hoping to get into medical school eventually (RA was finally good for something!). I'm on methotrexate (25 mg injectable), Enbrel, Plaquenil, and some other stuff. My RA came on severe (out of nowhere...) and has just been getting worse since then. I really came here to meet other people who are trying to lose weight and have RA. :)
  • rigdonia
    rigdonia Posts: 6 Member
    I just want to say something about "complaining". I do feel guilty sometimes that I complain about my fingers hurting or my hips or shoulders but I can walk when I get up in the morning where there are many with RA who can not. BUT. Just because other people have worse pain and symptoms doesn't negate the effect of Your pain on Your life! Don't sublimate your own sorrow and struggles. You deserve to be comforted too, even if you are able to run or walk or live a "normal" life. HUGS!

    ANYWAY I am Dianne and have had lupus for14 years, RA for almost 4. I has just lost 60 pounds when I was dx'd with RA. Within six months I couldn't walk or drive from the pain and finally caved and went on the horrible meds. I can mostly function now although obviously my normal is not everyone's normal. Meanwhile I have gained all the weight back. I need to find a way to exercise without using up all my spoons by 9am because I have kids to homeschool and two home jobs to manage. :) I have three kids - one in college and the other two at home. I also do graphic design and sell Mary Kay, which I signed up for after I started taking the Humira lol. Me=glutton for punishment. Really I am a project girl and I love the products, so it was a no brainer. Nice to be here - I hope it's okay that I am outspoken, but there you have it. ;)
  • letsgetit
    Im 30 y/o and my only official diagnosis is Lupus. Im off prednisone for now but i take Plaquenil every day and have been for almost two years. My joints waking me out of my sleep in pain was my first symptoms actually. Ive actually had an increase in flares recently to point where i cant walk or hold a fork so im probably gonna be back on steroids soon :(. I picked up quite a few pounds the last time i was on steriods so im not excited, but i did feel better and have more energy to exercise...the gift and the curse i suppose lol. Im more committed to eating healthy so that should help with the weight gain though, but im still not to my orig weight :/
  • KarenK37
    KarenK37 Posts: 125 Member
    :smile: Hi I too have had RA about 7 years now and find that I get in these rutts where I am so fatigued that i stop exercising then stop dieting and i spiral back down again. I have to say it is really hard getting motivation to exercise when you feel so tired. I too was losing weight on the program and have since gained back 4lbs. I really need to just push myself to exercise and diet so maybe we could be friends and do this together!
  • maddie002
    Hi everyone! I'm Maddie and I'm so happy to see this group!!
    I was diagnosed with Juvenile RA when I was 18 months old. My symptoms were pretty horrible as a kid, but around 15-ish, things started to get better. Or maybe I just got used to it...? :)
    I still have bad days about once a week, more so lately. No major flare ups in a few years, knock on wood! Seems that I've gone through most of the drugs available to treat RA. Maxed out on methotrexate, maxed out on Enbrel, maxed out on steriods and most recently it seems I've become immune to Humira. I just switched to Simiponi, so hopefully that will give good results!
    I find that my most problematic aspect of excercising with RA is the pain from so many years of damage. I have limited mobility in my left knee - doesn't quite bend to a 90 degree angle, and a completely frozen left wrist - which doesn't sound too bad, except I'm a lefty and I would love to do pushups!! I really try to avoid taking my mobic, so if anyone has any suggestions for "after workout" stiffness/swelling they would be most helpful!
    Sorry for all the exclamation points (!!!), but I've always kind of felt alone in this disease, and it's very refreshing to find a group like this :)
  • phil312
    My name is Arlene and I was finally diagnosed about six years ago with RA. I know that I battled the disease for years but like many of you, RA never showed up in my blood work. Finally, I found a rheumy who diagnosed me from my symptoms. I am currently taking Humera, metho and I am getting relief but I am not sure I will ever return to my former self. Hate not having the energy I used to have and equally frustrated with the 15 pound weight gain that just won't budge since taking meds. What a tremendous encouragement to see a group who "get it" and are perservering in spite of it all and especially who have lost weight! Woo Hoo!
  • Amayrial
    Amayrial Posts: 139 Member
    Hi! My name is Tina :happy: I was diagnosed with "serum-negative" in 2005 and Fibromyalgia in 2006. In 2010 I was also diagnosed with Celiac Disease. On a positive note, not eating gluten completely removed my fibromyalgia pain. Happy dance!

    I describe myself as a walking pharmacy but hey, I"m walking!

    I am very happy to find a group of people also who understand why I like HOT showers in the early am, and why I sleep extra hours on the weekend to make up for the lack of sleep during the week.

    I have quite a chunk of weight to loose, and I look forward to making friends here. Please add me to your friends lists :flowerforyou:
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 322 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 46 and was diagnosed at 26 after the birth of my third child. (like most of you, after a few years of undiagnosed symptoms). My disease hit hard and fast, prednisone was my last resort because my husband was active duty navy and gone for months at a time and I had 3 little ones. That of course led to weight gain. I luckily responded extremely well to Remicade (along with Methotrexate, Plaquinil, and Celebrex) back in 2004 and really feel as if my life has been given back to me. Cliche, I know. Remicade infusions started to wear off before the 8wks, so we switched to Actemra this past June and all is going well. Since fall of 2006, I have lost a total of 77lbs and really feel remarkably GOOD. (did a 5K this morning) i'm still on Methotrexate, Plaquinil, and Celebrex but I have had no issues with them and am enjoying the GOOD feeling enough that I'm not willing to try to cut them out quite yet. :smile: Exercise and weight loss have definitely enhanced the GOOD feeling.

    I'm glad to see that we've banded together here. Like what was said before, many times we are thought to be complaining when really we'd just love to have someone (ANYONE) understand what we're going thru. We can help each other with that support. hope you are having a wonderful weekend!!
  • stephevers1227
    stephevers1227 Posts: 175 Member
    Hi, I'm Stephanie. I was diagnosed with RA about 18 months ago and diagnosed with hypothyroid about 5 years ago. I actually figured out it was RA by watching House...I'm such a nerd. I had so many crazy illnesses leading up to the diagnosis that I knew it had to be autoimmune and lupus and RA are in my family. I was sick with something at least every 3 weeks for an entire school year (I'm a teacher)...Strep B, sinus infections, and then pityriasis rosea (rash over my trunk for 4 months). I went to the doctor and said I thought it was my immune system and she tested me. I didn't think I had any symptoms until I went to the rheumatologist and he started asking me questions. I have stiffness in my feet every morning for about 15 minutes and a lot of pain in my hips. Took prednisone for a while and now I'm on plaquenil and meloxicam. I also have hypothyroid so I had gained about 30 lbs in 3 years and the added weight was rough on my joints. I finally decided to get on the stick when the endocrinologist told me I needed more medicine because I had gotten heavier. My doctor put me on phentermine to spike my metabolism and get the weight loss started. I've lost 17 pounds and can already feel a difference in my joints and my energy level. Oh...and you should all get your vitamin D level checked. Mine is horribly low and i was told it is very common with RA. I'm on a Rx level vitamin D and that increased my energy also.
  • cakeums
    cakeums Posts: 231 Member
    Hi, I'm Megan! I'm 28 years old and I was diagnosed with RA in July 2010. I have had symptoms for many years and first tested positive for elevated ANA when I was 20. My anti-CCP is over 250, so my rheumatologist expects that I will not achieve remission, but I am going to at least try to work on symptom management through diet. I am on 15mg MTX and 50mg Enbrel once a week and take Vimovo, but not religiously.

    My goals for 2012 are to follow an anti-inflammatory diet, take my multivitamin and omega-3's every day, and limit alcohol consumption to 2 glasses of red wine a week. (My rheumy does allow me to drink on MTX since my liver enzymes are at normal levels.)
  • cakeums
    cakeums Posts: 231 Member
    Hi ! I am Holly, I am 28 years old . I have R.A. , Lupus, Asthma and Hypothyroidism. I was first diagnosed with adult still's disease at about 22 , I was so sick for a 6 months and no one would figure out what was wrong. They finally put me on prednisone said if I was better, they knew what was wrong and sure enough I got better. That is when they said if was adult still's disease which is juvenile ra. I've been on prednisone ever since , trying multiple times to get off with no success and lots of depressing weight gain /moon face. My dh and I began trying to have a family , we lost several pregnancies which we now know was due to the lupus and then in 2010 our daughter was still born again due to the lupus which at the time they didn't feel the need to treat with anything. It was at the begining of that pregnancy they found that I had lupus, which they had believed I had all along but was never positive on blood testing and all of a sudden ever lupus test was glaringly positive. We started me on higher doses of prednisone, hydroxchloroquine, and baby aspirin . I had a sucessful pregnancy that led to the delivery of a beautiful baby boy in May . I am wanting to lose a bit more weight before I feel comfortable getting pregnant with our second and last child before going on lupus/ ra medications in which I cannot breast feed or become pregnant on but will be able to come off the dreaded prednisone and hopefully get down to low 200's which is my biggest goal. The joints the bother me are my hands, fingers, arms, and my toe joints. I look forward to getting to know you all.

    Hi Holly, I messaged you as well! I am another survivor of pregnancy loss, I have two daughters and have had 5 miscarriages (4 before my first daughter, then one between kids). I just wanted to say that you can take a few of the DMARDs during pregnancy - Plaquenil and Enbrel are both okay. Low dose prednisone is okay as well. Plaquenil is also a category L2 drug, it is okay to take while breastfeeding. I have been doing tons of research on RA treatment during pregnancy because my husband and I are really wanting to have a third child, but have been unsure of doing so while treating my RA. I still haven't found a treatment plan that works for me yet, and haven't been on Enbrel for 12 consecutive weeks yet either, plus there are other factors causing us to wait...but I want to have my disease under better control before we have another baby. I am afraid of the post-baby flare.
  • lauriebizz
    lauriebizz Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, my name is Laurie. I'm currently being diagnosed. I have a very positive ANA, a positive Lupus marker and clinical symptoms of RA, Lupus and Psoriatic Arthritis. I’m tired just thinking of what to type.

    I see my Rhumey in Feb for more tests. I'm taking several medications and just started a multi vitamin and supplements to help - anything to feel better.

    My symptoms don't seem to be as severe as most I’ve read about. Mostly I suffer from fatigue, lack of sleep and my hands hurting. I did buy a paraffin hand dip and LOVE it!! My hands were the first clue and the little patches on my elbows. I’ve had my elbows since I was 33 and the hands started waking me at night at about 36. I'm almost 40 now and just plain exhausted. I try to take Vitamin B energy drinks prior to 1pm for energy boost... but if I do it too late in the day, I'll never sleep at night.

    Anyway, I have a lot of weight to loose and it's nice to have a support group.
  • SamanthaWrenn2012
    Hello :) My name is Samantha and I am a 22 year old Senior in college. I was diagnosed with RA this past September. With the steroids and well just bad eating I have gained weight. The weight I have lost was because of being sick from the meds lowering my immune system...

    Thankfully my doctor has changed my meds so i now longer get as sick, and well I've gained most of the weight back. Now its time for me to lose it a healthy way. I'm getting married in June and my goal is to lose 20 pounds by then, I figured that is about 4 pounds a month. :)

    What exercises are good for RA? i want something that wont hurt my joints. :( I know the saying "no pain no gain" But i'm sure most if not all of you would not agree with that statement :)
  • invisbeth
    Hi all. I'm Beth. I am 30 years old. I was diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis when I was 5. Unfortunately, I have the poly-articular kind. Affected in every single joint. When I was younger (prolly till the age of 22 or 23) I rebelled and didn't do as my doctor said. I rarely took my meds and rarely exercised. I just didn't care. Well, to say the least, I grew out of that. Problem is, now my joints have degenerated so badly that I have very limited range of motion. When I was 17, I had both my hips replaced. At 20, both my knees. I also had my left hip revised twice last year. Well, with the first two surgeries I didnt exercise. I did for the 1st month I had home health but after that I quit. Yea, I'm stupid for that.

    Anyways, now here I sit wanting to work out to lose some weight. I want to lose 20-25 lbs just to ease the pressure on my joints. It is so hard to work out. During the summers, I try to walk around my neighborhood (takes about 20 mins). I have used Wii Fit but I've gotten bored of it. During the colder months, I try to walk on the treadmill for 10-15 mins, but I get overheated fast, and I can feel more pressure on my ankles and knees than walking around the block.

    Well, thats about it I guess. Nice to meet everybody.
    TOYGRRRL Posts: 251 Member
    Hello Everyone! I am turning 49 this year and have been struggling with RA for some time now. It is incredible to see so many RA sufferers here. When I first started MFP I did not see as many. My name is Pam and I was diagnosed when I was 30 after suffering for months thinking I broke a toe. When it quickly spread upward from there into both feet, ankles, knees and hips while crippling my hands in a matter of days I knew it was something else. I was so afraid and cried a lot. None of my friends understood my pain just walking or holding a heavy purse or grocery bags. They couldn't understand why I no longer wore rings on my fingers, wasn't interested in going out dancing with them at times or wore gloves so often to cover my ugly swollen knuckles and keep them from the biting cold that made things worse. That was nearly 20 years ago.

    I originally joined MFP after gaining A LOT of weight from a high dose regimen of Prednisone to stop a severe flare that made it impossible to dress myself, let alone brush my own hair. After losing the first 15 lbs it was amazing how much easier everything became. Extra weight is NOT a good thing when suffering from RA. At least for me. I currently have it under control. I've been using Humira along with Azathioprine and Advil as needed.

    Walking, Zumba (certain moves can still cause a flare in my knees) and bicycling are my choice cardio workouts. I used to use a Concept 2 Rower which was an incredible cardio workout (more burn in less time) but found myself building thighs, shoulders and pecs that were not very flattering on my frame. It was the key to my early weight loss. I surpassed my original goals and have maintained a good weight over the past 6+ months without MFP using the lessons I learned here. I have just returned to lose 5lbs again with the support of my friends.

    I wish you all a healthy, happy new year. I hope to add some of you to my friend list.
  • CookseyBruce
    Hello my name is Bruce, i was diagnosed with Psoriatic arthritis 2 years ago, I hope i can join your group, there is no groups for Psoriatic arthritis. I was diagnosed after i returned from Afghanistan. I have been on Embrel for about a year now, my doctor told me i would get used to the shots, but i still have not. I have joined this group because i need the motivation to lose at least 20lbs. I put on a lot of wieght in the last 5 years of my life. I cant afford a gym membership, and i work 2 jobs to keep up, so my time is pretty limited to try to work out. I hope to hear from you all soon
  • cakeums
    cakeums Posts: 231 Member
    Hello my name is Bruce, i was diagnosed with Psoriatic arthritis 2 years ago, I hope i can join your group, there is no groups for Psoriatic arthritis. I was diagnosed after i returned from Afghanistan. I have been on Embrel for about a year now, my doctor told me i would get used to the shots, but i still have not. I have joined this group because i need the motivation to lose at least 20lbs. I put on a lot of wieght in the last 5 years of my life. I cant afford a gym membership, and i work 2 jobs to keep up, so my time is pretty limited to try to work out. I hope to hear from you all soon

    Hi Bruce! There is a regular at the restaurant I work in who has PsA. He is on 10mg methotrexate, 50mg Enbrel and he takes Plaquenil and Sulfasalazine as well. A lot of meds, but he was at a point where he couldn't even walk and now, 10 years later, you would never know he had an AI disease.
  • melindac122
    Hi, I'm Melinda, and yes, I've got RA, SLE, Fibro, herniated disk in my lower back, migraines, depression, seizures, etc. I'm a mess. :laugh:

    Was diagnosed with JRA at 4 and will turn 46 this month so have been dealing with one thing or another most of my life. My attitude is "it's just life" and move on. Most of the time I'm pretty positive or laid back about things. Occasionally I do get down, but more likely, I get bored. I'm on disability. I used to work full time as a database administrator. Now, I can't even type very much due to the RA in my hands and wrists. I used to be a competitive swimmer in high school. I got married too young and gained a lot of weight from eating a lot of cheap crap. Well, now I can't work out very much and I need to lose quite a bit of weight. And I take a handful of pills every day.

    I've decided that 2012 is the year that I'm finally going to clean up my diet and do what exercise I can. I can walk some without pain, I can swim a little, I can ride my bike short distances. So I'm starting slowly and will build up to what I can.

    I'm glad there's a group on here where you all understand the pain, med side effects and all the other stuff that goes along with AI issues and weight. My hubby is great, but he only understands so much. Friend me if you want to. I'll friend you back. :happy:
  • willdytryin
    willdytryin Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, I'm Paula, 49 yrs old and a fully diagnosed, confirmed and medicated RA sufferer of about 4 plus years. My journey to diagnosis was a long process. I try not to focus on the disease and the movement it has robbed me of. The meds, the immobility etc probably caused me to gain a good 30 lbs, but the reality of it all was I didn't start my journey at a healthy weight. So here I am battling hard to win this war that I have never been successful at -now with additional challenges. Now after trying every med going, - Enbrel and Methotrexate injections weekly, plaquenil, etc. keep me at status quo. Have a standing date with my rheumatologist every 6 mos. I never know what the day will bring but pain and aggravation are a given.

    I work full time, have 2 teens, a husband, cats and dogs.

    I hope weight loss will help my feet, knees and every other joint in my body. I am determined and MFP has given me a confidence to do it this time.

    It is nice to find and be able to talk to R.A. Ninjas and know you all understand.

    I am available for 'friend' status and look forward to talking further.
  • winbox
    winbox Posts: 6 Member
    I am so glad to find this board! My name is Winnie and I will be 53 in a few weeks. I was diagnosed with RA 3 years ago this New Years eve. I'm on methotrexate 15 mg weekly and Humira injections every week. I am sooooo much better than I used to be but some days I just cry and others are pretty good. I have to watch what I do in a day or I will pay for it the next day. I do feel better after losing 60 pounds but I really want to tone up and it's hard to exercise. Looking forward to reading posts and getting to know all my fellow RA fighters.