Thanksgiving Holiday Damage!

Jenn152 Posts: 373 Member
Hey ladies... I don't know about the rest of you, but last week I was getting ready to leave and not on track with my workouts the beginning of the week but my food was fine... THEN I had to travel out of state and sleep on a fold-out couch for a few days this Thanksgiving. I brought my 30DS with me with high hopes of staying on track (there was no way I was going to jump around in my mom's living room... I would've knocked over everything and stuff would've been falling off the walls!). I was eating what was available and tried to keep myself in check, but it didn't go off that well. Haha...

So, long story short I didn't weigh myself on Saturday like I normally would have. So, I wanted to see what the overall damage of the beginning of the week craziness and then the end of the week/wknd holiday festivities would be. I got up this morning and weighed myself. Not too bad... I was expecting 4-5 pounds... but I only gained 2.2 pounds between 11/19-11/28.

I'm looking forward to this Saturday when I will weigh myself after doing double workouts everyday this week. Want to see if I can get myself back on track right away. By the way, I am acting like last week didn't exsist so I am at Day 18 of my 30DS today ;O) not letting myself off the hook on that one!

How did you do with the weigh-ins over the holiday weekend?


  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I was worried but yesterday I was up 1 pound from Wednesday and today I was down .5. I can handle that!
  • Jenn152
    Jenn152 Posts: 373 Member
    I was worried but yesterday I was up 1 pound from Wednesday and today I was down .5. I can handle that!

    oh nice! so you did well :O) the beauty of knowing i was going to gain weight is being pumped to get back to working out and eating right now!

    i may have asked the driver of my wagon to stop so i could politely get off for a few days, but he was patiently waiting for me last night when i got back to chicago and hopped back up on that seat and we started driving forward again!
  • lae1227
    Not too shabby!!! I did weigh myself pre & post Thanksgiving day & I only gained .2lbs. The rest of the weekend however, I will pretend like I didn't weigh myself. :grumble:
  • Jenn152
    Jenn152 Posts: 373 Member
    Not too shabby!!! I did weigh myself pre & post Thanksgiving day & I only gained .2lbs. The rest of the weekend however, I will pretend like I didn't weigh myself. :grumble:

    ha, yeah i wasnt really that bad on thanksgiving day. we made a smaller meal overall and i made things healthier than their traditional counterparts. but it was just eating to abnormally for like 4 whole days that got me. i felt sick friday because my body was like what the hell are you putting into me right now?!??! lol
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    Nice! I'd say that is pretty good for a week of debauchery (in food that is :wink: )

    This is not a diet we are all on, but this is the way we live our lives and sometimes those lives include a piece of pumpkin pie or two. What sets us apart is that we don't let ourselves spiral out of control, and instead work our butts off to get back on track. So congrats for your renewed determination!
  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    I did BAD!!! Don't even want to admit how bad, but:
    Everyday I worked out, either shred, zumba, or cardio... but I was at home with all the leftovers and NO ONE to eat them but me and hubby (who doesnt' like leftovers).

    Sincerely hoping that TOM has to do with this- but I went up 6#. (REALLY hoping TOM is affecting!!!)

    How is it possible that it takes 6 weeks to lose 6# and 4 days to gain it???

    Back on the train.
  • Jenn152
    Jenn152 Posts: 373 Member
    amen channing! that is exactly my sentiment toward all this! yay for loving this lifestyle and not beating myself up for doing normal things sometimes... hahah
  • Jenn152
    Jenn152 Posts: 373 Member
    I did BAD!!! Don't even want to admit how bad, but:
    Everyday I worked out, either shred, zumba, or cardio... but I was at home with all the leftovers and NO ONE to eat them but me and hubby (who doesnt' like leftovers).

    Sincerely hoping that TOM has to do with this- but I went up 6#. (REALLY hoping TOM is affecting!!!)

    How is it possible that it takes 6 weeks to lose 6# and 4 days to gain it???

    Back on the train.

    its probably all the sodium... i was expecting my number to be closer to yours. but im sure thats all it is for you.. AND you TOM is affecting too. so just drink a gallon of water every day and see what happens :O)
  • lo89ol
    lo89ol Posts: 59
    Not too shabby!!! I did weigh myself pre & post Thanksgiving day & I only gained .2lbs. The rest of the weekend however, I will pretend like I didn't weigh myself. :grumble:

    I was the same way! I didn't gain any from Thanksgiving, but the rest of the weekend wasn't so great :ohwell: just gotta get back on track today and try to workout a little harder this week
  • kkauz42
    kkauz42 Posts: 537 Member
    I am up about 5 as of this am lol BUT that could be a combination of things! I'll see where I am on Thurs or Friday. On Thursday it's my roommates bday and we are going to the Seahawks game!! I zig-zag and I usually have 2 high calorie days (given by the calculator) but I'm only going to have Thurs as my high calorie day!

    I started a lifting program today and I'm SUPER excited! It's 3 days/week so the other 3 days (1 off day) I will do only cardio!! It felt so good to lift again! :smile:
  • rolliepollie087
    rolliepollie087 Posts: 251 Member
    I stayed the same!
    Good job to you for only gaining 2 lbs though! =D
  • kenzysmom
    Well I wish I could say that I only have Thanksgiving damage. But ...truth be told I ate like CRAP and didn't go to the gym from Tues-Sat!!! I mean, Chinese buffet, cheesesteaks and banana creme pie for lunch B.A.D!!!! But Sunday I woke up fully committed again, went to the gym and did 60 mins on the elliptical and then I went a walk/jogged the 5K course I'm doing in 2 weeks and ate well yesterday and so far today. Last night we had a night of leftovers on purpose to make room in my fridge again for healthy food. lol Today I braved the scale and was SHOCKED that I was down almost 2 lbs. But that's since a week ago Friday so like a week and a half so I wasn't bad that whole time ... just most of it. lol
  • kristen_lynn
    kristen_lynn Posts: 75 Member
    I went off the rails on Thursday but otherwise stayed on track. I was rewarded BIG TIME with a 3 lb loss over the course of last week and weekend! :-) after a long plateau and tiny little drops on the scale, I totally needed that number!

    And yes, I'm in that same mentality of "I'm not on a diet, I am living a healthier life, period." And for me, that does include boozing on birthdays and eating pie for lunch on holidays :) so much easier to get back on track while in this mindframe rather than deal with the post-diet-failure GUILT that we are all so familiar with...
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I still haven't checked the damage! I was not pleased with my choices Thurs-Saturday. So I'm giving myself a good solid week of doing well before I peek at the scale. Knowing how my body is, I'm up at least 5lbs, but probably more. I still have cankles 3 days later! Sheesh. We'll all be back to normal in no time. :smile:
  • Jenn152
    Jenn152 Posts: 373 Member
    sounds like most people induldged but are having no problem getting back to normal. isnt it great, that our new normal is being healthy!!? i love that :O) cheers to you ladies!
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    I didn't weigh myself all week, but today I showed a gain of about 1.8 pounds. I worked out 4 times last week and ate fairly well before Thursday, but like most everyone else, ate too many leftovers. We were driving back home on Saturday (6 hours) and had packed some leftovers and...well...between the two of us we ate about half a pumpkin pie!!

    I ate well today and worked out, so I hope to lose those 2 pounds or so this week. We'll see.
  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    ........ I still have cankles 3 days later! Sheesh. We'll all be back to normal in no time. :smile:

    that's hilarious!
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    I am up 2 pounds from my last weigh in on Nov 19
  • Jenn152
    Jenn152 Posts: 373 Member
    i think this is proof that you can enjoy yourself and not RUIN your new lifestyle ;O) yay for all of us making good decisions and still having fun! 2-5 pounds is nothing in the grand scheme of things! good job ladies!
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    i think this is proof that you can enjoy yourself and not RUIN your new lifestyle ;O) yay for all of us making good decisions and still having fun! 2-5 pounds is nothing in the grand scheme of things! good job ladies!

    Especially since 2-5 pounds on our tall frames isnt noticeable at all! lol