check out my pics

Tmbrooks75 Posts: 182 Member
Very new photographer here. Check out my pics. offer up suggestions. I only have a point and shoot so the quality isnt quite there yet.!/pages/TMB-Photography/135451273223080

Feel free to like the page too. that would be great.


  • kbonamour
    kbonamour Posts: 49 Member
    I just checked them out!!! Feel free to check out my work, as well!

    or on Facebook:
  • Tmbrooks75
    Tmbrooks75 Posts: 182 Member
    wow, your pics are 10 times better than mine. After finding a photography website and learning what I SHOULD be doing, I find that my pics just suck right now. haha I am very unhappy with what I have on there. I need to improve, big time. :)
  • kbonamour
    kbonamour Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks for the compliment! I love what I do and just have fun with my photography. It is the most awesome job in the world!!! I have only taken one photography class, and the biggest thing I learned from it was to just slow down and take my time. Never just take one photo of something- take 30 different photos from different angles, and then you will be much happier with your work. You will start to see how you want to be shooting. Also, challenge yourself. My favorite 2 shoots we did in the class were to take photos from outside of an antique store window and to take photos of eggs. They were a lot of fun and I actually learned a lot doing both. And, if you get a better camera, it will help a whole lot as well. I started with a Kodak Easyshare, then a Canon Rebel, and now a 50D. Just shoot a lot and learn as much as you can with whatever equipment you have. Also- look up the "rule of thirds" if you don't know what it is. It might help you with your composition. And look at lots of other photographers Web sites- I love looking at other's people's work and try out different techniques I see them using, especially with composition. That's all the pointers I can think of right now. I look forward to watching your progression as a photographer! Have a wonderful day!
  • Tmbrooks75
    Tmbrooks75 Posts: 182 Member
    the most recent pic on my page is the first one where I was actively looking at the composition and the rule of thirds. I think its by far my most technically sound photo yet. Havent done any shooting since that one yet but itching to get back out there.
  • brianward81
    brianward81 Posts: 217 Member
    I have to update my website, have lots of portraits and the such but I also love live music photography. Here are some of my favourite shots;
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    My friend and I have a business together, she covers the Atlanta, GA area and I cover Jacksonville, FL area. :wink:

    Would love some feedback also. :) Open to anything, just pls msg me here, and do NOT write anything on our FB page. :laugh:
  • jessdb19
    jessdb19 Posts: 31
    Well, dug up my old website...I really need to update it.
  • AshleyNicole0710
    I also checked it out and sent you a shout out :) my page is