Sign up for Wednesday weigh-in

Derv Posts: 84 Member
Derv - sts


  • Lucyloo2
    Lucyloo2 Posts: 4 Member
    Signing up - will be tomorrow before I weigh in at this stage but each Wednesday after that.

  • 30/11/11
    Derv - sts
    Putergirl - up 2lbs :(
  • engol
    engol Posts: 12
    Engol - what does sts mean? :-) Stationary? Ok, then I'll be stationary too. Think I might be up 0.4lb but I'm calling that stationary lol
  • Derv
    Derv Posts: 84 Member
    Oh you can tell you are a newbie to this weight loss crap Engol! it means Stayed The Same
  • Lucyloo2
    Lucyloo2 Posts: 4 Member
    Weighed myself this morning.. -2lbs.

    Usually what happens for me is I lose the first few pounds easily and then get stuck, so I'll just have to try and stay motivated (this time!).
  • Derv
    Derv Posts: 84 Member
    Woohoooooo I'm DOWN, I haven't been down in months!
    Another 3 ounces and I'll be 8stone something!!! Would be awesome to reach this ultimate goal before Christmas.
  • I, rather disappointingly, stayed the same :(

    However, my clothes do feel a little looser and my waist has definitely decreased so all my hard work has done something. If only I wasn't out so many nights, if I am still the same on January 1st that will be a result!

    No exercise today, house must be cleaned.
  • Derv
    Derv Posts: 84 Member
    Ah hard luck Marie, but I posted a topic in community here about the scales not always telling full story (beware - underwear pics of me, might be too much for you :D ) As long as you're getting smaller that's the main thing.
  • DawnVaderaa
    DawnVaderaa Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all - had left a message on thread in mm - hope you all don't mind me joining in?!

    Today am 13.5 stone. Had a baby ten days ago but need to watch the calories as getting married in may! Am not starving myself as nursing but watching the types of food I am eating and no treats.
    I'll be measuring weight lose from today - hopefully will lose a few pounds between here an may..
  • pots1
    pots1 Posts: 5
    Oh, can I join? Will be great motivation!
    Deerwedding - congrats!
  • Derv
    Derv Posts: 84 Member
    Welcome on board deerwedding & pots :)
    See yis weds!
  • Derv
    Derv Posts: 84 Member
    BUM. Up 1lb to 127.2 BUT I did have my period BUT I also ate more chocolate than I usually do :( So I can't blame water retention, more like Lindt retention :D
    And I have 3 big meals out between now & next weigh-in!!
  • pots1
    pots1 Posts: 5
    Down 1lb. Nearly back to my pre-pregnancy weight, 2 more lbs to go to reach that particular target.

    Thanks for the welcome Derv :smile:
  • DawnVaderaa
    DawnVaderaa Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for welcome too :-)

    Also down one pound. I am going to have to seriously sit down and figure out the calories in all the stuff I cook myself as I rarely use sauces or jars for dinner anyway. Am using the ones on data base currently as too lazy.

    Well done pots!
  • cypress2011
    cypress2011 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi girls,

    Going to join you if that's ok. I'm Cypress on MM.
    Well I lost a lot of weight earlier in the year using MFP (4.5 stone) after having DD2 but after finishing feeding and over the Christmas (and not running as much!) I've put up a stone. So my aim now is to lose 17 lbs to get down to 9st 10. I'd be delighted with that!
  • DawnVaderaa
    DawnVaderaa Posts: 8 Member
    Hi cypress!

    I was too chicken last week to weigh myself. Will do so on Wednesday and post. I started couch to 5k today too. I'm actually starving a nd while I'm not eating any less I'm convinced it's because I've told myself I'm watching what I'm eating :-(
  • DawnVaderaa
    DawnVaderaa Posts: 8 Member
    Glad I plucked up the courage today - down to 13 stone. Now where from is beyond me as clothes still fit the same way but I'm not going to be negative. So that's half a stone in over a month - if only I could do that every month!!
  • pots1
    pots1 Posts: 5
    Well done Deer, thats fantastic.
  • amc2509
    amc2509 Posts: 219 Member
    Hi there, can I join ye please??? I've been following for a week and have lost 1.5lb

    SW 197 lb
    CW 195.4 lb

    I'm struggling to stay under the net 1200 cal a day, but hey at least I'm losing.
    I've made my diary public if anyone wants to have a look, any feedback greatly received :)

    (PS. I'm Clearout on MM)
  • DawnVaderaa
    DawnVaderaa Posts: 8 Member
    Welcome AM and well done on your first week!

    Massive boo hoo here. Massive. I had been using two different scales and there is a difference of nearly a stone on both. And guess which one is likely to be correct? The heavier one. So I'm going to the chemist during week to weigh in there and start from there again I think.

    Pots how are you getting on?