
fiveferrels Posts: 397 Member
Has anyone flown since banded? Does it affect the band?

I am flying this Saturday, dr told me only liquids before the flight. She said anything above the band when get stuck, she said the band will tighten as you are in the air.


  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    I flew twice for work last week with no band issues. Although I have read of other banded people having issues. Good luck.
  • janiecew
    janiecew Posts: 2 Member
    This sounds like one of those "you'll have to try it and see what works for you" type things. Everyone's band experience is so different. Some people can't even look at bread without getting stuck, while others can eat subway sandwiches just fine!

    I've flown quite a bit in the last 2 years since being banded and I've never had a problem. I always eat and drink before a flight because I refuse to pay for an in-flight meal and I get cranky when my food schedule gets thrown off. I probably wouldn't eat a steak dinner beforehand or anything, but I've eaten a regular meal and often I eat trail mix or something during the flight.

    Good luck!
