TurboFire results!

MereMe Posts: 312 Member
I am about to wrap up 20 weeks with Turbofire (down 35# so far on it and Shakeology) and have LOVED working out with Chalene! I will post before and after pics the first week of January. Feel free to share your results here as well!


  • fitnhealthy21
    Awesome!! I'm hoping to get Turbofire SOON!! I love Chalene! So motivating. Can't wait to see your results!
  • fmeisele
    Thanks for inviting me to the group. I just got done with TF HIIT 30, Lower 20 and Stretch 10 and burned 796 calories. I'm on Week 17 and my last day of Week 20 should be Xmas. My goal is to drop 11lbs by then and be at 220lbs which will be 77lbs down. That's not all from TF but I love TF. It's not boring, it's doesn't get old and it kicks my butt every time.