Right food ideas for carb loading please??

Hi all

I am running my second half-marathon the weekend after next and since I have done all my training right this time I would also like to get the food side right in the week running up to my race.

I am not the best cook in the world & I dont eat meat (except fish). I am still running on a calorie deficit of 500 a day as I still have a stone in weight to lose. Next week I am only going to workout 2 or 3 times instead of most days, just to give myself a rest & will also increase my fluid intake.

I dont just want to stuff myself full of pasta all week if that isnt the right thing to do & wondered if anyone has any advice from their own experiences. Am assuming pasta, rice & potatoes are ok so should I be increasing the amount of days I eat these? Should I mix them with protein? Also I read that you should cut down on fibre before a race so should I opt for white versions (I normally eat wholewheat or brown), though I dont tend to eat a lot of bread?

Obviously I would like to maximise my energy stores as much as possible so any advise you can give regarding the best foods for all this would be much apprieciated.

DF :flowerforyou:


  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    There was an article in Runners World about increasing carbs up to 95% of your daily calories the 2-3 days before a race as a way to maximize glycogen stores in your muscles.
  • chefdan
    chefdan Posts: 53 Member
    It's probably too late for this to matter for the original poster but I found a good plan for marathon glycogen loading in Runners World: Performance Nutrition for Runners, by Matt Fitzgerald. The morning of the day before your marathon, do 2.5 minutes @ 1 mile race pace, followed by a 30 second all-out sprint. This is supposed to create the same carb-sponging effect that other methods create with carb depletion (not pleasant) followed by an exhaustive run a day or 2 before your marathon (not a great idea). Then, over the next 24 hours consume 12g of carbohydrate per # of lean body mass while still trying to maintain your protein intake. This had me consume 800+grams of carb the day before my race and it was a challenge, but seemed to work well. The wall didn't hit me until over mile 24.

    Anyway, about specific carb to consume before the race; I went with quality grains, sweet potatoes, Endurox r4 (a recovery drink with I think 47 g/carb per serving), Boost etc the day before, and topped off the morning of the race with bananas, powerbars and more Endurox. I felt a little weighted down and bloated ahead of the race, but that disappeared once I started running.

    The book I mentioned is excellent in so many ways, I'd recommend it to any runner; especially one who is interested in more endurance oriented races like the half & full marathon.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I've ran 2 half marathons and numerous miles over a half in training. I don't carb load for half marathons. I have carbs on me during the race. I don't eat a carb heavy diet, avoid wheat and dairy and have never had a problem. I would think just stick to your regular diet on a half and you'll be fine IMO.
  • Dragonfly1996
    Dragonfly1996 Posts: 196 Member
    I think I will try & get a copy of that book it sounds interesting. Also good point I think about the wheat & dairy as I also don't eat a lot of either.
    I did my half Sunday & it went well - loads better than my first one. I knocked 20 mins off my time & got a sub 2:30!!! I am pleased with that time. It would be great to get that down the next time. It's all a learning curve for me so with more training & food control I will get there. My 2nd lap was 6 mins slower than my first - my breathing was fine but it's the sapped energy & muscle fatigue I need to work on there I think.
    All great advise though so thanx :flowerforyou:
  • chefdan
    chefdan Posts: 53 Member
    Congratulations on the PR Sunday!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I think I will try & get a copy of that book it sounds interesting. Also good point I think about the wheat & dairy as I also don't eat a lot of either.
    I did my half Sunday & it went well - loads better than my first one. I knocked 20 mins off my time & got a sub 2:30!!! I am pleased with that time. It would be great to get that down the next time. It's all a learning curve for me so with more training & food control I will get there. My 2nd lap was 6 mins slower than my first - my breathing was fine but it's the sapped energy & muscle fatigue I need to work on there I think.
    All great advise though so thanx :flowerforyou:

    Great job!! 20 minutes is incredible. I'm pleased with 3 minutes :)
  • Jonathanfales
    Jonathanfales Posts: 38 Member
    I totally agree with previous posters who dont carbo load. I just did a 35k trail run. Did not alter my diet at all and took some GU's and Cytomax with me in the race. I drink ALOT of fruit only smoothies and get tons of sugars from them almost daily so carbo loading to me seems un-needed.
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member