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Clothing Size



  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    My smallest size was an 8 at 140 lbs - I'm 5'9.25" - and my largest is my current size 14 (stretch!) at 190lbs. I'm usually a 11/12 at 160 lbs. I'd like to be back there. However, I've never been very muscular so now that I'm working on strength perhaps I'll be a smaller size at 160.

    Edited to add: I've got wide shoulders and more breast than I'd like, so right now I wear a 16/18 on top, at least when it comes to suit blazers.

    We have the exact same sizes in our stages of weight gain/loss. Ultimately I would like to get in a lose 10 at 145-150
  • Luinbariel
    Luinbariel Posts: 4 Member
    I'm currently at 257, and I fit an 18 or a 20 at some places for pants. So, a waist of about 38 or 40 inches. For tops, usually an XL or sometimes higher, depending on the store.

    I can't really remember the last time I was below an 18. I think at one point in high school I was fitting at 16. It's been a REALLY long time. I looked much slimmer then somehow though...
  • paulcer
    paulcer Posts: 167 Member
    290 here and my 24s are getting big, some 22s fit, others not. oh and some 24s don't fit either....I hate clothing sizes.....I remember the smallest I ever fit into in high school, at 140 pounds, was a size 10. that is equal to a size 4 or 6 now....just for perspective.

    Sizes have changed, they've grown with our waistline. My daughter is 5'10" and wears a size 1. that would have easily been a 4/5 when I was her age.
  • paulcer
    paulcer Posts: 167 Member
    and in response to your question, I gain and loose all my weight in my hips and thighs, so I typically have 2-3 pant sizes in my closet. It seems that every 5-7 lbs is a pant size for me. Annoying really.
  • Karamonster
    Karamonster Posts: 40 Member
    I'm 5' 11 and currently weigh 253 and can wear an 18. But weird thing is when I weighed about 290 three years ago I was still in an 18. My goal is to be in the 190's and hopefully a size 12/14.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    I have always been big up top, broad shoulders & large breasted so even at my largest pushing 295bs I was in a UK 22 & now I am 70+lbs down still usually need a UK 18 just to fit over my boobs, if without buttons I can get into a well cut 16 but 18 is more comfortable except the waist is always baggy. I wear alot of gypsy style tops!! :tongue:

    On the bottom half though I was in a UK 18/20 at 295lbs but now can get in a normal cut (as in not designer cut) 14. I am all legs with no *kitten* & narrow hips. :noway:

    Due to my bone structure though (large) I will never be a UK 10, I am presuming I will eventually get to be a UK14/16 on top & a UK 12 on bottom once I am down to around 175-180lbs.

    Will just be nice not to have a roll of stomach fat making everything I wear look crap.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I am 5'10 and weigh 125 and am in a size 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XS in tops. My highest weight was 2 days before the birth of my son and that was 205. I wore a 14 right after birth at about 190ish. I breastfed so the weight fell off pretty quickly.

    I agree with what others have said in that it depends where you lose the weight. I gain in my hips and thighs and it is tough to lose there. and it is always the last place I lose.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I'm 5'9, @ 208lbs and size 14...

    When I was 175-180 I was a size 10... that's my goal.
  • slamazon
    slamazon Posts: 43 Member
    I am 6'1 and at my heaviest (245 pounds), I wore a size 18-20. I am now about 183 pounds and wear a 10-12. My goal weight is 170 and I am guessing I will be able to fit into a size 8 ??

    I have a big frame too ...
  • MamaLutt
    MamaLutt Posts: 66 Member
    I'm 6'0", weigh 249, and wear an 18. At 155, I wore a 12. A 100 pound difference and only 3 sizes?! It's no wonder I put on so much weight without realizing it. :mad:
  • MollyMeghan5
    MollyMeghan5 Posts: 24 Member
    I am 5'10 and weigh 205lbs and wear a 16. My heaviest is 212 and I was still in a 16 and my smallest was 170 in a 14 and that's what I'm trying to get back to.
  • Alachofra15
    Alachofra15 Posts: 117 Member

    Due to my bone structure though (large) I will never be a UK 10, I am presuming I will eventually get to be a UK14/16 on top & a UK 12 on bottom once I am down to around 175-180lbs.

    Hun it IS doable! I'm UK 10 (US 6) on top and 12 (8) in jeans, sometimes a size bigger depending on the shop. I've pretty wide hips but I'm an hourglass so a size S fits my waist.
  • mrsdizzyd84
    mrsdizzyd84 Posts: 422 Member
    I'm 5'10". My current weight is 191 and I wear a size 12. 12 fits perfectly for my thighs and butt, but it is loose at the waist. At my heaviest (204) I wore a 14. At my smallest (155) I wore a 6. I gain and lose my weight in my thighs and butt with a little in my mid section.

    My shirt size is another story. I have a large chest. At a size 12 pant I am still at least an XL. When I was a 6 I was still in about a size L shirt.
  • BeautyCrys
    BeautyCrys Posts: 209 Member
    I'm 5'10 and used to weigh 263 I wore a size 22. Now I'm 211 and wear size 14/16 :)
  • SuperStorm
    SuperStorm Posts: 119 Member
    I'm 5'11" and also started at 242lbs in a pant size 18/20 and XL shirts...though I may have needed to be rocking a 2XL :-/
    My lowest weight was 205.8lbs and I was in 16's (I did have a stretchy pair that were 14/16's)
    I'm currently back up to 229.8lbs and let me tell ya, these 16's are NOT comfortable, but dammit they're on LOL
  • KimmieSue2011
    KimmieSue2011 Posts: 117 Member
    I am 5'9'', CW 160 and current size 8. GW 150 puts me at a 6. Sizes have gone way down in the last decade or 20 years because in college I was 163 and a 12!! I am 42 now. I used to always be a size L but now usually buy a medium. I gain weight in my waist and chest, and really would love to be 150 by summer so my dresses will zip up!! Now that its winter, and I wear more pants, about half are too tight!
  • CarBro1
    CarBro1 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 5'9.5" and 237 wearing an 18. I feel like once I hit 215 or up, I'm a solid size 18, but that I can wear an 18 for all the way to my heaviest weight at 249. It's a magical size. I also feel like 16's are magical the other way. There's only about a 10 lb +/- where a 16 will fit me. I don't know about any size less than that because it's been over a decade since I've been smaller than a 16. My goal is 150 lbs, when I was 150 I recall being a 12/14 which compared to what I'm seeing here in these posts seems to be a little on the large size for that weight. Maybe I'm large framed, or maybe sizing has changed in the last 13 years...
  • miseryhead75
    miseryhead75 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm just under 6', and have weighed upwards of 300 at one point in my life. When I started my journey in May, I was 260, and wore an 18/20. I now weigh 175 (one pound from my lowest adult weight), and fit in 10's, and a few tight 8's, medium shirts. I would like to ultimately lose about 15 more, and then tone up during the summer. I'm a walker, but I can't tolerate the cold!
  • paeli
    paeli Posts: 295 Member
    I am 5'10 - at my high weight (260-280) I was a size 20. Now I weight 192 and I wear a jean size 12. (I wear low-rise jeans which fall on a thinner part of my tummy, this may be cheating a little - but i'll take it! ;) ) I wear med-large depending on cut and fit. I have always been overweight so I think my fat has been pretty evenly distributed. But my broad shoulders have always made me bigger in fitted tops.

    As I have always been heavy, I don't have a "goal size" but I find it interesting to hear everyone elses sizes!
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    This bugs me so much! I shorter person will go down a size in 10-15 pounds, but us taller ladies do not! At my heaviest, I was about 215 and a size 16 (I'm 5'11). At my lightest, I was 179 and fit into a couple of size 10's, but mostly 12. I'm currently 188 and between 12 and 14.