5k run/walk

Anyone interested in getting together for a 5k run/walk? I just did one yesterday and it was a lot of fun. I'm currently just walking them but I'm hoping to get to the point of running them as well. While I enjoy doing them alone, I wouldn't mind going with a group.

There is a good schedule available here: www.getsetaz.com


  • courtneylois
    I have been wanting to do one for a while. Thanks for sharing that website!
  • kimberstastic
    There's one at Tempe Beach Park on the 28th of next month called The Color Run that looks like a really good time. It's kinda expensive ($40 per solo runner/walker/whatever-er) but the team prices are $35 until the end of December if there were 3 other people who would want to commit. You'd get to be totally colorful. http://thecolorrun.com/arizona/

    Everyone wants to be human tye-dye, right? :D
  • courtneylois
    I bet I could get my boyfriend to come. Any other two takers?
  • lawmama_
    lawmama_ Posts: 103 Member
    thanks for that website! i've been living in phoenix/tempe for 2 years now but i never really get involved in anything because i don't know what's going on! now i'll have no excuse :)