Does loosing weight make my joints look big?

photo_kyla Posts: 322 Member
This is just something that I was wondering last night.
I've had RA in my knees since I was 9, gained most of my weight in college, but now I'm almost back down to high school weight. I've been working like crazy on strengthening and toning my thighs and though they are not shrinking quickly, they are getting smaller slowly.
Last night I was looking at them and the amount of muscle vs loose skin/fat and noticed that my knees are actually bigger around than my thighs are. I don't remember them being this big in high school, but they've had several years of swelling/damage since then. What's going to happen in -30lbs when I'm at goal? Will I ever be able to wear a short skirt or swimsuit without being embarrassed about my legs?
I used to have swollen ankles too, and though they've gone done almost completely now, I still have bulges of fluid that aren't on normal ankles.
Has anyone here lost a bunch of weight? Did your joints go down too?

(I've been on Enbrel for about 10 years and it's working well with mobility, damage control, and bone density. My doctor doesn't want us to change it.)


  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    That's funny. I was thinking the same thing not long ago. My finger joints and knees look huge now that I've lost a lot of weight! Maybe you should talk with the doc about this and have him check for swelling. A steroid injection usually brings that down for me. Or possibly adding methotrexate to the mix?
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    I would talk to your doctor about it. I haven't experienced anything like that, but I haven't lost as much as you, either. I hope there's a solution for it though!
  • letsgetit
    Id talk to your doctor, but i will say its much easier to see swelling from joints when youre smaller because its less fat to confuse it with if that makes sense.