
I am glad to see I am not alone in my battle. I appreciate everyone joining. I hope this group can serve as a place for everyone to be honest, caring and helpful.

Since we are being honest, I will admit a difficulty I have struggled with.

I have had a lot of trouble with trying to keep up with healthy friends that seem to believe they will always be invincible. It was very tough 3 or so years ago and has become easier lately.

Like most people in their mid to late 20's, we love to party hard. This usually consisted drinking alcohol like fishes, staying up till the sunrise and consuming mass quantities of junk food. To try and avoid these situations was extremely hard, if not impossible at times. I honestly will admit I did not do a good job of avoiding it and still find myself in the same struggle at times. Unfortunately, I have no amazing tips to help. I would like to see if anyone else does??

So whats your stories? I would love to hear about them and perhaps share your feelings or give some opinions.

Again, thanks for joining!


  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    For a very long time. I didn't take care of myself because I didn't love me enough to do That is what got me to this point.
  • knarfappaz
    knarfappaz Posts: 5 Member
    Always keep in mind that the human spirit is amazing. It is capable of achieving anything and also changing.

    I can totally relate to what your saying. It is going to take a change of life, attitude and self worth before any of us get healthy.

    You can do it! We all will falter but it's our perseverance that separates us from our old self and our new self.
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    Thanks for the encouraging words
  • It's nice to know i'm not alone in this. I did well in the beginning but the last year my Blood Sugar has been out of control...it's annoying because I can't seem to pinpoint exactly what is causing my blood sugar to be so crazy.

    I'm trying to better my health and if anyone needs some encouragement feel free to message me! I'll do what I can to help and definitely give some encouragement!
  • Losing2Live1989
    Losing2Live1989 Posts: 423 Member
    I'm glad I found this group. I was just recently in October told I'm a diabetic. I'm taking it VERY hard. At times I still cry. Its depressing for me. I also have a fatty liver and if I don't lose weight I will face liver failure and yeah and high cholesterol.

    I'm still trying to get back on track and its so hard to. Even with all the problems that I face I just can't seem to get on track. Its sad. I know I have to. And I'm not giving up!!!!
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    Losing to live I know how you feel. When I was diagnosed earlier this year. I took it really hard, I blamed myself for weeks. If you want to talk feel free to message me anytime.
  • knarfappaz
    knarfappaz Posts: 5 Member

    I remember being diagnosed with diabetes and then being told kidney issues have already began to show negative signs. At first it felt surreal. I suppose I went through the 7 steps of grief, perhaps grieving for myself. However, I came to grip with the problem and began to focus on a solution.

    There was times that I knew no one understood what I was dealing with. My loved ones would make claims to this notion, but it was easy to write off. Feeling alone in the battle was becoming common place. That is why I created this group.

    Being young and have a long time to battle is not an easy outlook to deal with. This is what I recommend:

    Let your feelings be and recognize them as a step to improvement.

    We must be honest with ourselves at all times.

    Never stop trying to improve.

    I will admit that I'm far from healthy physically, but I do believe I am finally in the correct mental state to get to my optimal health level.


    I beg you to keep your head up and keep trying. I hate the thought of someone in sadness over this. You're going to get through this.
  • Losing2Live1989
    Losing2Live1989 Posts: 423 Member
    Thank yall so much! I'm still trying to get on track and stay on track. I feel bad when I fail its like I don't want it bad enough but o i do. I would kill to have my health back. I'm sick of always not feeling good. And with my wedding in March its so hard. My family and friends look at me like they don't understand how I aint changed yet. I let a year of engagement go by and didn't lose a lb so far. I'm sick with myself!
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    Everyday is not a good day but, we can do it!
  • I'm in the same boat; 28, diabetic with peripheral neuropathy and really high blood pressure.
  • Hey all! Im 25, and diabetic. was diagnosed at 19yrs old... and for the longest time I was in denial. Finally got on meds, But... now I have lost my insurance and meds is running low. I really do not know which direction to go. I applied for state assistance, but am on a long waiting list. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    Rwedeking05 I would suggest looking into a clinic. They usually offer lower medication prices
  • brismum10
    brismum10 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi everyone my names lisa I was diagnosed as type 2 diabetic at 22 im now 28 I had a baby in 2010 due to unstable bsl I was in hospital alot during pregnancy and had to have an emergency c section 1 mnth early my daughter is now one and I also have custody of my niece 4 mnths a dcr told me if I dnt do smethng about my weight and bs control im not Gng to c my daughter grow up its a new year and a new start thanks for sharing your stories
  • knarfappaz
    knarfappaz Posts: 5 Member
  • LeannSz
    LeannSz Posts: 68 Member
    Hi My name is Leann I was diagnosed with Diabetes during pregnancy and I was very strict on my diet for the baby. After she was born the Doctor didn't feel the need to follow up. Unfortunately the disease did keep up and never went away. After a few uninsured years I decided to get control of my health starting with a job with good health insurance. I remember a lot from the pregnancy as far as numbers and food but needed a refresher. I went to see a Diabetes educator and it was all up hill.

    So far I have lost 60lbs and my Blood Sugar levels are well with in range. I would love to help and encourage others like me.
  • LeannSz
    LeannSz Posts: 68 Member
    RWEDEKING05--Some drug companies have assistance programs I would start with calling the company of the current medication your on and ask the pharmacy as well they may have information about who to contact.
  • nlkoelle
    nlkoelle Posts: 23 Member
    Hi all, My name is Nikki and I am now 33. However, I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes when I was about 23! So, 10 years with the disease. I've had quite a few complications, and I'm willing to share my stories with anyone who is interested. I'm an open book. I still get frustrated, bummed, depressed, etc. But this site has given me a little bit of hope in my journey. I'm finding it so easy to use with some great features, and I absolutely love the phone app syncing to it!

    Here's kind of a run down of what challenges I have...

    - Obesity (highest was 290 lbs, I'm 5'11... but I've been maintaining around the 270 mark prior to MyFitnessPal, and started out at 263 lbs on Feb 1)
    - High blood pressure - since I was around 21 yrs old
    - Heart disease - since Apr 2010 (had 3 stents placed)
    - Type 2 diabetes - since I was 23
    - complications include neuropathy (mostly in my feet/toes)
    - infections that were far more complicated than they needed to be
    - diabetic retinopathy (so far not affecting vision)
    - Plantar faciitis

    My primary doctor recently did lab work, and my A1C was very high (9.4). Prior to my heart issues it was in the 5.5 area - with Avandia, etc. However, due to the possibility of Avandia being linked to heart issues, I asked to be taken off of it. Since then I've struggled to get my A1C to an acceptable range. I must admit that #1 I was out of one of my meds (Januvia) for a long time and #2 I wasn't testing my blood sugar ... for like 6 months. (BAD idea). So I'm trying now to get back on the bandwagon. But the doctor has given me 4 months to get my A1C down, then the insulin discussion may begin. I then sent a report that I created from this site that shows my food intake and my blood sugars (logged in the "food notes" section) and asked my Endocrinologist (LPN actually) if she would like to see me before June 1. So I am going in next Friday to check in. We'll see what happens next!

    I seem to be doing well with food now, and my blood sugars are improving. I always struggle with my morning number being elevated, even if I eat well at night. I was recently given a suggestion to try eating a light snack at bedtime to see if that helps. Seems funny, but I may try it.

    I may be among the older members of this group.. but I'm still learning every day! Hope to read and share information and continue this journey better and stronger than ever. :)

    It's nice to meet you all!
  • Hi everyone!

    What a great idea for a group. I get really tired of people assuming I have type 1 diabetes just because I was diagnosed at a young age.

    I was diagnosed at the age of 17 with Type 2. I'm now 30 years old. I've been blessed to have few complications thus far, even though my blood sugar was largely uncontrolled during my early 20s thanks to the university lifestyle. My highest recorded weight was 238 (I stopped looking after that). I'm now at 180 and my goal is 150, and I intend to keep going because my blood sugar gets better the lower my weight is. Strange correlation there... have a very important reason for getting down, though, as I am now happily married, and would like to have children sooner than later. My internist says being at a lower weight will reduce the risk of complications. Currently I take Metformin to help control my blood sugars. I'm not looking forward to insulin, which I will need to go on at least months before we even start trying to have children according to my internist. YICK. Yup, another diabetic who doesn't like needles :) Then again, who does?

    Hope everyone is doing well and has a plan. Would love to hear what you are all doing to lose the weight/control the sugars.

  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    *waves* Hi Rebecca!!

    I am not that good at taking my sugar. I am trying to get better at it though!
  • Ladi3_DmC
    Ladi3_DmC Posts: 3 Member
    In Oct. 2011, I found out I'm DIABETIC :cry: I really didnt think anything of it til about an week ago my blood sugar was really bad and I felt like crap. I got really scared and called my Doctor, she told me a kind of a brief WHAT TO DO. So since last Monday April 2 I've been watching what I eat, trying to do an exercise for at least 15 an day and taking my Metformin, I've lost 5lbs so far. It's really important for me to keep doing it, but I can really use some support.:wink: