


  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    Purple People Beater
    The Killer Purple

    These are my favorites...love the suggestions!!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I'd LOVE to be co-captain! yay!! :)

    I like a combo of nutrition and fitness challenges. For me, personally, fitness is NOT the problem it's the food that gets me in trouble!

    I like a lot of the names so far, and I'm not picky. I have one I came up with too : The Purple People (healthy) Eaters. LOL
  • ktjones3
    Okay everyone,

    Kerri will be co-captain. =)

    I love the suggestions you guys made. My favs so far are Purple People (healthy) Eaters, Grape Expectations (I laughed pretty hard on this one) and Purple People Beater.

    I'm also thinking our first challenge will be something small to get us started and we can gradually work from there. I'm not sure where everyone is nutrition and physical wise so I'm just going to throw stuff out there, but let me know if you think it's too hard or not hard enough.

    Some of the things I've thought of is:

    Log everyday
    Drink at least 8 cups of water
    Do x amount of sit ups during the week
    Walk or run a 5k

    Things like that :)
  • LighterJen
    LighterJen Posts: 15 Member
    I'm not picky about a team name. I like Grape Expectations, makes me smile. :)

    As for challenges, I like miles/week challenges and calories burned/week challenges (obviously you need to have a couple goals based on weight). Water intake is always good too.

    I'm in a challenge that goes until the end of the year, so I'm working hard on that and can't check in everywhere every day. However, I'll be ready to go in January!
  • Sheriemae
    I'm loving The Purple People (healthy) Eaters! Very cute. The challenges sound good and doable.
  • ktjones3
    I'm not picky about a team name. I like Grape Expectations, makes me smile. :)

    As for challenges, I like miles/week challenges and calories burned/week challenges (obviously you need to have a couple goals based on weight). Water intake is always good too.

    I'm in a challenge that goes until the end of the year, so I'm working hard on that and can't check in everywhere every day. However, I'll be ready to go in January!

    That is very understandable, and I appreciate you taking the time to respond. I know people are busy especially this time of year.
  • ktjones3
    I just sent her an email and hopefully she will add it on.

    You are on the Violet team.
  • myshell26
    Hi Team! My name in Michelle and I am 29 years old and from Palm Harbor, Florida. I am a production coordinator at a warehouse (pretty much a desk job) and have been overweight since childhood. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2010 and have since been on a mission to get healthy. I have on here that my starting weight was 289, but honestly it was closer to 300 in 2009. I am very competitive so I figured joining this would kick me into high gear. The job I have will be closing this location next week so I'll have extra time for workouts (don't worry... I get 3 months severance and I am confident I will get another job). I too would like fitness and exercise challenges, but I do not own a gym membership. I have access to some machines and have a good amount of hand weights, dvds, yoga mats and other equipment. No matter what challenge is put out there, I will find a way to get it done. As for the team name, I like Purple Reign and Grape Expectations. Let's win this!
  • myshell26
    Log everyday
    Drink at least 8 cups of water
    Do x amount of sit ups during the week
    Walk or run a 5k

    Things like that :)
    first and foremost congrats to our captain and co-captain! I like all of these challenges. Dumb question on the 5k challenge... does this have to be an official 5k, or can we just walk/run 5k on our own? I am so excited to start.
  • ktjones3
    Log everyday
    Drink at least 8 cups of water
    Do x amount of sit ups during the week
    Walk or run a 5k

    Things like that :)
    first and foremost congrats to our captain and co-captain! I like all of these challenges. Dumb question on the 5k challenge... does this have to be an official 5k, or can we just walk/run 5k on our own? I am so excited to start.

    It doesn't have to be an "official" one. I probably should have clarified. I was thinking to just get in the 3 miles within the week or something.
  • MeganSWoods
    MeganSWoods Posts: 196 Member
    Hey I was going to suggest the Purple People Shrinkers, but I like some of the other suggestions like Purple People (healthy) Eaters and The Killer Purple.

    This is my first challenge, so I have no ideas for team challenges-- sorry! Also, I usually access mfp on my phone, so I don't always see the things on the message boards right away since you can only get them on the website. I'll try to get on at least once a day, but it doesn't always happen, just so you know.
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member

    Hey guys! I made up a link for a small survey with the top 5 team name ideas! Please only vote once! I'll leave this open until we need to give CJ a response.
  • basenji
    basenji Posts: 208 Member

    Hey guys! I made up a link for a small survey with the top 5 team name ideas! Please only vote once! I'll leave this open until we need to give CJ a response.

    Great idea with the survey! I voted!

    I would like both fitness & nutrition challenges.
  • KokomoJoe
    Ok everyone apparently we are supposed to check in with the captain. I am hoping friending them is enough. If your really interested I don't want people to be dropped.

    Purple people eaters is fine by me..... for a team name.

    Go team Purple...... BTW I am an engineer and purple is our colour.....
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    I voted!!

    I'm all for fitness and nutrition challenges as well!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Hey guys!
    We have a tie between 2 names: Grape Expectations and Purple People (Healthy) Eaters! Each received 5 votes!

    I have made a Round 2 Survey to vote between these two.. I will check it first thing tomorrow morning and we will submit whichever has a higher vote to CJ (the organizer) tomorrow.


    thanks!! =)

    Anyone have ideas for challenge #1?
    I have a some-what boring video that is about 10 minutes worth of exercise that is good for beginners and more advanced people as well. I'm definitely for helping out with fitness challenges but I will need all your guys' support when it comes to nutrition challenges as that is where I *struggle!* thanks,
    Co-capt, Kerri
  • ktjones3
    Hey everyone. Please cast your votes for the team name.

    I also need to have everyone's *new* starting weight by next wednesday so I can update the spreadsheet. If I do not receive your starting weight I will leave it as it is on the spreadsheet. Also, if you do not check in with me, I will assume you do not want to be in the challenge, and you will be replaced. Everyone please continue to check in.
    Thanks for all the hard work of my co-captain :) She is the best!

    Any input on challenges will be great too! I will start on the blog asap and let you guys know where you can find it.
  • kmcgrath1
    kmcgrath1 Posts: 175 Member
    Hi Everyone...

    I'm Kristen and I'm really excited to be doing this! I need something to keep me going. I'm married and have a 19 yr old son who is now at Parris Island for bootcamp with the USMC. I also have an 18 yr old step daughter. Since we are now recently empty nesters I am going to enjoy this time for myself. Always putting my kids first so this is a new thing for me.

    I am also trying to consider this is my bootcamp time as well while my son is going through his. I truly love the support we can give each other!!!
  • kmcgrath1
    kmcgrath1 Posts: 175 Member
    Hey everyone. Please cast your votes for the team name.

    I also need to have everyone's *new* starting weight by next wednesday so I can update the spreadsheet. If I do not receive your starting weight I will leave it as it is on the spreadsheet. Also, if you do not check in with me, I will assume you do not want to be in the challenge, and you will be replaced. Everyone please continue to check in.
    Thanks for all the hard work of my co-captain :) She is the best!

    Any input on challenges will be great too! I will start on the blog asap and let you guys know where you can find it.
    So will weigh ins be on Wednesday then?
  • ktjones3
    Hey everyone. Please cast your votes for the team name.

    I also need to have everyone's *new* starting weight by next wednesday so I can update the spreadsheet. If I do not receive your starting weight I will leave it as it is on the spreadsheet. Also, if you do not check in with me, I will assume you do not want to be in the challenge, and you will be replaced. Everyone please continue to check in.
    Thanks for all the hard work of my co-captain :) She is the best!

    Any input on challenges will be great too! I will start on the blog asap and let you guys know where you can find it.
    So will weigh ins be on Wednesday then?

    Our first weigh in isn't until January 13th (Friday) but in order for me to get everything on time, I'm asking for the start weights to be given to me by Wednesday or Thursday (Dec 28 or Dec 29) so when the challenge starts in January we will have the updated weights on the spreadsheet.
    Since the spreadsheet needs to be updated on Fridays when the challenge starts, I will need each week to be this way. So, if you want to weigh in on Wednesdays and report the weight to me, that will be fine. My personal weigh in day is Monday, so I will just use my "Monday weight" for that week on the spreadsheet. Make sense? I'm not too good with explanations lol