Year-end wrapup, a little early

tearose4 Posts: 37 Member
As the end of the year approaches, I am curious: how did everyone do? Have you met your goals for 2011, or do you expect to? And what are your goals for 2012 ?? Are you looking forward to this as a new beginning or are you dreading the temptations of Christmas and New Year?


  • bbgirl
    bbgirl Posts: 49 Member
    I definitely did not reach my goals, but I started anew 3 weeks ago and I have BIG PLANS FOR 2012!!!!!
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    I didn't reach my end of the year goal, but I'm ok with it. Since the end of January I lost a 142lbs, today I weigh 206, started at 348. I was hoping to weigh 188 by Christmas but I hope to be some where in the 190's by then. But I will enjoy the holiday. Hope all of you had a good year and can't wait to see what 2012 will bring.
  • tearose4
    tearose4 Posts: 37 Member
    Since the end of January I lost a 142lbs.

    wow . . . WOW ! ! ! That's amazing. No matter what your goal was, congratulations are in order!
  • projectviolin
    projectviolin Posts: 9 Member
    Hello everyone:

    Well, I would have to say that I didnt reach my goal for this year. I started my weight lose in September but I have only been on MFP for a little over a month, so I feel that 2012 will be a great year because of the support and food tracker on here. It will allow me to have better results. The end of this year has been hard with different stresses in my life and I have had to work through them and figure out how to NOT stress eat! I wanted to weigh 16 lbs less by Christmas!
    2012 I am going to continue to work on figuring out the reasons why I gained the weight that I did so I will be successful in the future and gaining more endurance while jogging so I can run in a marathon. I will run in honor of my Babcia(grandmother). This is a big goal for me.

    I will say that I did accomplish my goal of kicking my sida habit though! Yah me! IThis was a big one. Also, creating a new yearning for new, good, healthy foods VS the typical sweets and bad foods that I previously wanted.

    So, in all I did not accomplish my weight goal but I did accomplish others, so I would say I have succeeded.

    O' I would like to be at least 66 pounds lighter by Christmas next year! I believe it is very attainable!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    I did reach my goal of 225 by Dec. 21st. I must admit that I purposely set my weight loss goal a little more lax than I could have simply because I did want to fail and then give up. I've lost 55 pounds since June. Which in my mind is no small feat. Could I have pushed myself harder and lost the next 25 before Christmas, ya probably, but could I have sustained it? Probably not.

    My goal for the next year is to lose the next 75 pounds by Dec 21. CanToGirl lost all of that plus what I already lost in a year!!!! My hope is that if I go slow and can keep teaching myself how to live healthier and eat smarter, then no matter how long it takes to reach my utlimate goal of 143 ("normal" for my height), I will know how to sustain it.

    Merry Christmas!!!!
  • Hi everyone. I'm just joining MFP but have been working on losing weight for the past 18 months. My journey is slow, but at least it's heading in the right direction!

    My goal for 2012 is to lose 30 pounds. It may not sound like much, but at my rate of loss, I need to be realistic so I don't get discouraged. I've decided that reaching my goal weight may take 3 years, but every month I'm closer to getting there!
  • jsv454
    jsv454 Posts: 30 Member
    I started the process of weight-loss in September, I think, but didn't get really serious about it until late October. I didn't really have a "year-end" goal, because I just wanted to figure out what works for me and do things sensibly. Overall, I have lost 34 pounds (though have been stuck for over 2 weeks!) and am pleased with my progress. It would have been nice to be 50 down by New Years, but I think that would have been a bit too stressful.

    So I am thinking for 2012 that I am going to aim to be down 100 lbs total by the end of the year, and hope that I surpass that goal! I want to focus on getting healthier and stronger rather than losing pounds, so that should be the real victory. I know I will get to my goal (just about 200 down) eventually!
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    I started MFP two months ago and lost 20.6 pounds. When I started MFP my husband told me that this is a bad time to start a diet right before the holidays and that I should wait until the new year. That is why i have the saying in my profile. I am happy that i started at the end of october and have already lost 20.6 pounds. This is much better than starting the new year with 100 pounds to lose and the unknowing of if it is going to work or not. I'm 20 pounds closer to my weight goal and 16 pounds from onederland. I have reached my goal for the weight loss, but have not reached my goal for exercise. I'm doing better but was hoping to be doing much better by this time. I reached my goal of journaling my food every day. I have not reached my goal even one day of 8 glasses of water per day. My goal for 2012 is to keep doing what I'm doing right now but add exercise and drinking water. I've decided to be happy if i lose one pound per week and not let this bother me. My goal is to be in onederland in 16 weeks or by the end of April. I want to lose 52 pounds in the next year, that would be 72 pounds counting what i already lost bringing me to 154 pounds next christmas eve. What a wonderful gift to give myself next christmas. This christma I gave myself a 20 pounds loss and a new beginning.
  • gkpass
    gkpass Posts: 14 Member
    I just got started three weeks ago so I'm still learning what my body will do... so far that amounts to a lot of strange things. LOL Reading all this, though, made me realize that setting small goals for myself by the month is something I really need to do formally so that I can "check" them off as I go along.
  • gkpass
    gkpass Posts: 14 Member
    After having written the last note, I thought of a tiny goal i was hoping to achieve before the end of the year. I wanted to lose 10 lbs and guess what! I did it! My first ten pounds are history. The new year is going to see a whole lot less of me! Just had to share.
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    UGH!! Not only did I NOT reach my goal, I started the new year by gaining back 8 lbs of what I had lost. Time for a big kick in the keyster!. Lets just pretend that I am starting new today. I notice that there is not alot of activity in any of the groups so if there is someone out there who would like to friend me and communicate a little more often, I would be happy to welcome you and any tips (or kicks) you may have, I cleaned up my friends list recently and deleted anyone who hadnt logged in for over 2 months. I work nights so I miss logins in when I work an extra long shift but I'm still on board.

    Happy New Year btw, Deb
  • ShannaDBowser
    ShannaDBowser Posts: 88 Member
    I didn't make an end-of-the-year goal, at least not for the actual end of year. My goal is to lose 100 pounds in a year, which I'm almost a quarter of the way there in 3 months.. so right on track! :D I'm looking forward to getting back on track after the Christmas weight gain and weight hover. I won't call it a plateau, just a general disinclination to move past 263.