Introductions! :)

I guess I'll start.

I'm 29, and I turn 30 on June 22nd. I REALLY REALLY want to get to onederland by my 30th birthday.

I have two kids (9mo girl and 2.5y boy) and I run an at-home childcare center from my home.

I'm 5'9 and since September I have lost roughly 37lbs!


  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    Congratulations on your weight loss so far!!

    I have been nursing an injured foot for a couple of months now and had to stop running. So with stopping running and being depressed about having to stop running, I've managed to gain back about 20 of the pounds I lost earlier this year. I'm so disappointed in myself!!

    I need to sit down and write out my goals for the new year during this upcoming week, but I know my first goal is to get to onederland before I start running again. I'm hoping that losing this extra weight will keep me from re-injuring my foot once I start to run again.

    So, I will need to lose roughly 40 pounds to get to onederland and I am aiming to do that by April 1st, just in time for great running weather!
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Gratz on your progress so far, very cool. I am "over 50" and want to get to onederland by June since my wedding anniversary (39 years) is June 24 and under 200 would be less than I've weighed since I got pregnant with my first kid (she's 37). 20 lbs to get to that point, but it's all really old weight, so I know it's going to be a fight all the way and I'll be there for all of you too!
  • Jewels1296
    Jewels1296 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi everyone! June 22nd is a great goal since my birthday is June 25th and I will be 31. My goal is to be 180 by my wedding in October so I am really motivated to banish this weight and get back to onederland :-) I also have knee-related issues, two surgeries on my left thus far. I want to lose a good amount of weight before I start trying to run again. I plan on being able to run the Komen 5K in Columbus this May.
  • Megan2Project
    Megan2Project Posts: 351 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss so far!!

    I have been nursing an injured foot for a couple of months now and had to stop running. So with stopping running and being depressed about having to stop running, I've managed to gain back about 20 of the pounds I lost earlier this year. I'm so disappointed in myself!!

    I need to sit down and write out my goals for the new year during this upcoming week, but I know my first goal is to get to onederland before I start running again. I'm hoping that losing this extra weight will keep me from re-injuring my foot once I start to run again.

    So, I will need to lose roughly 40 pounds to get to onederland and I am aiming to do that by April 1st, just in time for great running weather!

    I just recently had to halt my running too due to Plantar faciitis! I'm hoping I can start back to in in January..,

    My plan of attack for January is to do the 30 day shred and 3 days of running or gym cardio :)
  • Nutmeg90795
    Nutmeg90795 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Meghan but you can call me Maggie if you want. I would love to be in onederland by June or even sooner if possible. I started this website in July and have lost about 36 pounds so far. My goal is to be 150 pounds. :smile:

    Cant wait to see everyone's progress :flowerforyou:
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I I'm Ivy. I am 38. I have been on mfp longer than I planned but stuff happens. I got to wonderland last year but backslid. My goal is to get there are stay there. 35 pounds down by June.
  • Megan2Project
    Megan2Project Posts: 351 Member
    I know we can ALL do this!! I'm so excited to see all our progress in the coming months :)
    Does anyone else have any "action plans"?
  • dchienku
    dchienku Posts: 625 Member
    Hi my name is Denise And I want to lose this extra weight. We can do this. I am 40 years old and ready to take control of my life. I have two beautiful children and a supportive husband

  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,168 Member
    Hello, I'm Monita and I'm 43. I'm happy about my 57lb weight loss this year; BUT, I'm on a mission to get to Onerland in 2012. My gift for achieving my goal is a pair of Christian Louboutin shoes! I sure would like to wear my shoes while it's hot outside. Currently, I'm 240 lbs.

    My plan of action is to join lots of challenges so that I can stay busy and focussed on my weight loss. Currently, I'm in 7 challenges. What will we be doing in this challenge? Weekly callisthenics goals? Weighing in weekly? Just let me know. I'm game.
  • Megan2Project
    Megan2Project Posts: 351 Member
    Hello, I'm Monita and I'm 43. I'm happy about my 57lb weight loss this year; BUT, I'm on a mission to get to Onerland in 2012. My gift for achieving my goal is a pair of Christian Louboutin shoes! I sure would like to wear my shoes while it's hot outside. Currently, I'm 240 lbs.

    My plan of action is to join lots of challenges so that I can stay busy and focussed on my weight loss. Currently, I'm in 7 challenges. What will we be doing in this challenge? Weekly callisthenics goals? Weighing in weekly? Just let me know. I'm game.

    Weekly weigh-in and explanations. What we succeeded at and what we need to work on.
    I think weekly challenges would be great, but probably with our own goals as I respect that everyone does this differently. Maybe some like : try 3 new foods this week, drink ___oz of water every day, burn ____ calories for the week through exercise. I will have to sit down and maybe figure out a schedule, but I am open to suggestions!
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    You asked for strategies, I'm down 23 lbs since I started (8 before MFP) and getting to weight I've been hauling around for a 1/4 of a century so joined a gym (been working out at home, not enough challenge of the right kind now). I'm also starting C25K in the spring when it gets nice enough to run outside. Ultimate goal is to do a 3 day Breast Cancer walk next summer. (Nope never had breast cancer but I did have a run-in with colon cancer and lost my mom to cancer).
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    It's great to hear about everyone's motivation, strategies, etc... And I think some weekly challenges would be great, maybe an extra little exercise for the week (like 100 calf raises each day, or 100 squats each day) or I like the ideas of trying new foods or maybe try at least X number of new recipes this week, etc.. I think the ideas already mentioned sounds great too. I'm game for anything.

    I am currently working on my strategy and goals and want to finish it up in the next day or two so I can be ready to get going again after the holiday madness is over. I will share once I finish it up.

    I did go to the doctors today for my foot too and still don't really have any answers, basically all he said is he thinks it's a strain in my sesamoid bone area, but unfortunately I have to use that part of my foot every single step I take, so I don't know if it will ever get better. Hopefully losing a good chunk of weight before I start running again will help keep me from reinjuring it, but I've got to say I really, really miss running!
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Tara and I am 31. I gained 65 pounds in under a year from having neurological lyme! Not fun. So being 5' tall and 212 pounds makes everything so much more difficult. Like many of you, I used to keep my weight under control by running but now I walk with a walker which makes running tough lol! I am trying to realize that exercise is exercise even if it isn't running! I can't really drive because of my neurological problems so I need to work out at home, but let's face it exercise videos are so boring!! And many of them I can't do. However I do have a Wii and try to play "tennis" on there as often as I can. I make sure I get up and move around the living room just like when I used to play. It's certainly not the same, but better than nothing!

    My strategy at the moment is to eat healthier in general. I'm a flexitarian (plant-based diet where people eat meat on occasion) and have been for a while but have never been good about the plant-based part! I was raised on processed food and since I hate cooking, processed food is still so appealling! So now I'm more focused on adding more beans and veggies into my diet and cutting out processed foods. I am definitely eating better even if it isn't reflected on the scale.

    I would definitely be game for participating in any challenges! It sounds like fun and would certainly be motivating!
  • Hannahmave
    hey i'm hannah, previously lost about 200lbs, now at 218, havent been in onederland since i was around eleven maybe xx
  • dlmadeja
    dlmadeja Posts: 109 Member
    My name is Danielle and my whole goal is to make it to Onderland by summer so I'm so excited to see this challenge!! I am currently 233 and I would love to change out that 2 and put a 1 in front of it! I started my journey and a high number of 282 and even though I have had great success I really want to get out of the 200's and never see them again! If anyone wants to add me I am always grateful for new friends who are supportive :D GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Hi I'm Lauren. I'm 28 and I want to be there by my birthday (July 13th) My ultimate goal is to be at a healthy weight by my 30th (because my 20s have sucked and I REFUSE to have my 30s suck)

    To get to 199lbs is just over my first major goal (90kg) I've lost 51lbs (or 23kg) since July 21st and currently weigh around 250lbs. So I feel I can lose another 50 by my birthday.

    My immeadite focus is on getting into double digits for weight (kilos) That would mean me getting to 219.8lbs.

    I walk to and from work every day. My gym membership starts up again on the 18th so I'm doing NROLFW as well once that starts up, at least twice a week.
  • ygglove
    ygglove Posts: 102 Member
    I'm Annie, I'm 25, and this group is perfect for me.. I want to hit ONEderland before my birthday too! [June 17th]. I do cardio every morning with the husband before he goes to work, and I just got the 30DS and Ripped in 30 w/ weights, and a few other items for Christmas. I have a 4 year old, and I want to teach her proper diet and exercise, so she hopefully doesn't have to worry about this when she's older..
  • akb2006
    akb2006 Posts: 198 Member
    I was searching high and low for a motivating group to join this will be perfect. The picture in my profile I think is when I was in the high 190's I would love to get there again. From now to June 22nd I have to lose about 2lbs a week to get there. Tough but do-able! :) I always do good the first 20lbs and then lose motivation help me stick with it! My name is Amanda and I have 2 kiddos a little girl who is almost 4 and a boy who will be 2 in March. We would like to have more kids but I have decided I need to get to a healthy weight first! :)

    ETA: I am battling a nasty cold does anyone have some good excersise ideas I can do that isn't going to make me cough more than I already am ugh!
  • Megan2Project
    Megan2Project Posts: 351 Member
    I was searching high and low for a motivating group to join this will be perfect. The picture in my profile I think is when I was in the high 190's I would love to get there again. From now to June 22nd I have to lose about 2lbs a week to get there. Tough but do-able! :) I always do good the first 20lbs and then lose motivation help me stick with it! My name is Amanda and I have 2 kiddos a little girl who is almost 4 and a boy who will be 2 in March. We would like to have more kids but I have decided I need to get to a healthy weight first! :)

    ETA: I am battling a nasty cold does anyone have some good excersise ideas I can do that isn't going to make me cough more than I already am ugh!

    Hmmm I would think low intensity for the coughing. Lots of walking, maybe a couple DVD's.
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    I was searching high and low for a motivating group to join this will be perfect. The picture in my profile I think is when I was in the high 190's I would love to get there again. From now to June 22nd I have to lose about 2lbs a week to get there. Tough but do-able! :) I always do good the first 20lbs and then lose motivation help me stick with it! My name is Amanda and I have 2 kiddos a little girl who is almost 4 and a boy who will be 2 in March. We would like to have more kids but I have decided I need to get to a healthy weight first! :)

    ETA: I am battling a nasty cold does anyone have some good excersise ideas I can do that isn't going to make me cough more than I already am ugh!

    I am the same way, really motivated for the first 20-30 pounds and then it seems like as soon as people start to notice I start to self sabotage. I'm not doing that anymore!