No Matter What God Says...

Why do we still feel inadequate and not beautiful? As a young woman, I have struggled with my weight my entire life. I thought this might offer a forum for us to give encouragement to others and ourselves, and provide an opportunity to speak truth about what God says we, as women, are.

It can be hard to live in a world where beauty is distorted and misprepresented all too often. How can we battle this?

What encouragement can you offer to other women who feel they don't quite "make the cut" when it comes to beauty and image in general?

What lies have been made clear to you that we women fall for? How do you overcome?

**Please try to incorporate Biblical ties too, because the more we look at truth the more we live in truth**


  • mamaw53
    Many women struggle with the lie that they have to be "perfect" before God can use them. I am reading the book, "A Lineage of Grace" by Francine Rivers. It is the story of 5 women of the Bible: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary. As the author states, "These women were not perfect, and yet God in His infinite mercy used them in His perfect plan to bring forth the Christ, the Savior of the world."

    God can use us too, in spite of our imperfections, and that should give us all hope and courage.
  • Renayz
    Renayz Posts: 12 Member
    Ah my favorite author!!! That's a great book. Enjoy!!
  • wilprosper
    wilprosper Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for sharing. So glad I logged on today. Needed some encouragement. Thanks ladies.
  • wilprosper
    wilprosper Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for sharing. So glad I logged on today. Needed some encouragement. Thanks ladies.
  • laineyy011
    Thanks for sharing!