Who what where?!

aWashCloth Posts: 198 Member
This is going to be the "Introduce yourself" section. Since I'm the only person here (For now) I'll put my short story (Since I totally understand no one wants to read a paragraph every day)

Im Laura, I started my weight loss journey at 230, I'm at around 190 now and my brother got me P90X for Christmas, since I have a half marathon coming up in February, I thought I better start training now. What better way than this! I work in Parks and Recreation and have found a love for running!


  • Nharley
    Nharley Posts: 201
    My name is Natalie, a 44 yr old mom of 2 teens. Married to a good man, although he does not workout with me. I was successful on MFP last year meeting my weight loss goal. A few upsets in my personal life had me shelving anything good for myself for nearly a year. I gained everything back, depression and a loss of enjoying life to it's fullest. I have just recently started logging on daily...thick or thin, I will do something to better my physical and mental self going into 2012! I have found all but 2 DVD's for PX90 after the move, so I feel confident I can take part in this group! :smile: I am currently living in Daytona, FL. and I do all of my exercise at home.
  • gregorshrn
    gregorshrn Posts: 10 Member
    My name is Chrissy, 33 year old mother of 5 (12, 10, 5, 3, and now 6 month old)! I live in Cincinnati, OH. My main goal when I started MFP in september 2011 was to lose baby weight and become stronger and more energetic to keep up with these kiddos:) I started running and now am ready to start strength training with my running. My ultimate goal is to run a half marathon in may (Flying Pig)! I can run 6 miles right now and hope that with P90x that I will gain muscle and cardiac endurance to keep running til that final 13 th mile. I plan on doing the P90x lean and will be working out at home. I am a nurse and work night shift so my workout time depends on my work schedule. Sometimes its midnight and I am running on the treadmill so my workout times vary greatly. My husband will be doing the regular version of p90x so hopefully we can keep each other strong at home. I am looking forward to starting and keeping my journal to see how far I can go with P90x. Good luck everyone
  • My name is Brian, 39 from central Illinois. I am 6'3" and currently weigh 236. According top the charts I am right below the line of obesity which I don't want to go. I actually got the P90X program six months ago and used it for a week before my excuses and schedule got in the way. I am determined to start and continue to use it this time hopefully with everyones help.

    My main goal is to get to 195 pounds and run a local marathon in August.
  • RoosterB
    RoosterB Posts: 214 Member
    My name's Simon from the UK. Got P90X a couple of weeks ago but waited for the pull up bar etc to arrive last week. Done a couple of sessions and the fitness test and will be starting on the 2nd Jan.
    6' 1" and approx 235lbs so hoping to slim down and lose the 35lbs eventually.
    Managed the fitness test fine but concerned about only managing 2 pullups :(
    Work in Cincinnati lots and was at the flying pig half marathon earlier this year supporting a friend. I was near the end holding a banner saying I'd missed the royal wedding to come support her :). Fancy giving it a go in 2012.

    Anyway looking forward to doing this with you all and feel free to friend me.
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    My name is Larry from Atlanta, GA. This will be my 3rd round of P90X. I'm 47, my current weight is 220 lbs and my initial goal is to get to 195 lbs. From there I will see if I need to go any lower. My highest weight was 330 lbs. I've spent several years getting rid of the weight really really want to get below 200 lbs. I enjoy hiking and long walks on the beach ... LOL

    I was down to 210 lbs before the holidays but a combination of getting the flu, tendonitis and having way too much food around set me back.

    I feel close to 100% again and I'm ready to BRING IT!
  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    Hi all! I am Stormy and this is my second round of P90X. My goal this time around is to focus on nutrition as I didn't do that last time and really was disappointed with my results. I have about 30# to lose and I am going on a cruise in 94 days...perfect timing!

    Look forward to getting to know everyone!
  • TexasPatriot
    TexasPatriot Posts: 63 Member
    Hello, Michael from Harlingen, TX. Bought the P90x program about 2 years ago and have never completed it. I'm 39 y/o 5ft9in and 225lbs. I would like to be down to 190. I saw this group and decided that I wanted to complete the workout for 2012. I think the thing that really got me away from it was that it takes up a lot of free time and 1 to 1.5 hours everyday was not feasible. I have more time now and a more normal work schedule so I'm hoping that I keep pushing play.
  • libland
    libland Posts: 284 Member
    Hi, I am Libby from Michigan. I will be 47 in February. I am currently at 209 and working my way back to 140. I bought P90X a couple of years ago and keep pulling it out every once in a while but have yet to do the entire program. I am going to follow the lean schedule and I will be starting on Sunday. I finished Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred over the weekend, so I am ready to get started. Did the fit test yesterday and did better than I thought. Failed the pull up (dah... can't even do one) and the wall squat. I found Excel spreadsheets on the Beachbody website so my inner geek is ready to roll.
  • bander21
    bander21 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi, I'm Brittany! I'm 20, and a nursing student! I've struggled with my weight since I was a little girl. My boyfriend has surprised me with a cruise for my 21st birthday. I know its a year away (we had to plan ahead to save up and be able to afford it because I am not working year round due to school) and I was devastated at first! I did not want to be on a ship in front of people in a bathing suit. Therefore, I have decided instead of being afraid of my body, and making my boyfriend suffer, I am going to change my body and become a better ME! I am going to work on nutrition, and work out! I have a bikini all picked out and a pair of cute jean shorts I want to wear! P90X is just what I need to change my life around! Its one day at a time, and I'm ready!
  • I'm Theresa. I've done 60 days of P90X a few times. I'd like to finish this time. I'm recovering from foot surgery so will have to modify as I'm still on no weight bearing. I tend to modify cardio and kenpo with running and cycling.
  • I'm Jill, 39 y/o mother of 6. Got P90X for myself and my hubby last year (as a 2011 New Year's Resolution). Never finished or really even started the program in earnest. I was 220 lbs then and am now 192 with about 30 more to lose. Looking to turn back the clock a bit and get some energy. I know I will need to do it alone as my hubby is not the workout type. I am a busy executive so I am concerned witht he amount of time the program requires, but I am hoping suggestions on this thread will assist with that. Starting the program Monday, January 2.
  • My name is Chris and I live in Maine. I am 40, married and have four children. I have been on mfp for 9 months. I have lost 53 pounds by watching what I eat and running. I have done a few 5k races and I have a long run of 10 miles. I got p90x for.Christmas and I plan on starting it on 1/1/12. I have a fridge full of their recommended foods, a workout room, heartrate monitor and I can't wait
  • My name is Donna and I am a 31 year old married lady with a 2 year old:)

    I completed P90x about this time last year and I looked and felt fantastic and then I just stopped because I didn't think I needed to work out anymore. Pretty irritated with myself. So, I am starting over on 1/1/2012 with all of you. I did great on the working out and never missed a beat but my eating defiently could have been better! Wasn't horrible but it wasn't great. Last time I did lean and this time i am going to start with classic. I decided to join this group so I can get support and ask questions about the diet part. I am here if you need me and I look forward to completing this journey with all of you!
  • Jennifer0878
    Jennifer0878 Posts: 94 Member
    My name is Jennifer and I am a wife to an amazing husband and a stay-at-home mother to 3 beautiful children (4, 2 and 5 months). I have done P90X Lean, P90X, Insanity (3 times) and am wanting to do P90X Classic AND eat clean. I have always worked out so that I could eat junk, but I'm now realizing that I will never look the way that I want to if I don't start eating clean. I actually started eating pretty clean a couple of months ago and I have noticed a HUGE difference in my energy level.

    My current weight is 117 pounds, so I'm not really trying to lose weight, but I do want to lose body fat and gain muscle. I'm still nursing my 5 month old, so I'm hoping the P90X won't affect my supply too much, although I don't see my son nursing for too much longer. I finished my third round of Insanity (since 2009) 2 months ago and I felt GREAT, but then I took some time off and I noticed that I started getting flabby again. I just want to gain muscle because strong is the new skinny/sexy! :)

    I'd love to share recipes with anyone else out there who wants to eat clean. I love to cook and I am always looking for new and healthy meals!
  • My name is Jason. I started at 295 pounds and have gotten down to 257. I have Insanity but I am switching out p90x and insanity with a neighbor and we are going to rotate and then start to combine the two routines and go from there. My goal is to get to 210 right now and see where to go from there. I think due to my height (6'6') it should be the right mix and I was at my healthiest at that weight during my military days. I am excited to make this leap with you all and can't wait to hear similar accomplishments that I will have!!!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey all, my name is Mike, and I just started my 2nd round of P90X Classic on Monday 12/26. In 2011 I completed the original Power 90, Power 90 Master Series, and one round of P90X Classic. In the process I lost about 75 lbs, got much stronger and more flexible, and I feel better than I have in many years. I've gained 4 or 5 pounds between Thanksgiving and Christmas, so it's time to get going again! I'm super sore this week, but that's normal in the first week. This time around, my wife is doing P90X with me which is great. Hope everyone enjoys the workouts! If you show up every day and work hard, you WILL get results.

    BRING IT!!!
  • jkleeh
    jkleeh Posts: 108 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    My name is Jessie I am 25 yr old mother of three (4,2, and 6 months) The first time I started p90x I made it through the first 60 days, but I allowed my life to become to busy to work out so I stopped. I continued working out by running or doing a short cardio video, I am hoping to get back on the p90x track doing the lean work out. I have 27lbs of pre-pregnancy weight that I want gone by my birthday which is April 14th. I am excited to be apart of this group!!
  • I'm Mary-Catherine, I am a 28 year old wife and mother of two. I work full time as an administrative assistant at a state hospital and go to school online part time as well (I am working on a business degree in healthcare administration) I have been up and down with my weight many times (highest non-pregnant @ 178, lowest @ 125) and I have started and stopped P90X many times as well. I am committing to completing a full round beginning Monday (January 2nd)
  • nevareg
    nevareg Posts: 260 Member
    Hey guys!! I'm so excited to start this!! My name is Gabby, and I have a 3 yr old daughter and a husband who is currently deployed :( I've had P90x for forever now and decided to wipe off the dust and get off my *kitten*!! I've tried it before for like a week, and I felt like I was hit by a bus, which was a good thing, but I had some life moments that I got caught up in and found myself further and further from pressing that play button. I'm currently 205lbs and like to do the classic version and finish it this time!! I have about 6 months before my husband returns so I'm hoping for a good 2 rounds of P90x!! I wish you guys luck as I wish myself luck and I'm so ready to BRING IT!!
  • bran_d_wyne
    bran_d_wyne Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I'm Brandi. Single mom of one (6), social worker, and overweight. I'm 5'9" and 260. Started the P90X lean program today.