
Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
I keep reading how people are meeting on here and becoming couples. I have like 2 male "friends" on here and am just not seeing how that is happening with the female to male ratios. lol I am obviously not on mfp to use it as a dating site but it would be a lovely perk to meet a nice guy to talk to.

What do ya'll know about this?


  • alangholz
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Lets just say...I would try MFP (although the purpose isnt for dating) before all those other crappy dating sites out there. I find MFP to be more "normal" than the actual dating sites....I would just go with the flow of things....A few people I know/heard of have met/dated from MFP..I think that is awesome because most people here seem legit because they came on here for one purpose at first and then eventually the social aspect developed on here.... I don't see anything wrong with it :):)
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    I think it's easier to make a connection with people here. Similar goals and interest without all the stigma behind dating. But, I don't see how it would work for someone like myself, I can't relocate and I am not meeting people local to me.
  • mmgomez28
    mmgomez28 Posts: 85 Member
    I agree with Meghan. It would be a lovely perk.
  • jnhu72
    jnhu72 Posts: 558 Member
    I think if it happens it would be awesome. People are on here for the same goal-to get healthy, so it's nice to have something in common with people. Plus, there doesn't seem to be the creepers on here that are on dating sites.
  • jjjohnson31
    jjjohnson31 Posts: 108 Member
    I have like 2 male "friends" on here and am just not seeing how that is happening with the female to male ratios.

    The sort of funny thing (at least to me) about the MFP ratio is the island where I live is predominantly a commercial fishing port, and the male to female ratio has to be 10:1 if not more. To top it off, the women who do live here are all married or have a SO; so fun times being single here…
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    On normal dating sites there are way more men than women so its really hard to meet people. Its like putting my name in a hat of 50 other people and if you do win her over, she still has the other 50 dudes texting her constantly and it takes forever before they all finally quit. On here, people seem more genuine and normal than people on dating sites who are only on there for sex, boredom, or games. Like someone said, on here, you can meet people with sim goals and interests. I know its a fitness site but there are people who are trying to get fit and improve their lives and are single. Its like going to the gym, sometimes you can meet single people there and later on become a couple.

    Personally for me, is better to meet people with simular goals and interests in my area.
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    On normal dating sites there are way more men than women so its really hard to meet people. Its like putting my name in a hat of 50 other people and if you do win her over, she still has the other 50 dudes texting her constantly and it takes forever before they all finally quit. On here, people seem more genuine and normal than people on dating sites who are only on there for sex, boredom, or games. Like someone said, on here, you can meet people with sim goals and interests. I know its a fitness site but there are people who are trying to get fit and improve their lives and are single. Its like going to the gym, sometimes you can meet single people there and later on become a couple.

    Personally for me, is better to meet people with simular goals and interests in my area.

    yea per your previous suggestion I'm gonna try meetup. Because everything you said above is true.
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member

    yea per your previous suggestion I'm gonna try meetup. Because everything you said above is true.

    It really is true. I like meetup, Yelp, sports events, volunteer, wine tastings, online forums, bar at a restaurant, sushi places, art crawls, conventions, museums, and special events are the way to go.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    That's funny, I had almost this exact same thought today. I also only have like two, maybe three, male friends on my list and the thought of dating them never crosses my mind. People are always saying things like, "Who is your MFP crush?" umm... I honestly don't have one and I feel like I must be missing something because the idea of even flirting on here never crosses my mind. Somebody even said that MFP is their dating site... umm... what?

    I hear about people here who have even met their spouse through this site. Way to go for them, but how in the world did they do it? I wouldn't move half way across the country for someone and maybe that's the part of the equation I am missing. I have added a few ppl over my 200 days here from my city or near me, but then I have also deleted them after a while for various reasons.

    I guess I would be open to the idea if it happened, but I am certainly not looking for it, and really would have no idea how to find it if I really wanted it.
  • LMHinson15
    LMHinson15 Posts: 201 Member
    I guess I haven't been around enough to hear about actuall couples happening. I see plenty of flirting... but (for the most part) that's just fun!!

    I thought the same thing about "who's your crush." I've got less than 20 friends, and 2 of them are guys (great guys, but I haven't known anyone here that long!)

    There's one online dating ad that says "1 in 5 relationships start online." I guess they don't say which site online, ha!! I'm not really on here for that, but I think someone I'd meet by chance on a site like this would probably be more compatible than someone who was on another site for the specific reason of finding someone. Here people are more authentic, maybe not completely, but more so. I feel like when two people being "real" hit it off, it's likely to be a better match than two people who are putting their best foot forward, and trying to look good. Does that make any sense?

    Meh... however it works, if you're fortunate enough to find someone, regardless of where, best of luck!!

    Long, Live, Love (or something...)
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    My only male friend on here that lives remotely close enough to date is married. If he was single I am 100% certain we would have met by now. There is nothing wrong with meeting people on here. How else are we going to meet them??? It all happens by chance anyway. The few men I met from dating sites turned out to be total crazies......what would be different if the crazies were from here? Not a thing!
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    I can really see meeting someone from this site, they would get you just instantly and are going through the same issues. However, for me, as far as I know, there are no men from Toronto, Canada! Lol. Let alone single. Sigh.