


  • arourk
    arourk Posts: 1
    I just joined yesterday and starte looking at the community today. This looks like the challenge for me. I like to run and walk and bike some, but run mostly. I am looking for motivation and support and fun. I am from Kansas and look forward to running a half marathon in April in OKC for the memorial. I had a very challenging year last year and put on a lot of weight and want to take it off this year. I look forward to being part of this group.
  • Jane33572
    Jane33572 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi - from Florida here, so I have no reason not to get moving, except motivation.. Would like to run my first 5k in April and this should help me get started!
  • Sarabelle13
    Sarabelle13 Posts: 5 Member
    My name is Sarah and I live in Wisconsin. I am a huge Brewer and Packer fan and love to watch all the games. I don't know what to do with myself Feb-April :smile: I have been married for almost 6 years, but with my husband for 13 years! We have two little boys, 2 and 5 years old. My goal is to lose 22 lbs. After I had my second baby, I purchased the P90X workout series-I did it religiously every day for about 2 months. I lost all the baby weight and then some. Then I quit doing that and exercising altogether. Needless to say, I have put those pounds back on. I LOVE to cook and eat, which is my problem! I don't like sweets, but snacks, dips, etc are my weakness. This is my first time using this site, but it seems great so far. I hope to meet many new people and help support and motivate others. Good luck to everyone with their goals and I hope to meet you soon!
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Jaymefirst
    Jaymefirst Posts: 268 Member
    Hello all!!
    My name is Jayme, I am a 33 stay at home mom of 3 kids, and a full time student. I consider myself to be a runner but have never actually counted my miles. This is the perfect group to keep me motivated and log my miles!!
    I look forward to getting to know everyone!! Add me if you like ;)
  • Crossone
    Crossone Posts: 13 Member
    Happy New Year! I am a 54 yr old husband & father, married to my best friend. My wife & I have recently undergone a big weight loss. My sweet wife is down 97 pds with a few more to go. I have lost 55 pds, am currently on a maintainance program, & will be using MFP to keep it off for good.

    My wife & I look forward to long walks together and will be keeping in touch with others right here in this Group.

    :smile: Thank you, Mindi! And God speed to all Group members!
  • Hi there! I'm a CO gal who loves to try new challenges. I love the idea of completing 2,012 miles this year. What a great motivator!
  • yummymommyvt
    yummymommyvt Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Everyone

    My name is Chrissie. I am here in VT with 2 kids ages 2 and 7 both boys. I work full time and take care of all of my hobby in the back yard (my horse) and my poor dog that I am dragging in to this challenge with me.
  • I am Jan Taylor, a 56 yr old woman and I have been married many years to my wonderful husband. We live on the Texas Gulf Coast in a small town called Edna, Texas. My husband is retired and I am a Banker.

    We have a small hobby farm and raise fresh vegetables. We also have an endless supply of eggs from our very content hens. This spring we hope to be able to produce enough fresh vegetables to open up a farmers market in the community as well as start a "first pick" program for subscribers.

    I started my weight loss program for 2 reasons;

    1. I didn't know I was that heavy! I had always been thin and knew I was putting on a few pounds ...but until I saw myself in a picture last fall I didn't have a clue. See the picture on my profile in the upper left? I looked like a blooming idiot and had not seen John Wayne in almost a about embarrassed....

    2. In September my husband had a near fatal heart attack. He coded on me twice and I have never been so scared in my life...those were a very long 12 minutes....He also needs to shed some major pounds and is working on it although he is still under the watchful eye of his cardiologist and a team of others. Blessing abound - in mid January he has been cleared to start a cardiac rehab program at the hospital. Once the cardiac rehab doctor gives the go-ahead he will be "full steam" on weight loss. Until then he is forbidden to get on our exercise equipment and do nothing more than eat sensibly and mull around the house. So...I am starting it early to figure out what works and what doesn't and to become quite a good nutritionist.

    I try to bang out 25-30 miles a week on an exercise (fan) bike....guess I am going to have to get my fanny (pardon the pun) to peddling a little further!
  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    I'm Jennifer and I live in Kansas. I think that this group will be great motivation for me. I am kind of just starting out and try to increase my walking time. I really want to try and increase my distance and endurance this year along with transitioning into jogging and possibly running.
  • kemeko
    kemeko Posts: 158 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm Kemeko from Florida. I'm trying to get in shape and train for my first 5K run. I've signed up for two in February, but they will most likely be walks. By the end of the year, I hope to be running them!

    Looking forward to participating in this group! :smile:
  • campfirecrafter
    campfirecrafter Posts: 25 Member
    HI everyone,

    I am up here in the wilds of Northern Manitoba , Canada. I attempted 2011 kms in 2011 and came in around the 1500 mark (I only count if I go out for a walk,run, hike or snowshoe not the walking I do day to day) , I would love to try and make the 2012 in 2012.

    As I am really bad at working in miles I am going to attempt it in kilometers (which is a lot less, but far more realistic for me. )

    Good luck everyone
  • 416runner
    416runner Posts: 159
    Hello everyone! I'm in Toronto and my goal is to run 2012 km this year, and to hit 2012 miles between running and cycling. I ran my first half marathon last year and am registered for another two this year. Looking forward to chatting with you all!
  • traintk
    traintk Posts: 22
    Hi everyone! My name is Denise and I am so excited about trying to do all of these miles. I have 2 beautiful children and a wonderful husband. I hope that my husband and I can start running together. WE CAN DO THIS!

    Yes you can!!
  • kksn
    kksn Posts: 122 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    My name is Kendra, I'm 28, married for almost 4.5 years, and a runner. I've been on MFP since October 2009, and went from 174 to 138 by my birthday in May 2010. But then I graduated from grad school, was traveling for interviews, moving to a new city, and starting a new job... and I let that be an excuse to fall off the wagon. So I'm back here, now 156.4 pounds (as of this morning) and ready to try again. I love to run and have completed 5 marathons (PR was this past June when I was at my goal weight and in super great shape... ran Grandma's Marathon in 3:53). However, I haven't been running much in the last 6 months, so I have some work to do to get back my endurance. I was born and raised in WI (as was the hubby) and we are both huge Packers and Brewers fans... and it should go without saying that we are also big fans of cheese (when will they make a calorie free cheese that tastes like the real stuff? :wink: ) Anyway, with that said, I'm looking forward to the challenge of 2012 in 2012. Good luck everyone!
  • kittary
    kittary Posts: 80 Member
    My name is K'tara and I am setting new goals for my self this year. 10K, Half Marathon and Sprint Tri are among them. I am looking forward to logging my miles here to help me stay on track. I attempted to do a Tri last year but never committed fully to the training thus, did NOT happen. Not an issue...this is a new year and what did not work last year does not enter 2012! I am a single mother of 2 teenage boys in the Dallas, Tx area and I work from home (which helps a LOT to single parent but not when it comes to burning calories).

    I am excited about posting my first week, heading to the gym now!
  • Shisca
    Shisca Posts: 3 Member
    Hey everyone. Congrats on the awesome goal!

    I'm Shisca from New Zealand. We do everything in km over here so for my challenge i'm going to do 2012km this year.
    I work a desk job so to help with making the target a little easier (but still relatively challenging) i'm including running, walking, cycling, cross trainers, and rowing machines. Classes at the gym i'm counting as 3km except for spin which i'm counting as 5km.

    So far so good. Day 17 and i'm up to 74km already.

    I've signed up for a 7km run/walk at the end of february and are hoping to do a half marathon later in the year.
    Looking forward to the challenge! Good luck everyone
  • Hi, my name is Ray and I think this is a great Idea for group... I will begin tracking monday 1-29-12, for me its a new week and I can start adding my milage from that point.
    Looking forward to hearing from you guys and being part of the group.
  • WolffEarl
    WolffEarl Posts: 379 Member
    Hello everyone
    My name is Earl and I am just getting started on this now. I have some 55 pounds to lose and need to get back into shape. Did a few 5K, 10K and HM last year but been a while so dropping weight and getting moving again will be priority and this group should be a help with that. So basic math dictates that 2010 miles =3219.2 K. We have about 325 days left (assuming no off days) which basically means I need to log 10 k (about 6 miles) daily (walking, running, cycling). That sound doable (famous last words).
    Does this group log their distances here or is this just something we do when the mood strikes us? Anyway glad to have found this group. Be well.
  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,258 Member
    Earl, I'm not sure what the majority are doing but a few of us log on a daily or weekly basis on this thread:
  • mommamindi
    mommamindi Posts: 256 Member
    Guys, I am so, so sorry I have been absent for a while, I literally got bombed with horrible news and fell into a bad depression. Between my husband and entire family getting sick, full time school, full time internship, job search, and my 8 week old son in the hospital for the flu I didnt have time for me. Then my 18 month old fell and needed three stitches. I have completely disappeared for a while, but I am back, and I need some help, so if you are up for being a moderator let me know, and if you are up for being a buddy and keeping me accountable let me know about that too!