How do you measure?

GouchisGirl Posts: 321 Member
If we don't use scales and measuring cups it is generally human nature to over measure a little bit when just eyeballing things. How do you measure?

Scale: Do you go under or over the weight of the food that you are weighing or right on?

Measuring cup: Do you squish the food down in the cup? Measure it level? Measure it under? Put it in lightly?

And.... do you measure/weigh your food before or after it is cooked?

For me it depends on the food. Veggies I measure raw. Chicken I weigh cooked. When I weigh my food I am always a little under except for things like a potato, then I'm right on. And for items like cooked rice, I put it in the measuring cup loosely rather then pack it in like a chinese carton.

I was just curious how everyone measures their food. It is surpising to some people how doing this different ways can really add to calorie intake or free you of calories that aid in weight loss :)


  • Sherie13
    Sherie13 Posts: 250 Member
    Oh I use a food scale. I weight everything, dead on weight. I rarely use a measuring cup anymore unless it's liquid. I get a little crazy about the weight. :)
  • Momma2fourunder5
    Momma2fourunder5 Posts: 98 Member
    I use a food scale too and it is usually before the food is cooked, as I normally enter in each ingredient in my food log in it's raw form.
  • MollyDukes
    MollyDukes Posts: 233 Member
    I use a food scale too.
  • theresabugx
    theresabugx Posts: 97 Member
    i generally use meausring cups, i have a scale on my counter, but i never really use it (i should )
  • rachelmarie1
    rachelmarie1 Posts: 201 Member
    weigh your meats before cooking them, that's what the serving is based on...
    example:: 6 oz raw steaks
    you have 3 6oz raw steaks... cook 1 raw, 1 medium, and 1 well done
    *all 3 started off weighing 6oz... but bc they were cooked to different doneness they will all weigh different amounts

    i dont use a scale so im not sure about that, but when i use measuring cups i just scoop it out or pour into the cup if possible, i dont pack anything.