I'm Getting Excited

I am so excited and scared at the same time!!!! This time tomorrow I will be pumping iron with Tony!! I think it's going to hurt but I'm going to start off 2012 the right way:happy: :laugh:


  • clasr71
    clasr71 Posts: 10
    I feel the same way you do, its going to be great though. Started my "new diet" this morning......cottage cheese, strabberries and 3 oz of shaved ham.
  • aWashCloth
    aWashCloth Posts: 198 Member
    Excitment got the best of me and I started early. I'm still excited because as it gets harder, I know im going to look better! W00t
  • It's monday already here!!! starting on DAY 1 today, I'm excited to get rid of the fat and bring in the awesomeness, good luck to everyone!!! LET'S F***ING DO THIS!!!!