WoW noob

thor1god1of1awesome Posts: 481 Member
edited October 2024 in Social Groups
Im going to try out world of Warcraft tonight so if any of my friends are WoW players what are your opinion on your favorite races and classes


  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I've played for 6 years and recently quit to play Star Wars. I played a Shaman, Hunter and Druid. I really like druids because you can dps, tank and heal with that class. I played Alliance for 4 years then switched over to Horde. I think I enjoyed Alliance better than Horde. At least the main cities were better Alliance side. I haven't played a worgen but they seem pretty cool!

    Feel free to ask any questions!
  • Ty kap
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    my fav is warriors. they look the best with gear and you can dps or tank.
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    Used to be a draenei priest. Now a dwarf priest. I'm too much of a goody goody to be anything else! I'd recommend having a look at each race and the bonus you get to different stats/profs and decide what class to go for from that. Yo ucan always change to a different class if you don't get on with casting/melee/ranged combat.

    I love being a healer/caster so priest class works well for me. I enjoyed being a mage and warlock as well but nothing beats healing for me.
  • thor1god1of1awesome
    thor1god1of1awesome Posts: 481 Member
    Ty guys
  • p1xelate
    p1xelate Posts: 141 Member
    I loved just making a toon and enjoying the class. I think my favorites were priest, hunter and mage but really each class has a lot to offer and I didn't play any that I hated. I know I am in the minority but each time I got my toon maxed it was kinda a bummer because I am not much for end game content, so I would create a new toon and start over. I did find I preferred Horde to Ally
  • Mahu77
    Mahu77 Posts: 34
    I've played them all, and it's really going to come down to your play style. Do you prefer being a supporting party member? Do you like jumping into the fray and unleashing doom upon all your enemies? Do you like to sneak in and assassinate mobs? Beyond that, there are tons of things to enjoy about the game; it has a great story line if you pay attention to it. is a great information site for new WoW players. If you haven't started playing just yet then come to Suramar(PvE) and join the Radikal Faeries guild. I'm currently playing a Dwarf Paladin dubbed Maclintoc, and I love him. Any questions just ask. :)
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I've leveled everything to 85 but they've made things quite a bit easier now such that basically ANY class will be easy to level up.

    While this isn't what you asked, let me mention this: the biggest recommendation I can give you would be to learn to keybind your abilities. There's a keybinding option in the esc menu so that you can assign a keystroke to each ability. Do this from level 1 on. You will move with your mouse and use q/e to strafe. Your left hand will then use keystrokes to activate abilities. (This is opposed to clicking on the icons to activate them).
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I still play wow and do exactly what Sidesteal recommends. My original main is a feral druid and my current is a death knight. I actually have my strafe keys set to C and V, and almost every other button on three of the action bars is tied to a keyboard key. I use the mouse to move. One bar is for thing such as rez, trade skills, etc. You can also create macros that are helpful for multi-action 'events', such as target x and cast y on them.

    I have at least 1 of every class, in many different race combos in both alliance and horde. Within about 20 levels, I think you'll find out if you like the class/race enough to continue leveling it.

    I'm not a Wow raid fan (raiding in Everquest spoiled me), but the trade skills in Wow blow most other games trade skill feature away. So try them out (plus you'll need some way to earn money).

    And have fun!
  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    I chose a class based on the classes I usually play in RPGs. So I choose a Blood Elf Rogue first. I loved it. That is a DPS class if ever there was one. Eventually, I moved onto a Night Elf Druid. (I'd be a Troll Druid now, but they didn't have that class/race combo back then.) There's so much you can do with a druid. You can melee dps in cat form, tank in bear form, heal in the resto tree, and spell caster dps! There are literally so many different play styles with a druid that it never seems to get old. When I was tired of cat, I'd go bear. When I was tired of dps, I'd heal. When I got tired of running around after all the bosses and bad tanks as melee dps, I'd go spell caster dps. So it incorporated aspects of a rogue in cat form and gave me all these other choices. I loved it.

    But some people try every race/class combo at some point. Some stick with the one race/class combo they really enjoy. I'd say go with the race you like the look of best, as this matters when you're running around looking at it for 85 levels. Then pick a class that seems interesting and go from there. By about level 10, you can tell if you're interested in pursuing the class.
  • I have at 85: nelf mage (originally draenei), dwarf hunter, human warrior and draenei paladin. I've also got a nelf druid at 68 and a draenei shaman at 40.

    I've been playing for 5 years and I found hunter to be the most dull because it was so mind-numbingly easy to level. Paladin was a bit boring too. I'm a tank on my warrior and I really love having all the mobs on me and keeping threat. I heal on my druid and quite enjoy that too, hots are fun. I suppose mage is my favourite but that's my first character and I raided on her for years so I've got to know the class intimately.

    It all boils down to which play style you'd prefer: tank, healer, melee dps or ranged dps. When you choose your class, the game will have a description of what type of role it can fulfill, so let yourself be guided by that.

    As for race, just go with which look you like best. The various stat/skill bonuses aren't significant enough to make or break you.
  • Currently gaming on Holy Pala and feral druid... and sometimes on my afflilock and disco priest, I find healing interesting, as well as tanking. But when it comes variaty of things you can do, I'd recommend druid ^^
  • evonday
    evonday Posts: 141 Member
    I've got a Holy/Prot Paladin, Resto/Mdps Druid, Arcane/Fire Mage, and Shadow/Disc Priest.

    Warlock, Rogue, Mage, and Hunter are pure dps classes.
    Priests, Druids, Shamans, and Paladins can heal and dps.
    Paladins, Druids, Deathknights, and Warriors can tank and dps.

    I mostly played the alliance side, but Horde is fun too. Horde races have better racials *except humans who have bomb racials*, but they're minor, Alliance has better designed cities, though you'll spend most of your time in Stormwind (I miss Ironforge!), and everything else is just preference.

    Pick a race and side you like most and have fun!
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    My most sincere piece of advice regarding WOW.... if you have even a little bit of OCD, or addictive personality, quit now!!

    WoW consumed me for years. Literally. I ran a business and such, but was nowhere near productive.
  • p1xelate
    p1xelate Posts: 141 Member
    yeah I became WAY to consumed by WOW for awhile. I lost interest after cataclysm. It was just no challenge in leveling anymore (got a goblin to 60 within a month while hardly trying) so I started trying to find other things to play.
  • Slimithy
    Slimithy Posts: 348 Member
    I first tried a Dwarf Pally and got bored quick. So I went the other way and did an Undead Warlock. IT's been my main ever since. I've got a goblin shammy and a cow druid too that I'm leveling. I have a maxed DK, fun to level but I've not tried him in dungeons yet. FOR THE HORDE!!!
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    Have to say my favourite is a Shadow Priest, I found it easier giving out some serious pew pew at a distance...used to get in to trouble when I played a Fury Warrior...oops :blushing: Priest healing is quite fun too :smile:
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    Healing is awesome if you get some good add ons. I mainly play a priest healer human. My other alt that I really enjoy is my Resto Shaman. The only other toon I have is my Holy Pally. These three all heal. :)
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    Rogues ftw though my pala tank is the easiest thing I've played
  • Purpleflipflops
    Purpleflipflops Posts: 563 Member
    Just Started A few weeks ago!!! :D
    I'm playing as a Shadow Priest
  • nalfavi
    nalfavi Posts: 174 Member
    I suggest a tanking or healing capable class, as getting into a dungeon while leveling will be super quick, and will ease the repetition of questing. I'm on Proudmore Horde currently, but my "main" server is Blackhand alliance :)
  • Lady_Chilli
    Lady_Chilli Posts: 161 Member
    I've played for a few years, it depends what type of character you want to be, I've got a 85 Druid, 85 Hunter and 85 Mage. Mages are good fun if I was to roll another character I'd probably do a rogue.
  • xaniza
    xaniza Posts: 250 Member
    Healing is awesome if you get some good add ons. I mainly play a priest healer human. My other alt that I really enjoy is my Resto Shaman. The only other toon I have is my Holy Pally. These three all heal. :)

    Hehe I'm the same as you... except my main was a Belf Holy Pally. My main alts were Troll Sham, Troll Priest, Tauren Druid (too cheap to race change), and an UD hunter (gotta switch it up). I gotta stop reading all these posts about WoW... making me have the itch... MUST RESIST! I quit last June. I miss some aspects but Cataclysm got old REEEAL fast (I swear, I lvled that hunter from lvl1 and got it end game gear equal to my main in no time as a backup dps for one of my guilds' other raid groups. We had 4 10man teams at the time)... as far as the pandas... I'm still on the fence.
  • plumwd
    plumwd Posts: 161 Member
    I currently have 4 85s, 2 priests, a mage, and a warlock.

    One of the priests is my main although I used to raid with the mage for several years.

    I played spriest for many years, but am now healing for the most part.

    My fav though is probably mage.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I quit about a year ago. I was so obsessed it was ridiclous. However I did make some lifelong friends.
    I played Horde. Alliance just seemed like it was full of kids. Find a nice adult guild to play with.

    I was a warlock back when we were seriously overpowered. I was a f'ing dps bomb. It was sick.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I quit about a year ago. I was so obsessed it was ridiclous. However I did make some lifelong friends.
    I played Horde. Alliance just seemed like it was full of kids. Find a nice adult guild to play with.

    I was a warlock back when we were seriously overpowered. I was a f'ing dps bomb. It was sick.
    I have an alliance dwarf priest, kid :laugh: I quit around the time Firelands came out and now I play SWToR (Star Wars) with a Jedi Consular Sage. :bigsmile:
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